@Oklahoma City Thunder

A sequence from the 4th quarter

A sequence from the 4th quarter

by Intelligent-Many4144


  1. Intelligent-Many4144

    This may seem like a bitter post or an unnecessary observation, but taking the context into account, these kind of sequences have happened with Luka during the play-offs and will happen in future games.

    Everyone seems to think that he’s not at 100% and is playing through an injury, which I too believe, to a certain extent.

    But when the opposition team’s star player is playing through an injury, every collision or bigger contact with him creates a situation where you can’t fully understand if he’s okay or not. For example, in this sequence I was 100% sure Mavs were going to call a time out and take him out, as were the fans and OKC team, but they didn’t and it led to Mavs extending the lead by 5.

    And opposition fans can and should say that OKC should always hustle 100% every play, but when Dort commits a foul that looks rougher than usual because Luka’s fragile, they’re saying that we’re targeting Luka and want him injured.

    And when we don’t hustle 100%, this happens.. Luka’s looking 100% and you couldn’t even tell that he’s injured

  2. No_Professional_5867

    Every single fucking screen Liveley sets is an illegal screen. He sticked his leg out to trip Dort some 10 times this game.

    But Oh! SGA gets clobbered inside by a bunch of unskilled, undisciplined centers hunting for blocks, he gets the softest whistle in the league! Meanwhile Luka is getting similar FTs, while shooting half his shots from outside.

  3. Headlesshorsman02

    Let’s not go down this route guys come on they won, on to the next game

  4. bobsthrowawayaccoun

    Look I’m not really throwing some conspiracy theory bullshit but do you all think medical staffs that get paid millions would clear a superstar if he was not fit to play? Yea he might not be a 100% but I honestly think he’s gathering bunch of sympathy validations so everyone can say look an injured Luka is beating teams left and right. He had a cut in his mouth lol and he milked that all game. This collision with case, he was hobbling but forgot after a few seconds.

  5. StairwayToPavillion

    Dude was bleeding from his knees by the 3rd quarter, he is not faking it. I know I am on an American sub, but you guys take sports fanaticism to the next level

  6. RANGER---

    It feels like I’m being gas lighted from these clips the way the nba sub is talking about Dort. Lively just can’t set a good screen and it’s plain as day. It is highlighted here for good reason. I knew I had to leave it when I saw them celebrating Scott Foster

  7. msterling2012

    Not sure how you can take issue with them not calling Dort on the flop when they didn’t call Cason on the trip at the start of the clip.

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