@Cleveland Cavaliers

Isaac Okoro is Showing His Versatility

Isaac Okoro is Showing His Versatility

by NewAltWhoThis


  1. Okoro is our best player and JB needs to realize it.

  2. disastertranzport

    His progression thus far has been a pleasure to watch hope he stays the course!

  3. monsteroftheweek13

    He’ll never be an offensive engine but he doesn’t need to be. Him hitting 39% on 3s at 3 attempts per game is the kind of improvement nobody outside of Cleveland is going to notice, but it was one of my favorite storylines in what was otherwise a strange and sometimes frustrating regular season.

    I always envisioned his ceiling being a PJ Tucker type with more on-ball and fast-break skills. He’s not as big but he has the same ability to guard up.

    He’s almost there. And to be clear, that’s a really valuable player for winning basketball games — just ask the Rockets and Bucks.

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