@Los Angeles Clippers

Post Game Thread: The Dallas Mavericks defeat The LA Clippers 114-101

#LA Clippers at Dallas Mavericks

American Airlines Center- Dallas, TX




|Time Clock|

|LAC |26|26|20|29|101|
|DAL |34|18|35|27|114|

###Player Stats

**LA Clippers**

|P. George|42:12|18|6-18|2-10|4-4|2|9|11|5|1|1|2|3|-19
|P. Tucker|20:11|8|3-5|2-3|0-0|2|0|2|0|0|0|3|5|-14
|I. Zubac|37:01|17|6-11|0-0|5-8|4|7|11|1|0|0|1|5|-3
|T. Mann|38:38|14|5-9|2-4|2-2|5|1|6|3|0|0|2|5|-3
|J. Harden|43:22|16|5-16|0-6|6-7|0|7|7|13|2|1|1|1|-6
|N. Powell|35:58|20|6-14|2-6|6-8|0|4|4|0|0|0|0|4|6
|R. Westbrook|9:06|6|2-7|0-1|2-3|1|0|1|1|1|0|0|1|-8
|A. Coffey|8:19|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|1|1|2|0|0|0|0|1|-14
|M. Plumlee|1:30|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|-7
|B. Boston Jr.|1:14|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
|B. Hyland|1:14|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
|K. Brown|1:14|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1

**Dallas Mavericks**

|D. Jones Jr.|36:05|6|3-5|0-1|0-0|2|3|5|2|0|1|1|3|9
|P. Washington|34:43|14|4-9|4-8|2-4|2|3|5|2|2|0|1|2|-2
|D. Gafford|22:28|13|5-8|0-0|3-3|4|2|6|0|0|0|1|3|17
|K. Irving|42:18|30|11-19|5-9|3-5|1|5|6|4|2|2|1|3|22
|L. Doncic|43:07|28|9-26|1-10|9-11|1|6|7|13|1|1|5|5|9
|D. Lively II|24:04|10|3-3|0-0|4-8|5|4|9|3|1|0|0|4|-2
|J. Green|21:27|7|3-5|1-3|0-0|3|1|4|1|0|0|0|3|7
|M. Kleber|5:06|4|1-3|1-3|1-2|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|1
|D. Exum|7:00|2|1-3|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|1|7
|J. Hardy|1:14|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-1
|D. Powell|1:14|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-1
|A. Lawson|1:14|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|-1
###Team Stats



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  1. 2holesinbutt666

    The better team clearly won. We had this coming after eliminating then twice, we got old and knees banged up while Luka became more of a monster and Mavs improved their roster a hundred times. Plus fucking Kyrie man, he is such an amazing player. Killed us.

    Another disappointing season for the old team, I dont know if we can be a contender again.

    Heart break after heart break and I will see you all son of bitches next season. Fuck this team and fuck you all. Why we became Clippers fan and stayed.


    At a bar in Anchorage, Alaska (vacation) and just gonna get these thoughts off before I disappear for the offseason.

    213: 213 has been an abject failure. 1, 1 friggin healthy playoffs in 5 years, and that one season we have an epic collapse in the bubble. Awful.

    PG: I’ll friggin say it, I never wanted PG. We all remember his reputation before he came: asked out of Indiana, constantly choking in the elimination games, messed up shoulders, etc.

    Kawhi: I’m sorry but when I see him stone faced on the bench, I think he’s counting his money in his mind. Injuries suck but cmon man, holy f*ck.

    But I blame Kawhi mostly for picking PG. Bro, just trust our front office. We have picks for days, Gallinari, we’re gonna get a star. But noooooooo, let’s leverage our future for the 8th option on your list.

    Face it, we lost the trade. Cause it’s not just SGA, it’s Jalen Williams with one of our picks, who’s a stud as well.

    I’m probably being over reactive (I’m drunk) but yeah… can’t wait till next season 🙄.

    Either way tho, I’ll be here lol. Clipper Nation, we don’t know no better ✊.

  3. youngthuggeryeezy

    blow this whole shit up. fuck this shit lol

  4. the_red_reverend

    No fire and out with a whimper.

    It’s time to close this Clippers chapter and move on. Thank you for the ride, but this is where it ends with 213.    

    The FO can extend this purgatory to the detriment of the fans, but even they know the title window is shut if they max PG and are committed to Kawhi. 

  5. vinnymacaroni

    It’s actually insane how Kawhi was relatively healthy all season and was fantastic but got hurt just before the playoffs.

    It blows my mind. The curse is fucking real

  6. InclusivePhitness

    Oh well, I’m glad at least PG won’t be sad after this loss since he never cared to begin with.

  7. Pg and russ can go. Tired of this being 5 years of the same shit can we just do something different

  8. WhyAmIAFanOfThisTeam

    Can’t expect to win playoff series without your best player. Taking them to 6 was just about the expected result. Kawhi’s body failed us yet again. With that said…

    Idk how PG can expect a max contract when he plays and talks like he wants to be a role player so fucking bad. Letting him leave for nothing would be a disaster but I also don’t know how we can pay him that when, at 34 years old, he doesn’t seem up to the task of being a max player anymore.

    Serious questions need to be asked of Lawrence Frank and his staff. Not nearly enough size or shooting coming off the bench, no playable PFs besides Kawhi. Second straight season they’ve failed to put a proper supporting cast around the stars.

    Ty Lue is, by FAR, the most overrated coach in the entire league. The only reason I’m not 100% in on firing him is because I don’t know who we’d replace him with. All I know is that I wouldn’t be crying if he left this offseason.

    Shoutout to James, Zu and Terance for showing up this series. 👍

  9. Ty sure loves going with the data set from the regular season that has always shown they were trash.

  10. 213’s days pretending to be a contender are over, it’s all about carving out assets and value where we can. We can free ourselves of the mindset that we’re competing for June.

    The players likely come back but it’s over. There is no such thing as healthy Clippers and they would probably lose anyway

  11. SuperMario_49

    You know it’s playoff season when Kawhi is out with an injury smh

  12. TechnoGauss

    Losing is one thing. I can live with that as frustrating as it is. What I can’t live with is this organization continuing to set us up for failure.

    We are completely fucking cooked on every level: players, coaches and front office. Running it back with this roster full of injury-riddled, washed, inconsistent bums is the worse decision we can make for our future.

    Running it back with this coach who puts out these horrendous lineups is basically ensuring more of the same shitty iso-based offense. Starting PJ Tucker was your big adjustment for an elimination game? You fucking kidding me?

    Front office can also pack their bags and Balmer should get some more competent people running the show because L Frank has fumbled this shit hard these last few years.

    Blow this shit the fuck up. Draft. Develop. Build up and start over. I don’t care to watch these geriatric fucking losers again in a new arena making millions and going nowhere. Give me a new young, hungry squad over that shit.

  13. Fire ty Lue.

    I will not attend another game with him as coach. Fuck season tickets, fuck chuck checkmark, fuck “the wall”. Get that fucker out

  14. I don’t know man. Your franchise guys can’t be someone who can’t be healthy for playoffs and the other being a super inefficient perimeter scorer

  15. Why does it always feel like T. Mann is the only one that truly cares about winning

  16. CoCoMiX_666

    If you expected both PG and Kawhi to be healthy during the most important time of the year, you haven’t been a Clipper fan long enough. See you next year my peeps.

    Now let’s watch SGA show us why we traded away our future.

  17. Confused_Astronaut

    This is going to be one of the longest rebuilds in NBA history. All the “stars” on the team are old AF and hold little to no trade value. There’s practically zero young talent. Late round draft picks. A disaster.

  18. What adjustments do we need to make to win game 7?

  19. rimboslice

    It’s been real y’all! Whatever we decide to do next year, my sorry ass will be back to be hate or love every second of it! o7 <3

  20. blueberry_portal

    Gotta do a sign and trade PG, dude needs to go. Let Harden go if we can’t get him for cheap, he’s not worth his contract, and if he has the nerve to request more money, drop him on the spot. Drop Westbrook.

    We need to cleanse the team and this sub.

  21. JimmyKanine

    Joke of a franchise. I’ll see you guys next season.

    Thunder in 5.

  22. I think if you give any other 2 superstars the roster that Kawhi and PG have gotten over the years they would’ve made at the minimum one finals appearance. The 213 experiment has been a complete failure and it’s time to blow it up. Signing Kawhi to the extension was a mistake and if he even sniffs the Olympics it’ll be the ultimate disrespect to this fanbase and Steve ballmer. Blow it up already. Enough is enough

  23. Crapcicle6190

    2 playoff games of an injured Kawhi after such a great season

    PG disappeared again

    Bring back Blake

  24. im_not_witty_

    The same problems we had all season decided to show up again in the playoffs. Who would have thought? Can’t call them out though without being called a fake fan or a doomer. Sorry I wanted my team to fix the glaringly obvious flaws that would destroy us. And here we are with just a terrible showing in the playoffs. Until next season. 

  25. MothershipConnection

    Can we trade PJ Tucker for Caitlin Clark or something

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