@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokic Is Inevitable…

Nikola Jokic Is Inevitable…

what’s the word y’all whoa this Series has completely turned upside down the Minnesota timbl went into Denver for the first two games of the series and looked Unstoppable dominating our defended Champions and then things flipped they go to Minnesota and the very first game the Denver Nuggets punched them in the mouth the home crowd couldn’t I a hear a peep out of the home crowd game number four similar things and they go back to Denver and everybody knows that gain of fives are the most important one especially if it’s a 2 two Series right the team that wins a game number five in the 2 two Series wins the series like 88% of the time or something so this is as crucial of a game as it can get and Denver just does it more specifically Nicole yok just had one of his best one of his best playoff performances of his career I don’t know the fight 4010 and zero assists he’s the first person to do it since Chris Paul the game literally just wrapped up so I don’t even know what the final stat line is just know that joic was a dog and showcase and again while he is the best player in the world this is so man this is why I love playoff basketball because it it literally is as close to a chess match as you can get without it be an actal chess the first two games of the series I had never in my lifetime seen Nicole yic be this frustrated or look this uncomfortable on a basketball court and Anthony AB was the best player in the series for the first two games and now it has shifted back to Nicole Yin being the best player and and M mik Nori Chris fch in this game they tried so many different things I cannot go back to rewatch this in a morning to just kind of count out how many different looks they thre Nicole leic in this game and none of it mattered this man went into Rudy gober’s chest a million times overpowered him a bunch in the in the few times where it felt like goar got his power under him and he wasn’t able to back him down guess what yogas did a hook like a dominant performance against a four time all defensive player all a four time DP player like come on I cannot wait to rewatch this game this was not the best Rudy gobear defensive performance of his career but damn it this man joic was Unstoppable and I I go back to think about like have I ever am I in the Nico yic uh MVP era I don’t care about what he did in 2019 2020 that is before even though he got a Conference Final appearance there that is before Nicole yic was the MVP of the league right during this era of Nicole is being the best player in the world to winning MVPs have I seen anybody stop this man for more than two games at a time the answer is unequivocally no no and again I’m I’m G to talk about this more I I gotta really really think about it I got to re remember these are just my initial reactions as the game has ended Nico yic is probably of my lifetime again I got to think about it don’t take this at face value I gotta think about it I got to talk about it on the podcast in a couple days Nico yic it’s either number one number two or number three best playoff players of my lifetime so I can’t talk about Jordan because again I was born in ’96 so I was there for Jordan but I was an infant that doesn’t matter of my of my lifetime joic in the playoffs is either one two or three and I got to think about it I got some people in my mind that are contestant these thinks but I got to think about it cuz look let me let me go to his b reference page and this is not going to have today’s stats up to date but I I I I want to talk about it with my face cam my face cam is uh right here boom okay so these are the playoffs over the last couple years this series again this doesn’t count for today’s 40-point game so let’s let’s not look at these counter stats because they have not been updated last series he went against Anthony Davis and I think we can all agree Anthony Davis is one of the three to four best defensive players in all of basketball and and what what happened in the series it was 286 and 10 last year in the finals he went against bam adab bio who’s one of the best versatile defenders in all the basketball I think he finished third and deep P this year joic in that series average 314 and S we can go on and on against Anthony Davis again and that was last year in the Conference Finals this man averaged 28 14 and 12 whoa when he went against Draymond Green in 2022 he average 31 13 and six like like come on dude this man has continue to see great defensive players and say don’t matter can’t guard me like we we use the word unguardable very very Loosely in our sport when we talk about it hey Carrie Irving is unguardable Luca dones is unguardable Shay G alexand is unguardable L zmo unguardable like we can go on and on and on but like in the very very true sense of the word that it does not get better than Nicole yic because if you throw two people at him which is something we’ve seen in this game when a had Cal Anderson as the primary Defender and said hell Rudy goar you’re the best defensive uh uh parts of your game is you in the help right we’re going to have you help did not matter dunker spot Aaron Gordon Corner three Christian Brun Christian Bron’s three-point confidence is gone up and that’s a little bit scary um is he’s the greatest passer in the league too so throw me two bodies I’m gonna make you pay and we talk about the stat they said Nicole yit was 0 and5 in games where he had scored 40 points in the playoff game at least until tonight that kind of makes sense to me because his first nature this is the same thing we said about LeBron for the majority of his career now he’s the alltime lead SC that his first nature is to playmake and to to get his other guys easy looks you know what I’m saying so the times where he had to drop 40 in the playoff game it’s like damn nobody else can hoop for me right now I guess I have to do it so the idea if you’re the Minnesota Timo at least later in this game it’s like all right if yic kill us let’s let’s neutralize the others and guess what they were not able to do completely neutralize the others because in this one we did not get a crazy Jamal Murray game but guess what we did do just like in game number four of the series we saw andry Gordon be phenomenal andry Gordon was perfect from the field of game number four I know I didn’t get a chance to talk about that but in this game he had 18 10 and five kavis Carwell Pope hit four threes I talked about Christian Brown and that that clutch three-pointer the confidence that he had to take that three-pointer like it goes on and on and on so yes you want to play me straight up okay I can give you 40 you want to double team me and throw me different looks guess what I can end up with 13 assists and zero turnovers like cut it out and I was not one of those like I was super intrigued about the series after the 20 league for the Minnesota Timo never did I think the series was over I thought that the momentum obviously had shifted to Minnesota but I would have been ridiculous to come to this or to any of my other podcast and say the Minnesota Timbo are winning this series because I’ve seen the different nuggets now I haven’t seen them be down2 after losing two games at home but this is a team that has been my Championship pick for some time like this team is that nice and if there was any team to come back from down two is this one it’s not completely over for Minnesota but boy is it really really tough when you got Mike connley dealing with his Achilles injury regardless of whether or not Mike Conley was really good or really bad in the first four games of the series that’s just an added body that you lost and as we see even though the Knicks dominated today shout out to the Nicks um when you just losing Quality quality players that means that either a you have to shorten your rotation and now your star players are playing even more and I hate the idea of playing even more minutes when you’re playing in Denver because Denver is the hardest place to play according to because the altitude we either extending our minutes for our star players or we got to have somebody hoop for us that ain’t really the guy that we want to hoop for us so Mike Conley being out really really sucked and I thought Minnesota was in this game for the majority of it and as with Anthony a let me see what he finished with Anthony a finished with 18 points 33% from the field five 5 for 15 this is his worst performance of the playoff so far after again just being uh so very dominant through the first series and a half or so Jen McDaniels with nine points carony towns was the offense of Juggernaut today with 23 on 10 of 19 but it was just not enough I mean this bench that had been very phenomenal nand Walker had to start today and he also played a good game but the bench that had been phenomenal when ni aland Walker and Nas and everybody coming off the bench in the last series has been kind of mute over the last couple games of this one where Nas re ended up with seven points like that’s just not going to get the job done especially if the bench that Denver has who everybody agreed that Denver the the one spot of Denver’s lineup or a thing about them that’s not good is that bench if Christian Brown is giving you 10 and then um you got Reggie giving you six and in the last game you saw justtin holiday give you a game it’s just crazy and I think that Mike Malone has Coast his ass off and one of the toughest things to do when you’re a coach is to sit a player that you love pyton Watson has not been able to play over the last couple games because he doesn’t add the three-point element it just makes it easier for them to be guarded if Peyton Watson’s on the court and I do believe that in the next series if they do get out of this we will see Peyton Watson probably reincorporated to the to the rotation and all but in this series specifically where you have so many dogs defensively for the Minnesota Timol you can’t have somebody that’s not able to be guarded or not respected out there I do feel like the defensive intensity for the Minnesota Tim has shifted dramatic ially again in those first couple games Anthony um Jamal Murray couldn’t bring the ball up the court they were really hounding niic all of that is kind of died down and again dpoy Rudy goir got absolutely dominated for the majority of this game I mean it’s I honestly don’t think there’s a single person in the world that would have been able to stop what Yas did today now there are going to be people that maybe make it a little bit more difficult I’m not saying R go is the perfect player for this but like again we talked Anthony Davis babio Victor whama hasn’t had a playoff series against yic just yet but even in the regular season I know it’s regular season so maybe shouldn’t even talk about I mean joic averaged 37 is against the Spurs and that’s not all on Wendy but that’s just showcasing there’s I don’t know if there’s a single soul on this planet that could stop the avales that is Nicole yic what a game what a performance what a series let’s just say that what a series

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  1. Joker woke tf up. He seriously was like 'okay I guess I'll be the best player on the planet'. Lmao. Man's scary good.

  2. As an American I want to say dudes stop hating on the Europeans. They balling tf out rn show them love and know the competition is going to raise everyones level and its going to get crazy!

  3. Jokic keep proving the doubters wrong. Crazy how after game 2 people were back on the trash takes we heard after his first MVP….people gotta realize this is an all time great. What a performance

  4. Honestly I feel like if Giannis could ever actually make it to the finals again maybe he could hold Jokic under a 30 pg avg

  5. The only player who you can compare to this 4 years stretch of joker is MJ. For best 4 years stretch of all time it's only joker or MJ

  6. I don't understand why people say Jokić play terrible first two game when he have 32p almost triple double first game and they lost in last few min and main reason was Murray playing terrible worst i ever seen him play and mpj an KCP missing open shoot's!It was not Jokic playing bad!

  7. am i trippin or has kenny only dropped like 1 vid about the celtics. like they just clinched the eastern conference finals and kenny doesn't release anything. idk man. i just want validation for my team lmao

  8. So refreshing to hear you talk ball, Rudy disrespect in the main stream media is crazy man, did you blame Tony Allen when he couldn’t stop Kobe? Do we ridicule Pj Tucker because he couldn’t guard Durant? I don’t remember anyone saying anything about Bam being a bad defender when Giannis averaged 33 on him for 2 years?! There are some dudes like that, NOBODY can stop them if they’re feeling, especially after being disrespected after becoming 3-time god damn MVP! Rudy is as good as they come when it comes to defense , but Jokic is that dude

  9. Jokic is the return of basketball, and I love to see younger players such as Anthony Edwards saying he is the best in the world and taking him as an example. It seems that the 2010s narcissistic attitude tired the basketball community, and finally, during the 2020s, we are witnessing the next shift with the return of fundamentals and real basketball as style and stance.

  10. I'd rather watch a game played by a Jokic-led Nuggets than one with the Lakers led by Shaq. Such an unselfish, uplifting display of really effective teamwork by the Nuggets. Shaq's time as the team leader was often marked by squabbling, complaints about how many touches players were getting, ball-hogging, ego tripping, "this is my team" BS. And the one-trick pony called Shaq, who doesn't even have free-throw skills in his bag to save his team should a game be on the literal line, let alone half the skills of the Joker, has the gall to say Jokic isn't the MVP? That's just petty. Well, as they say, the dumb are often jealous of the smart.

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