@National Basketball Association

[Charania] NBA fine amount for Jamal Murray: $100,000, per sources.

[Charania] NBA fine amount for Jamal Murray: $100,000, per sources.

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. CardiacKemba1

    This is a massive missed opportunity hear Adam

  2. Propuhganduh

    Honestly he did a lot that should add up to more

  3. lambkeeper

    Bro makes that much in the same amount of time it took for him to throw that heat pack

  4. So he got fined for the money sign and literally 0 punishment for throwing shit on the floor lol

  5. braggpeak

    that’s def “listen its the playoffs so we can’t suspend you” money

  6. jacobpltn

    Team allegiances aside how do you not suspend someone for something like this? Just reckless, immature, and unnecessary

    It just feels weird that he could have seriously injured someone and they stop short at a fine

  7. BcuzRacecar

    Exact same as the one rudy got but jamal had 3 incidents to one

  8. ImTheBestNerd

    Seems kinda light considering Rudy got fined 100k for the money gesture alone

  9. AlexeyShved1

    Gobert: Money sign at ref, $100k

    Murray: Money sign at ref, threw two objects onto the court, $100k

  10. ImDeputyDurland

    NBA: We can’t suspend him. His team is down 2-0. We need to try to make this a series.

  11. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Wasn’t that what Rudy Gobert was fined for making the money gesture sign at the refs? Which Jamal also did in game 2

  12. darthllama

    That’s roughly .33% of his annual salary. For someone making $50k, that would be a $170 fine

  13. What a fucking joke. He should be suspended. Any other player in any other situation is suspended. Clown league.

  14. I know $100k is the max but surely that has to be per act right? He did 3

  15. BeastCB546

    Wolves fans across the nation are celebrating I hear

  16. Immediate_Grape5158

    That’s it? That’s nothing to him. At least get him a punishment that will let him regret what he’s done. That doesn’t do shit to him.

  17. Frickincarl

    So this sets a precedent, right? $100k and you can throw stuff into the live play, get a play stoppage, and also maybe injure an opposing player.

  18. That sets a horrible precedent. Moving forward apparently it’s A-ok to throw shit on the court as long as you don’t mind a fine

  19. TackleIntelligent490

    So gobert makes money sign during reg season. : $100k fine. 
    Murray makes money sign, throws a towel and throws a heat pack AT AN OFFICAL!!!:  $100 k fine.

    Oof…hard to see the equitbility on this one. 

  20. Pyschic_Psycho

    Honest question- what’s stopping teams from using this tactically in the future? Imagine a game winner being interferred with because someone threw a towel to distract the other team or someone slips on it. Worth it to pay 100k for a game, especially if it’s the play offs or Finals.

  21. KrissieKid

    Lol a $100K fine is NOTHING. The NBA is SO predictable and a JOKE. Of course they aren’t going to suspend him they don’t want the wolves to sweep the nuggets. Only four playoff games is going to lose them money!!!

  22. Slow-Raccoon-9832

    Remember when Amare and Diaw got suspended for stepping on the court then immediately stepping back?

    But throwing objects at the refs is ok

  23. Bigdickmob

    This sets precedent. People can throw shit on the court in the direction of refs now and not worry about suspensions or ejections

  24. Ordinary-Hopeful

    New strategy to stop fast breaks I guess.

  25. LemonHayes13

    Only a 100k fine for throwing things onto the court during live play is a wild precedent to set

  26. SilvioDantesPeak

    Shoulda been suspended. Bitch ass display by him last night. Bitch ass decision by Silver (as usual) to go easy on him. What a joke of a commissioner.

  27. As a wolves fan, used to like Murray and a lot of respect for Denver’s small market run last year despite probably sub par competition but damn, I’ve never lost so much respect for a player through a single game.

  28. BushidoBrowneII

    I never want any Nuggets fan complaining about no fouls being called or biased refs. These mfers just let this dude WALK.

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