@National Basketball Association

[Frederick] Chris Finch has largely bypassed opioids in favor of Tylenol in the wake of his major knee surgery to stay sharp amid the Wolves’ playoff run. He’s been in constant pain, but “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

[Frederick] Chris Finch has largely bypassed opioids in favor of Tylenol in the wake of his major knee surgery to stay sharp amid the Wolves’ playoff run. He’s been in constant pain, but “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

by Knightbear49


  1. MrAppleSpoink

    I have never fallen in love with a team so completely out of the blue the way i have with the Wolves these playoffs. First Ant says he’ll avenge the Lakers, then they come out swinging against Denver, now Chris Finch soldiering through agony for his guys, how are you supposed to dislike this team?

    Edit: turns out the avenging the Lakers thing was fake, but that doesn’t change much to me. Still love this team.

  2. LukaDoncicfuturegoat

    Team so dawg, the owner decided to hold on his stakes.

  3. FishGoldenLite

    Ngl I wanted to see some opioid-induced plays from Finchy

  4. FuckThaLakers

    Every person involved with this team is psychotically locked in, I can’t imagine a professional sports team being more fun to root for than these Timberwolves

  5. Level_Repeat_1271

    Old school! I remember my pops in his sixties had knee surgery and refused to take the pain meds too. Says he’s seen how people get hooked on that shit and he didn’t want to risk it so was just like, I’ll take some Tylenol if the pain gets to high. 🫡

  6. YourFriendNoo

    When I was in middle school, I got some oral surgery and had to take Demerol.

    I remember after three days, I thought, ‘Oh my god. This is what it feels like to be stupid. I’ll never be smart again.’

    So, I get it, but OOOOOOOOOF that sounds excruciating.

  7. stanquevisch

    For anyone outside the US is probably crazy to read this. I’m never gonna understand why they use so much opioids out there, the rest of the world is very restrictive of it.

  8. Key word there is “largely” – means the man is smart enough to still get the script and keep it in reserve.

    Those things are super useful once you hit 40 and throw out your back doing something uber athletic and strenuous like checking your shoe for dogshit.

  9. Good stuff. I’ve had family and friends lost due to opioids so I never take anything unless it’s absolutely needed.

  10. I’m not liking our odds, everyone is just together on that team, it’s unreal

  11. newperson77777777

    I wonder how he gets sleep with the pain – I would take some prescription pain meds.

  12. Backpack456

    Good for him. Considering it can take just one dose of narcotics to become an addict. And the odds go up significantly when you take more.

  13. Get on the h train my man. The plays will just come to you then.

  14. JeramiGrantsTomb

    What a beast, I’m hyped for you guys. That’s an exciting team.

  15. WhoElseButQuagmire11

    I recently-ish dealt with a kidney stone, surgery then subsequent stent(and awake removal lol) I tried to ovoid opioids like the plague. I got given oxy. I think I had about 8 total and took 2-3 over 6 months. Those thinks just f**k you up. I could never tell if they helped with the pain but they made me sleep so just as good.

    I couldn’t imagine coaching a basketball team on opioids(and he would get good shit) so I get why but man, this guy is a straight up dawg.

  16. ShankyShoe

    He has a free pass to get opioids and he still refuses. He’s a more disciplined man than I am

  17. orangotai

    i (partially) tore my ACL & MCL and meniscus last year in a jiu jitsu injury. never took opioids though, tbh i didn’t really need it as i wasn’t in pain iff i was just sitting down, very sharp pain if i twisted my leg or put too much pressure on it though, certainly could not walk much at all & needed crutches & a heavy brace. obviously not the exact same injury as what Finch has but maybe he’s okay if he’s able to sit down & still coach.

  18. ProfessorTicklebutts

    Damn son. That’s some tough living.

  19. pumpkin3-14

    Overuse of Tylenol affects the liver. Hope he’s careful

  20. jumpijehosaphat

    we’ve seen perc angle.  we arent ready for perc finch

  21. I had ACL and Meniscus surgery and was prescribed Percocet. I work in tech and I was pretty much okay still writing code and functioning. At the same time, it does make you feel a bit foggy. I think reacting on the fly might be hard in that state. But if things are generally calm it’s not too hard to focus on things and do something that has a mostly predetermined / expected outcome.

  22. ShitFuckDickButt420

    He’s a fucking badass. I am 5 months out from fully rupturing my patellar tendon and dislocating my kneecap. It fuckin sucks dude. Had to be taken in an ambulance, i couldn’t walk off like he did so my injury was a little different. I was basically in bed 24/7 in pain for the first 10 days after, Finch has shown incredible toughness and sacrifice by already being on the floor with his guys.

  23. I am not from the states but shouldn’t this kind of information be private?

  24. h0rny-ta-acct89

    Yeah because being in constant pain brings you so much mental clarity. Good call.

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