@Los Angeles Lakers

Who Stays And Who Goes From Lakers Roster? Coaching Update, Multiple Centers and More

Who Stays And Who Goes From Lakers Roster? Coaching Update, Multiple Centers and More

Trevor Lane takes a look at who would and wouldn’t fit into a Lakers roster that is built around the same concepts as the 2020 team, which is similar to the current build of the Wolves. Plus, an update on the search for a head coach and we get into the mailbag with questions on adding bigs to the roster, the draft, LeBron haters and more….

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  1. We need Dwight Howard he is Batman he would have whooped up on the Joker just like he did in the bubble Championship he got in his head

  2. I've been saying that for over e years. Finally Trevor see what I see. It's the build that helped Jordan win, Kobe and Shaq. Then Kobe and Gasol. Lakers 2020 team. But the real problem is our GM is obsessed with point guards. Every year including this season coming up he's still chasing a point guard

  3. You want to play it like the T'wolves you keep AD, VDB, Hayes and possibly Cam Reddish, then you resign Max Christie and Spencer Dinwiddie and maybe you give a chance to Maxwell Lewis. And that's it. You get Vogel a second stint. Then with the traded players, trades and sign and free agency you hire back Josh Hart, Brandon Ingram and Carushow (all players we should have never sent away), get Jonas Valanciunas, Robert Covington or PJ Tucker, Andre Drummond and Pat Beverley. And then you're set to be the nastiest team in the league. No shooters but who cares when your opponents can't cross the logo without losing hope?

  4. Ok now let’s just go for David Adelman love his father and or Kenny Atkinson or Terry Stotts can work

  5. Actually, I would try to keep Gabe. 3 first rounders, yeah many non-playoff teams will consider that, the jazz are already somewhat in a rebuilding mode….

  6. Get big athletic guys 2 more big men and get rid of Austin to many turn over and he has no defense he leaves the 3 open too much playing help defense and he gets killed playing man

  7. i love how media killed the Lakers for firing Ham after 2 years but when the SUNS have 3 coaches in three years and injuries killed the team all year even worse than normal team injuries, everyone is fine with Vogel being gone a year in. KD not a Coach KILLER but LeBron is!?!?! Atkinson, Nash, Vogel… UNREAL.

  8. This is the type of crap that hapens when you hire your friends in positions of authority no clear vision as how to run a organization the true definition of WIN NOW MODE is defending at a high level and timely shooting and for GODS SAKE better rotations in order to take advantage of our strengths offensively and defensively

  9. That Micky Mouse team had 4 months rest you can't compare them with any team that played 82 straight! Fakers Fan's🤡🤣🤣🤣

  10. You are mis quoting LBJ- he never said anything about length but his said something about lennth about 10-12 times bahaha

  11. Wood is decent, but I prefer a real 5. 6’10 is a minimum, and needs to be physical. I don’t want a star, but a guy that likes to rebound and block shots. Any decent big going to put up 10 and 10 with no set plays.

  12. Rebuild 2020? The Lakers can’t even rebuild 2021 with Gasol. Looking back, that 2020 team had more talent covering all the positions than any year thereafter. The Lakers have to do something different if LBJ opts in like focusing on a roster to beat Denver, Minn, Dallas, OKC in that order.

  13. Is this organization capable of finding another center that plays alongside AD or is the lightbulb still not turning on?

  14. Thank you for recapping the trauma of lakers management. Never ever should’ve blew up the team for Westbrook

  15. Can Pelinka please get his head out his ass and operate some sense of urgency! Suns moved fast, snatched best coach on the market while Pelinka considers Redick? Seriously! Pelinka has made too many mistakes to not have some accountability.

  16. Its horrible how people really are holding on to thinking Austin is good. HE is great against bum teams as soon as they play athletic youngsters he can't score. I've never heard you give him enough criticism. He stunk up playoffs just like delo🤷🏾‍♂️ Absolutely noooo defense its horrible

  17. Blaming Vogel before and now Ham is the only excuses lakers management can give to lakers fans.😂😂😂 From 2020 NBA champ to bust team. Pelinka ruin lakers line up for his no brain sign and trade…😂😂😂

    To the next coach good luck🤣🤣🤣 you will be the next to be blame…

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