@Indiana Pacers

Yikes… this breakdown of our defense is hard to watch

Yikes… this breakdown of our defense is hard to watch

by schnebly5


  1. The-Wylds

    I get the appeal of this guy, and I get some of what he’s saying. But also…it’s all just false rage and performative. There is no perfect defense, not that ours couldn’t be better. It totally could be. But every change he’s raging about would sacrifice something in return. It’s the nature of the game.

  2. SilverRain007

    He has burned both teams during this series so it’s at least not one sided.

  3. Bad analysis in my opinion. One of the clips he literally says to leave Josh Hart open, and then it happens, and Hart hits a 3. He keeps saying the same shit over and over again. A lot of this is just good shot making from the Knicks. Only things that are frustrating is Hali’s god awful defense and the fact that we don’t fill gaps

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