@Minnesota Timberwolves

Current mood

Current mood

by Easy-Welcome968


  1. SemataryPolka

    I know it’s bad when I go “my music records never let me down!”

    But I’m going into game six with a hopeful spirit

  2. TheeMalaka

    My wife said “is the game over already?”

    I said “what game?”

  3. unforgivablecrust

    It’s like, as a sports fan I feel physically responsible for how my teams preform but rooting for minnesota sports teams just fuckin is what it is. My wife has really helped me put things into perspective and come to the realization that all I can do is watch the games and there’s no point in having my night/day/week ruined because a sports team didn’t play how I wanted. Last night I got my one angry remote throw into my couch and just got over it.

    Season aint over yet but God damn I just want them to play how I know they can play.

  4. Trash-Panda917

    Me after watching last game in Timberwolves pyjamas in my Timberwolves bedsheets.
    “lol imagine being a fan of this team”

  5. downyonder1911

    Why does being a Minnesota sports fan have to suck so bad? Can someone throw us a bone, just once?

    The odds of having 4 professional sports teams go 33 years without making 1 championship game are something like 1 to 999. We have ridiculously bad luck.

  6. WrestleBox

    I very much care and really want to see the Wolves win it all in my lifetime, but I also try to keep perspective.

    At the beginning of the year my hopes for this team were to make the playoffs and not get humiliated and they have exceeded that already.

    We swept the Suns and gave Denver a pretty solid opening salvo, which nobody expected either of.

    Yeah I want to win badly, but I’m totally content with this season as a whole.

  7. I made peace with it last night in my sleep. I am much more calm and zen honestly. What will be will be. We still whipped ass this year and it has been fun win or lose.

  8. Witty-Stock

    Minnesota fans have mastered the art of shutting down emotionally when they see the signs that the end is near. Some of us go through the motions of expressing optimism and saying shit like “I still believe” but we all know that there is only a fool’s hope for Minnesota teams.

  9. I’m full on copium until we are actually knocked out.

    We just need to win 2 games in a row? Pshh. Easy peasy. We’ve practically won the series already.

  10. When we were 2-0, i consumed every podcast in existence.

    I haven’t listened to any podcast in the last week.

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