@Oklahoma City Thunder

I got crucified for this post. I tried to tell y’all man 💔

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still thunder in 7. Some of y’all owe me an apology.

by Expensive_Offer4267


  1. 4Jolly2Green0Giant

    The majority of these fans think with their heart, pure emotion. They crucified Paul Pierce and Draymond too. If an opinion goes against their heart they pull out the pitchfork.

  2. amari_prince

    I mean yes but everyone besides Shai dying on offense is a bigger problem


    DJJ was huge his block on chet 3 was ridiculous

  4. BucketsBrooks

    I was with you man. Luka and Kyrie are gonna get theirs, it’s just about containment.

    The role players for them have played out of their mind while OKC has really been a one man show.

  5. CompetitiveProposal7

    “Real fans understand” silly goose. These guys are so used to losing they still blame Josh for our losses. I hope mark and Sam figure it out bc playing like this in front of our fans is pitiful. Not a playoff arrival or whatever presti said. This shit I’d sad

  6. Dallas is only playing solid defense. OKC isn’t making shots and is allowing Dallas to get good looks. If OKC can turn it around, they win the series.

  7. Stunning-Sky-1200

    You got cooked because the title and the edit of your post are literally contrasting arguments you goof. 

    To say anyone on the Mavs is going to give us MORE problems than Kyrie and Luka was a nuts take. You backtracked in your edit with some “Kyrie and Luke will get theirs” but that was clearly not the initial intent of the post.

    I suppose PJ going nuclear from 3 for a couple games can kinda make you feel like you were right, but PJ hitting 3’s wasn’t even the reason you thought he’d give us problems.

  8. Parallel-Quality

    You did call it. Kudos.

    This sub can be quick to crucify people with dissenting opinions.

    Going to tag you as “knows what he’s talking about” in my RES.

  9. Illustrious-Tower849

    Only problems we have is with wide open 3s

  10. Yodudewhatsupmanbruh

    I got destroyed for saying that Prestis deadline moves were looking rough.

    For even the suggestion that maybe cap space wasn’t worth losing to the hobbled Mavericks. 

    And now that we’re about to lose everyone’s going to pretend like this season didn’t even matter. Like bruh we won 57 games and Denver looks actually beatable at times. 

    Gafford would’ve at least added a dude who could’ve provided size when Chet sits. Now Chet is getting absolutely destroyed and looks exhausted. And presti signed BIYOMBO of all people.

  11. You know why those 3 are giving us problems? Because of Luka and Kyrie lol

    If our defense wasn’t sagging/helping/doubling off of the bigs to help cover Luka and Kyrie, those big guys wouldn’t be doing shit. It’s not like Lively is posting up Chet and killing him with his footwork.

  12. fredlikefreddy

    Because it’s a reddit team sub and logical, reality based takes get downvoted if they don’t favor the favorite team

    The fan who agrees with you won’t touch it and the people who don’t actually know much about basketball outside of their favorite team will downvote and crucify

  13. Positive_Narwhal_419

    Dudes are wide up 90% of the time smh fuck this

  14. laidbacklurk223

    Oh yes, a lot of Nostradamus showed up in this thread.

    Yeah, you were spot on. So, now what?

    I am frustrated as you are.

    But still proud of our guys no matter what! A lot of negativity here rn, and rightfully so. Just want to put it in there that they played their butts off!

    Props to Dallas.

  15. Organic_Shelter_2543

    Just like me saying we need Russ’ Top 10 all-time playmaking and Top-11 all-time BBIQ and shot making. #BEASTBROOK

  16. SandyMandy17

    I mean they’re not, it’s scheme

    Would you rather next game they sit PJ Washington or Luka

  17. ProfessionalHippo711

    Why y’all trippin. It’s been ONE HELL OF A SEASON, THAT NONE OF US SAW COMING. So let’s enjoy what’s to come in these playoffs, and really look forward to next season. THUNDER UP MOFO’S!!!

  18. worksucksbro

    Well yes and no we had to focus all our defence on the 2 all stars and their role players showed out as a result. They didn’t necessarily give us more problems they just had more opportunities

  19. “But nooooo, don’t get a big. It’s gonna ruin our spacing”. 🙄

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