@National Basketball Association


[The Celtics let Heat get exactly one, as they win the series 4-1 and eliminate the Miami Heat.](

Fade em

by Nyhrox


  1. DANG3R_1204

    if only Jovic changed his name to Jokic, heat wouldn’t have lost this bad

  2. Teqnition12


    * Miami will remember that.

  3. EutaxySpy

    Fuck the Heat and Derrick White is Heat’s father

  4. ProfessorBeast55

    I’m surprised they even got a game tbh. Props to them for that ig?

  5. jwallheat23

    End of season thought:

    – I fucking hate the Celtics with every bone in my body. With that being said, they are fucking incredible. Stevens is such a good GM. One game from the finals last year, made the finals the year before, but still knew what they had wasn’t enough.

    – Our team as is is not enough. “Run it back” is not working for us. Don’t want to say last year was a fluke, because it wasn’t, but it wasn’t easy and every game was a battle. Needed Jimmy to carry and then Gabe/caleb to play out of their minds just to compete. And after that we got smacked by Denver.

    – I love Tyler Herro, but I just don’t know how well he flows with our team. I love that he’s a guy that can create a shot when there’s no momentum or rhythm, but he’s so careless, too ball dominant, and a pretty poor defender. We brought Terry in to play a similar role. Don’t know how well they mesh together. It’s time to make a move.

    – Caleb making 7m next year, then a FA. Time to trade him. We’re not paying him the $15+ he’s gonna get on the market. It’s been proven by Gabe, max, Whiteside, Nunn etc that our undrafted guys don’t do well elsewhere. Proving 1 we’d be overpaying and 2 it’s repeatable (highsmith example).

    – Terry can command Herros role of getting a shot when there’s no rhythm, while being a better defender.

    – Bams lack of size really hurts us on the glass. We are consistently out rebounded. I don’t think he’s gonna play the 4, but we need a bigger 4 to help on the glass and help guard the paint when bam is rotated or when he’s brought up top in a pnr. Maybe Jovic can develop into that 4, but too scrawny right now to guard a center.

    – jimmys going to command a 50+ extension on top of his crazy salaries the next 2 years, and I don’t know if it’s worth paying for. It’s hard to just say no, but he’s slowly losing his agility and is only going to get worse. A contract like that will really set us back and ruin Bams prime.

    – Bam is fucking incredible, and will only get better. Need to surround him with someone closer to his age (Donovan?).

    – will always trust Spo, but he needs to change our offensive identity. We have no flow, poor off ball movement (besides Duncan and Bam), and end up taking terrible forced shots with 2 seconds on the shot clock.

    – Jaquez and Jovic are the truth.

    – I don’t know what the answer is, as we’re approaching the second apron, but change is necessary. Major change. Bam Jimmy Jaquez and Jovic should be untouchable, maybe offer one of those last 2 if the right opportunity arises, but anyone else should be on the block.

    – we’ve proven that we’re very close to being good enough, just need to do something.

    – I’m not taking any shit for these playoffs. Not saying we win if healthy, but it’s a very different series with Jimmy Terry, J Rich and a healthy Duncan.

  6. Dafatveteran

    Where were you when Derrick White kill Heat

  7. rattatatouille

    Remember when Miami winning Game 2 meant we were in for a long series? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  8. Ugaalive1991

    You know, I don’t think Miami should have wanted Boston.

  9. StrategyTop7612

    “Herro is definitely getting traded for an upgrade. No way they can keep him after this.”
    – Heat fans after the 2022 playoffs
    – Heat fans after the 2023 playoffs
    – Heat fans after the 2024 playoffs

  10. GenuineMasshole



  11. Kylo_Ren415

    The Heat join the Yankees and Nets in the “We Want Boston” and then get their asses kicked by them club.

    Sixers too.

  12. TheFatmanRises

    Winning game 2 and putting the series 1-1 was all I needed. The reactions were glorious.

  13. longagofaraway

    miami is committed to $180mil for this roster next season

    >jimmy 49, bam 35, herro 29, rozier 25, robinson 19, etc.

  14. mryessirskiii

    Welp, can’t wait for the offseason trade rumors to fill this sub sooner rather than later. GGs Celtics, yall got a squad

  15. Gamewiz2x3

    Nah but I was told it wasn’t fluke shooting at all. Did Spoelstra forget to tell them to do that after game 2?

  16. fourassedostrich

    We got ‘em right where we want ‘em 🥲

  17. pieman2005

    The amount of comments on other game threads where people were like “if the Heat beat the Celtics it’ll be the biggest upset ever.”

    Yeah and if I dated Kate Upton I’d suck her tigolbitties but hypotheticals don’t matter lol

  18. WanderingWormhole

    Anyone see that heat bench player hit the and one celly down 40 with a minute left in the game? Loved that lol

  19. Efficient_Art_1144

    Tyler Herro played great for us tonight

  20. cozyboy001

    😢😢😢 gg fellas. Extremely proud of Edrice. Team completely decimated around him and he still gave it his all. Please bring Bam an elite guard on his timeline this year. He hasn’t had a consistent lobthrower or passer since Father Prime Dwade!!!!!! It kills me watching guys literally shit their pants trying to throw an entry pass to him. And get my dawg some fucking size next to him bra. We’ll be back

  21. GG Boston, hope you steamroll.

    Spo can only do so much. We had a punchers chance at best with the core we had and that was with a healthy Butler if he had played. The fact that we got 1 is more credit to coaching and our shots dropping at every moment in G2.

    I think I speak for a lot of the Heat fans and the subreddit that we no longer have patience for Riley not making a bigger move and providing offensive firepower. Sure, Terry was a mid season Grab but plays too similar to Herro and isn’t a winning formula. Either Terry or Herro go.

    We need a move this off-season.

  22. There was not a chance that the Heat were going to win this series without Butler (and a very slim chance even with him), but it was fun to hope and to clown on the Celtics after game 2.

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