@Denver Nuggets

Doubt him at your peril. Heart of a champion.

Just don’t mention the contract

by trevstan1


  1. wundeyatayetyme

    These doubters were the same people calling for us to trade Jamal and Porter last year when we were tied 2-2 with Pheonix.

  2. j_middles

    Still baffling that some of the stuff I read about this man came from “Nuggets fans”

  3. bjohnson023

    The team as a whole played amazing but look how much better they are when he’s playing like he should! We need Murray and when he’s getting 20+ points a game we will get another ring

  4. Bleppingheckk

    This man can lose us this series and I’ll forever root for him.

  5. Brilliant_Pay_5766

    I never doubted bro, he can be a little iffy some days, but I just want an extra big man that’s good. I also want Luka to join us 😭

  6. Powder_Pan

    He killed it tonight. His attitude game 2 was inexcusable though. Glad he got ripped for it. That negative energy is what he feasted on tonight.

  7. Odd_Philosopher1712

    Keep the momentum going boys. Be ready for the counterpunch

  8. ColoradoSportsKing

    I knew when I heard the boos that MIN fans had fucked up.

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