@Miami Heat

For those who believed in my son

One thing I forgot to predict was that my son will be in a Cleveland jersey next season 😪

by BlackMasterDarkness


  1. OblivionNA

    Could see him being a 12-15ppg player next season depending on what the roster looks like.

  2. Cudizonedefense

    It’s still pretty early to celebrate lol

  3. Tangerine605

    I disagree that Jovic is ever getting dealt, if it were for a huge upgrade at the 4 like Kevin Durant? Yeah possibly, but otherwise it doesn’t make sense. Maybe i’m higher on him than you because i don’t think we can find a replacement that can play remotely close to his level next season 🤷🏿‍♂️

  4. MrRobotTheorist

    I bet this team makes no moves. Caleb walks. We resign Highsmith and maybe they sign another impact player. Buyout move at deadline if needed. Herro will stay on the Heat I guarantee it.

  5. i like him, i just don’t agree with everyone saying potential this and potential that. not everyone lives up to their potential. for every bam out there, there’s dozens of james wisemans and kz okpalas. i’m just tired of looking at someone’s potential and not looking enough at what they can do right now, especially since we are supposed to be in win now mode.

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