@Oklahoma City Thunder

The Thunder Players Completely Ignored the TNT Post game crew for Nick Gallo 😂♥️

TNT started interviewing Jdub and they told her to hang on and all flocked to Nick Gallo, and TNT just kind of ended it. 😂 I took a video but idk how to upload it here since I can’t do attachments lol.

It was awesome and hilarious to watch, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that happen before 😂 this team is now my favorite Thunder team ever.

Edit: found a way to upload the video from my phone, hopefully you can hear it:

[Thunder Players Ignore TNT Crew for Nick Gallo](

by Shepard_Drake


  1. ThundermifflinTFU

    Holy shit that’s super unprofessional but very funny.

  2. shutemdownyyz

    Then Allie ended it before they could bark 😂

  3. blacksoxing

    Watching it live, she treated that rejection like shew as up in the club, on some “I’m going to….” and disappearing out the shot.

    I bet she was fuming like a mothafucka as she got rejected by a bunch of hilarious goofs who love Gallo more. She ain’t living her life for this!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. RockarStockar

    In the Thunder’s defense the TNT crew can’t even get Chet’s name right. Plus, the Thunder have been an afterthought all season. Screw the national crews!

  5. Mercury2124

    I love the fact that they care more about catering to local fans than trying to get national recognition. It tells me alot about their character

  6. ArtisticBuilding9123

    Man, what’s not to love about this team?


    I love that they love nick gallo because i love nick gallo. Omg this is the best thunder team ever(vibes + playstyle)

  8. MrSportman

    Does anyone have the actual Nick Gallo interview?

  9. FormerOrpheus

    Maybe if the TNT crew would learn to pronounce their names correctly.

  10. FormerOrpheus

    It looked like the NBA media guy was telling Galo that he needed to let the TNT crew have priority after his interview was over.

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