@Oklahoma City Thunder

How about keeping our mouths shut. Let’s not have our own version of Purple Shirt Guy in Charlotte.

Pretty frustrating to say the least. Why would you try and fan the flames? (No pun intended) Put the $9 Bud Lights down pal.

by PapaKazoonta


  1. fellowENT18

    Fuck that guy for making us look bad. Shit talk, call him a whiner, whatever, but keep it basketball related ffs

  2. CaptainStanberica

    I sat in section 112, row RR, seat 11 last night, which is the section by the visitors tunnel.

    When the Mavs went to the locker room, an older man (guessing late 60’s-early 70’s) was talking shit to Luka. Luka stopped, grabbed security, and just stared at the man like he was an idiot (rightfully so). I thought Luka was going to have the guy tossed for chirping at him about his need to beg for calls, something along the lines of Luka being soft/a baby (rightfully so, literally every time the dude had the ball, he looked to the official for some sort of call).

    I don’t like the style of play, and lost respect for Luka as a player due to the excessive nature of his complaining, but it doesn’t give some douche old man the right to talk shit without consequence.

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