@Denver Nuggets

Now it’s personal

As the garbage time ticked down Jokic never sat down and just stood there staring daggers at the court. To me it looked like he clearly was taking this blowout personally. For all of the pundits who say Jokic is disinterested by basketball, this does not look like a man who is checked out.

I hope the rest of the team brings it for game 7. But I fully expect Jokic to leave everything on the table.

by silentohpossum


  1. GovernmentDoingStuff

    We are literally fine. Like completely.

  2. Dan_Rogla

    He’s going to go full cleaner mode next game.

    We saw it in Game 5.

    Just depends on if the surrounding cast can shake the shooting funk.

  3. stefasaurus-rex

    This is like seriously the only thing bringing me comfort after tonight

  4. matt24671

    Yeah not worried at all, we are going to crush game 7

  5. Smooth_Cry2645

    Hopefully this will light a fire in Jokic.

  6. Shenanigans80h

    Jokic wasn’t himself tonight, and I say that when he still had a decent game. He made turnovers he doesn’t usually make, missed shots that are usually automatic. He will come back from this. One more game

  7. SpinTactix

    Anyone saying Jokic doesn’t care about the competitive aspect of the game should really just log off because their opinion isn’t valuable. If he didn’t have any competitive fire in him for basketball he wouldn’t have the skill to be an NBA player, let alone the best player in the world.

  8. I had that exact face the whole game. I can’t comprehend how they let this happen. I just know I ain’t never seem the Joker look like this and it gives me hope.

  9. _moondoggie12_

    Jokic: I was there for the team in game 5. The team wasn’t there for me in game 6.

  10. DirkolaJokictzki

    I recognize this look. This is a man who remembers the disgusting taste of losing and will do any and everything in his power to not lose. The wolves are absolute fucking toast on Sunday.

  11. Front_Culture

    I am not a nuggets fan (i guess i am for the series) but I would definitely rather lose this game in a blowout like it happened rather than a close one because now the MVP will show why hes the MVP.

  12. The look of a mad man who’s about to hit the lab with his minions and put together the most embarrassing display of man handling on a Sunday in Denver.

    Jokic is about to go off on his team to fire them up and carry them like the MVP he is.

  13. Alternative_Fly8898

    Just woke up. Oof, that was unexpected.

  14. RevolutionEasy714

    This game 7 is going to be one for the ages

  15. Anhedonic98

    I fully expect Jokic to come out guns blazing in game 7

    That said, he cant do it alone, and if the rest of the team can’t fix their inconsistency, its gonna be another long night

  16. Jokic’s brain is recording everything so he could process what to do next. This game is another anomaly like Game 2.

  17. The look of disgust knowing you’re the only one on your team that came to play…

  18. He needs to lead us to the promised land, I’ve lost all hope on Jamal & MPJ.

  19. ThaEternalLearner

    If the Nuggets win Game 7, it will be the first time Jokic eliminated a 50 win team.

  20. Impressive_Trust_395

    I have a feeling he didn’t just send a text after tonight

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