@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Krawczynski] Whatever happens in Game 7, or from here on out. The “same old Timberwolves” thing is dead. Bury it. It’s over. This team is nothing like those that came before it.

[Krawczynski] Whatever happens in Game 7, or from here on out. The “same old Timberwolves” thing is dead. Bury it. It’s over. This team is nothing like those that came before it.

by Knightbear49


  1. hitman2218

    Where the hell was that effort the last 3 games.

  2. The future is bright guys! Let’s just buckle in and enjoy the ride boys!!

  3. To win by 45 in an elimination game after losing 3 straight is wild. Wolves win Game 7 and I don’t see any other team beating us. I’m gonna be stressing hard

  4. horse_renoir13

    Hell yes Jon. Get the doomer casual fans outta here.

  5. bearbrannan

    Keep this man away from the Lowe Post at all costs!!! Every fucking time he goes on there bad shit happens 😂

  6. LeeChangIsBae2

    Anthony Edwards is going to be the best basketball player in the world when he hits his prime (late 20s – early 30s). I really truly believe he’ll be the centerpiece of a dynasty here in Minnesota when that time comes.

  7. PoliticalHitJob

    I’m not into moral victories, but I believe him, yo.

  8. bbernal956

    nba still rigged for a game 7? haha fucking blowout! twolves have to take the same intensity back to colorado! make someone else other than jokic beat them

  9. Shingorillaz

    Can’t believe how much lol Wolves and lol dpoy Rudy there was after last game, an all time great did all time great shit.

  10. Games 3 and 5 easily could’ve gone out way but the nuggets just have this Jekyll and Hyde thing going on where they shoot insanely well or suck ass. Let’s hope we get this side of them again on Sunday!!

  11. Ajax_Malone

    The way they lost last year was so damn soul crushing and felt like we might have serious issues with the make up of the team. Amazing how far they’ve come in one year. True sea change

  12. Here_comes_the_D

    I love this tweet. No matter how this season ends, the future is incredibly bright for these Wolves.

  13. OkYeahActuallyNo

    Ant, please never leave us.

    Did anyone see his brother’s halftime show? Was it any good?

  14. Mysterious_Item_8789

    Well yeah, the team that came before is now in LA…

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