@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Jon Krawczynski] Finch on the Rudy fine: “I’d like to see the itemized receipt. If it’s 75 for the gesture then it must be 10K for the towel and 5 for the heating pad?”

[Jon Krawczynski] Finch on the Rudy fine: “I’d like to see the itemized receipt. If it’s 75 for the gesture then it must be 10K for the towel and 5 for the heating pad?”

by irishace88


  1. yourloudneighbor

    Finch absolutely bodied Silver

    100K fine incoming

  2. Hefty-Profession-567

    Petty finch is in the house and I’m here for it

  3. villain75


    Like, they can’t pretend they didn’t see that shit. They let him off easy. Don’t they fine for each tech, and then another for the ejection that results. Three infractions, three fines.

    They let him off with one fine, on an infraction that wasn’t just insulting, but dangerous to the safety of the players.

  4. Return_Icy

    Thank god someone in the Wolves organization said something, and Finch no less. It needs to be thrown in Silver’s face that everyone knows what he did

  5. lil_Wayyy

    Delusional Nuggets fans are really saying “GoBeRts a RepeAT oFFenDer”. Bro murray threw a physical object on the court idc how many hand signs a person makes lmao. We know damn well if it was the other way around they would be torching us

  6. Downtown_Reply1844

    Damn, Finch is like a zen version of Ron Gardenhire.

  7. Thank god that shitty ref is in New York tonight

  8. CarsonDurham10

    Murray should’ve been suspended game 3. Throwin shit on the floor while in play and KAT stepping on it? What if KAT slipped and injured his ankles? Would there have been suspension then? Nuggets are beating us fair and square right now but rules are rules. I’ve seen Draymond Green suspended for less dangerous antics.

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