@San Antonio Spurs

Sidy Cissoko interview with french media

Interesting interview about his first year. Spent the year in Austin in a windowless apartment and that détresses the hell out of him. He spent way too much time on Fortnite video games (equivalent of 160 days, lot of it during his injury) but came to realise this was time he could spend doing workouts instead so he recently switched to learning piano to empty his head and increase his training time dropping PlayStation altogether and putting aside his phone too. He said he hangs out with Sochan and Keldon a lot.

I think we might be in for a good surprise with him if he keeps up his newfound schedule next year and avoid injuries.

by Jo-King-BP


  1. AngeloMontana

    Good stuff! Good to know he hangs out with the others more. Hopefully we’ll see some progress soon enough 

  2. Veryfreakingbored

    Now he needs to floss after every win next season

  3. Yeah this kids not gonna make it. Not trying to sound too much like a Debby downer but just hasn’t shown much improvement to crack the rotation . Hopefully I’m wrong but I’ve been right on almost all our recent picks

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