
Caitlin Clark’s text to NFL player 👀🤯 #caitlinclark #basketball #sports

Caitlin Clark’s text to NFL player 👀🤯 #caitlinclark #basketball #sports


  1. He is a man and physically could post Clark down with ease, so she would
    have to literally not miss from outside or else she loses.

  2. Isn’t that a little misogynistic? Does he feel threatened by Caitlin’s skills? Why would he ever post this challenge? Why doesn’t he just stick to football and ask a real man to challenge him at that sport? Reminds me of tennis player, Bobby Riggs, saying the same to Billy Jean King. Why do men post these things about women —-so dumb? He’s looking for attention.

  3. Well Cooper can now build a bball court in his big ass house that he can now afford, meanwhile Caitlyn can only afford to hoop at a park with her teeny tiny WNBA salary, im a college dropout felon who used to have a heroin addiction and I make more money than her salary, it’s crazy

  4. He was asked if he could beat her, he gave an honest response. Hes not being mean and you can tell she’s playing by her response. Dont make it a big thing they both played at Iowa.. he could beat her in the paint and she could rain on him with 3’s.. it would be fun

  5. Oh he would destroy her cause he is faster and stronger so being faster would eliminate her great shooting abilities cause she would never get open and it’s biology the best woman in a sport is still just as good as the average man except for not contact sports like maybe tennis

  6. I mean he’ll beat her with physicality and size but she’s fundamentally better. Sad that the only person he can trash talk is a girl thats smaller than himself

  7. He would destroy her. It’s ridiculous that there is even a debate. He’s bigger stronger faster and is also a very good basketball player. Women play women for a reason

  8. She would make an excuse not to do it if he legit offered. "too busy" lol tell me where you are, I'll fly there, and we can play a quick 1v1 to 5 😂 a whole 15 minutes

  9. Used her to gain attention just like da baby did with megan. Either it's delusional competitive statements or some unnatural obsession with the female body. Just like the other dude who commented about Clark's private area. Just a whole bunch of disgusting delusional weirdos.

  10. OMFG, Cooper Dejean either needs to back up what he SAID about playing Caitlin Clark and beating her or give up his "MAN CARD!"

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