@Los Angeles Clippers

How good would this team be if these guys were in their primes?

How good would this team be if these guys were in their primes?

by dee85


  1. GoblinTradingGuide

    Zu is in his prime currently. Bones is far from prime.

  2. _The_Honored_One_

    In their primes, Harden, Russ and PG still stunk it up in the playoffs

  3. ElGrandeQues0

    In their prime? They’re one of the greatest teams of all time.

  4. Salty_Watermelon

    It means nothing without guaranteeing a healthy Kawhi. He wasn’t healthy even in the prime of his career.

  5. ayaminator

    good enough until they meet warriors dinasty or bron cavs villain mode

  6. brainspl0ad

    Why the heck you got Bones there as if he is some prolific player? I know he showed flashes of doing well, but idk, his style of play is easy to counter. He just plays street ball after awhile and becomes ball dominant and his game doesn’t translate well in the playoffs imo. Weird inclusion.

  7. Bro said Bones washed at age of 23💀💀

  8. indiankidhs

    Dare I say it if this current team had prime pj Tucker we could’ve saved a lot of stress on kawhi’s knees

  9. Beginning_Rice6830

    If prime and healthy, this team would not exist.

  10. Nba2kFan23

    Toronto Kawhi, Houston Harden, Pacers Paul, and OKC Westbrook is an easy ring.

  11. nolifeaddict808

    You’re probably under 30 so didn’t see PG pacer years, prime Kenton only reason he couldn’t get further. And he was also decent at Okc, you’re hating if you think he wouldn’t add to the team.

  12. realfakejames

    Spurs Kawhi and Houston Harden and any other players you want to pick would win a ring easily

  13. Interest-Lumpy

    Tough to say imo, since the main issue here would be sharing the ball between 4 superstars who wanna be the main man. Westbrook and Harden were even more ball dominant in their primes, and I can see Westbrook refusing to come off the bench in this scenario, so you got a staring 5 of Russ/Harden/PG/Kawhi/Zu. Kawhi/PG would be themselves, albeit with a lot more energy and athleticism to their games. Our defense would be better since everyone here would be younger and more athletic as well (Harden would still be the weak link on D). Would this coach be able to wrangle all of their egos and work out a system that allows for efficient offense?

  14. HaikusfromBuddha

    Still not garunteed. Harden, Russ and KD were on the same team during their prime and KD was so frustrated he left Russ.

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