@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokić Full Postgame Four Press Conference vs. Lakers 🎙

Nikola Jokić Full Postgame Four Press Conference vs. Lakers 🎙

Hear what Niklola Jokić had to say after Game Four against the Los Angeles Lakers.

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Nikola Jokić Full Postgame Four Press Conference vs. Lakers 🎙


  1. Absolutely dominated by AD all night long and the worst thing is he didn’t even look like he cared

  2. Missing open looks is what’s killing us, and cb and pwat being scared to shoot is holding us back, we need to get rid of these slow starts 😶

  3. It's not that bad of a game but, why did it feel like they weren't on a rush to close the series? That better not be a management call to enjoy 2 more home-court ticket sales.

  4. Start strong from start to finish next game. Dont gamble being down in the first half again. common!

  5. Од почетка су изашли да изгубе ову утакмицу. Једини су Јокић и Портер одиграли како и играју увек. Да није Јокића, ова екипа је много лоша. Са оваквом игром Вукови ће их одвалити са 4:0

  6. They should fire Coach Malone ! Why don't use #3 Julian to save them !
    Why let Jamal hold the ball whole the day to score less than MPJ ?

  7. Lakers fan here I love Nikola Jokic and congrats on getting him he’s amazing also congrats on your recent success I remember the Melo teams they were awesome

  8. He is most honest and humble player ever I can imagine how boring is after every game come there sit and explain how you win or loose when all reporters was there and watch game and always same stupid question I will be like AD 🎤 drop 😂

  9. The great jokic will be back, try to wrap up the series and win. people need to realize that the lakers are a lot better than last season. Go nuggets

  10. However you still need a strong horse so it stays steady and weathers the strong challenge and then finish strong. You are the DEFENDING CHAMPS and no one giving you nothing except their best efforts!

  11. Thats how you inspire the younger generation of athletes. Grew up in the MJ era. And Ive never seen such a great player whos so down to earth. Win or lose. Nothing personal. No excuses.

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