@Boston Celtics

The Eastern Conference Finals are now locked.

1: NY/Indiana @ Boston, May 21

2: NY/Indiana @ Boston, May 23

3: Boston @ NY/Indiana, May 25

4: Boston @ NY/Indiana, May 27

5: NY/Indiana @ Boston, May 29*

6: Boston @ NY/Indiana, May 31*

7: NY/Indiana @ Boston, June 2*

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. Brad-Stevens

    More rest for Al and KP … Thank you Minny!

  2. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Damn this series is every other day too? Good thing we closed in 5

  3. YRwerunning

    The rest days are big, but there’s also not having to get on a plane for a period of 10+ days right at the exact middle point of the playoffs. That could end up being a sneaky good side effect of home court advantage this year.

  4. carpsy151

    Good, none of that two or three days off between games BS

  5. Look I know we have more rest than them but playing 5 on 10 against the Knicks *and* the Pacers at the same time might be a bit much.

    Celtics in 5.

  6. Pitiful_Wing7157

    (Me in evil laugh) The remaining 6 teams are going to 7 games each most likely, all badly bruised and worn out. Good good!

  7. chinesefox97

    Lol we’ve been having like a week off after every series. This is the most well rested a Celtics team has been in the Jays era.

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