@New York Knicks

They cry? Doesn’t he play for the team that filed a Grievance?

They cry? Doesn’t he play for the team that filed a Grievance?

by Nyfan7


  1. realmatic2e

    lol, these guys know it was a dirty play but don’t want to throw a teammate under the bus. The same as Nurse saying he didn’t see the play lol

  2. TBF in the video theres a Vice versa right after the “they cry” comment so that part is not as bad as it seems.

  3. AluminiumLlama

    Which Knick player was crying about this? I’m genuinely asking. Like, we know Embiid and Nurse cried about game 2, but I haven’t seen any Knicks players or coaches crying about this play?

    Am I wrong?

  4. > They’re gonna hit, then we hit back

    Can anyone point to the dirty play we did first that justified Embiid grabbing Mitch’s legs in the air?

    I personally can’t remember one

  5. chicken101

    I thought all those were accidents though? Oh wait, so they’re admitting it was all on purpose. Nice lie guys, they really think they’re smarter than everyone else, don’t they?

  6. TheGuardian8

    I’m assuming he’s concussed from running a red light like a jackass. That’s the only reason I could imagine him saying something so fucking stupid.

    Do you think the sixers organization is just full of scumbags, or do they just take after Embiid?

  7. tconner87

    He would be just as unlikable as embiid if he was the least bit relevant

  8. MaxStunning_Eternal

    Oubre been yapping WAY too much. Gotta start a “who bre” chant at MSG Now.

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