@Miami Heat

Caleb on his contract situation: “Yeah, I want to be here. I always want to be here, and I will always want to be here. That stuff will take care of itself. There’s no telling what goes on down the road, but my priority is staying here. It’s always been that, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

Caleb on his contract situation: “Yeah, I want to be here. I always want to be here, and I will always want to be here. That stuff will take care of itself. There’s no telling what goes on down the road, but my priority is staying here. It’s always been that, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

by tomgreen99200


  1. rhombergnation

    He really is just too perfect for this team for us to lose him.

  2. So happy he was able to return from his injury last game, his twin wasn’t playing well for us

  3. OrganizationFar6086

    Looks like we have $182m committed already for next season. The second apron is $182m. Feels like if we keep Caleb someone is going to have to get traded

  4. Flaky-Mathematician8

    I want him to stay but I’m sure he going wherever the money is

  5. This is why we always run it back. Too many lifers

  6. CurryMustard

    Ball the fuck out and lead us to the promise land, then the heat will take care of you

  7. JRclarity123

    Short of a title run, I just can’t see Caleb staying unless he is willing to turn down millions.

  8. Folk-Herro

    I would love him to stay but he would have take a bit of discount to do so. Dude is getting no less than $13 million from a team and could get close to $20 million if a team is desperate enough.

    A wing who can guard 1-4, is good slasher, not a great shooter but once he’s hot basically becomes Ray Allen, can create his own shot in secondary action but can still be effective without the ball are valuable pieces to winning teams. If Max got $17 million for shooting the shit outta the ball, Caleb can get just as much for his versatility and two-way game.

  9. Affectionate_Grade80

    If he is offered the similar deal like Strus to Cleveland Caleb is gone if Pat could work his magic or if Andy and Mickey actually want to open up the books to resign a really good player in Caleb it’s possible he stays. I can’t fault him if he leaves tbf he has outplayed his contract and deserves the money. But you never know players have been known to take less just to keep winning Wade did all the time. I still think we should’ve resigned Wade and probably a few role players instead of throwing the bag at an underperforming Whiteside.

  10. viewspodcast

    I would love for him to stay, but also know he deserves to be paid. Regardless Heat lifer and wish him all the success.

  11. friedtaro

    I really hope they work it out and he’s able to stay

  12. Muted_Dog7317

    I think there are three options this summer.

    1. Break up the Bam/Butler/Herro core. Who knows what the roster would end up looking like
    2. Run it back without Caleb because he puts us over the second apron
    3. Trade Duncan or Rozier and bring back Caleb

    Not sure what the FO will choose at this point.

  13. Vitiate1367

    I would love for him to stay. He’s a really good player and has a great mentality

  14. OceanicLemur

    Problem is he’s gonna get a big time player bonus and resigning him will cost us flexibility. All in all I’m glad we didn’t move him at the deadline like some people wanted

  15. MusicianExtension536

    I mean he can directly control that by replicating the Caleb Martin from last years ECF and help lead the team on another run starting today

    If Caleb balls like last playoffs and they make a run he’ll get fuckin paid in Miami

  16. Top-Ocelot-9758

    Celtics are gonna throw insane money at him so they never have to see him in the playoffs again

  17. ebolarama86

    If this man carries us to another playoff series win against Boston, not only should he get his bag, he should get a damn statue.

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