@Philadelphia 76ers

I want to take the time and make this post to say F*** you DiVincenzo

This dude is a dirty player that I can’t stand seeing on the floor. His defense consists of holding on to the person with the ball for dear life not allowing them to move. If this guy hurts one of our players I’m going to lose it. Maxey got absolutely hacked all games 1 + 2, and this little shit keeps talking. This clown called out embiid for “playing dirty,” when that’s all this guy does. Pot calling the kettle black, I can’t stand this dude. F*** you DiVincenzo. Have a Good Friday all.

by WhitePriest1


  1. WhitePriest1

    Also I’m done with r/NBA. Everyone just starting to watch basketball posts their useless opinions talking shit on us without realizing what we’ve gone through as a sports city. This shit is literally Philly and that one Canadian fan from Vancouver (#1 Post on our page) VS all

  2. StevenFromPhilly

    Fuck this ginger bitch.

    Meanwhile, can we trade for him?

  3. Other than looking like half the scumbags I grew up with in NE Philly, he’s fine.

  4. thorondor52

    It bothers me that he’s from my home town. He looks like a create-a-player from NBA Live 2003.

  5. Chiefster21

    Fun story for everyone. In 2018, I went to see Black Panther in KOP with a friend who doesn’t watch sports. We went to Shake Shack at the mall first. Donte DiVincenzo walks in with a girl on each arm. I tell my friend “You see that tall ginger over there? He plays for Nova. I think he is pretty good.” This was right before March Madness when he played lights out in the Championship. Well either way, he just walks right in front of me and my friend and orders before us. So fuck this line cutting bitch

  6. Bloody_Corndog

    The Knicks/Sixers rivalry is back and I love it. Hope we keep the momentum going Game 4.

  7. PwillyAlldilly

    Dude looked like a trashy douche ever since I saw him in college. Couldn’t care less about the guy or any Nova player.

  8. Captain_America_93

    Yeah! Fuck that bitch! Can’t believe he would grab someone’s leg like that. I’d never support someone so wreckless and out of control. Probably has a ton of flagrants too. Very dirty player

  9. chrimbuspast

    Not even Delco trash. He’s DELAWARE trash. God I wish he was on our team.

  10. allisondojean

    He was my favorite on that Villanova team 🙁 how things have changed. 

  11. ernestbonanza

    seriously, he might be the most hateworthy player I’ve ever watched in the NBA, I’m so annoyed with this guy

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