@Indiana Pacers

Jalen Brunson on Josh Hart’s Injury & Game 6 Loss vs Pacers, Full Postgame Interview

Jalen Brunson on Josh Hart’s Injury & Game 6 Loss vs Pacers, Full Postgame Interview

I guess Jaylen just what you saw early on to kind of fall in the hole and and have to fight back all night um started out um playing a decent first quarter we had a five-point lead then didn’t finish the quarter right and then obvious the second quarter didn’t play well and then pretty much even from that point on but um just there really isn’t any excuse for anything it’s just you got to give them credit for having the the um just the way they played tonight you know you just got to give them a lot of credit seemed like you you got some looks that you’re normally comfortable with what do you tribute your your slow start too in this one um make sure of everything um I mean they’ve been doing a great job of all series of making adjustments and everything and um It’s Made Me adjust as well and so um obviously I I was shooting shots I normally make when I miss but um it’s a mixture of both mixture of me just missing the shots and make sure of them just not playing really well Jaylen when Josh asked out of the game in the first quarter just how surprising is that compared to his typical Iron Man effort out there um obviously something must must have been wrong but uh I saw him come back in the game and um continue the fight and so um was I I wasn’t really necessarily worried or anything it’s just um I guess you can just add it to the list jayen you mentioned the list obviously the fact that you guys are dealing with a bunch of injuries obviously the physical toll of that is obvious but is there a mental side of it where you guys try to avoid getting just emotionally worn out by everything that’s happening um that’s what we have each other for um it’s been a lot of things that obviously physically don’t go our way with with our our team this year and um but uh I think our main focus is that whoever we have out there um regardless of what you’re dealing with or anything if you’re out there you’re ready to go and that’s just been our mindset and so yeah Josh ask to come out but he comes back in and gives everything he has and so um I mean I’m working as for a teammate and so uh I just no matter what the situation we’re going to have each other’s backs and um yeah what um kind of on that note what you know of Josh what what would you say about his status for game seven I mean I would assume he’s playing it’s game seven and um the way that they were double triple teaming you was that different than the way they were showing those double and triple teams than previously in the series yeah uh like I said they they adjust and um um they try to make ways try to make things difficult and um I have to adjust as well and so um showing me different looks and I got to do a better job of reading it and um I just can’t be what I was for the first 40 minutes of the game jayen you guys played for that number two seed all to the end now you get this home game at the Garden for game seven just kind of thoughts on fighting for that and what the reward is here yeah um it’s definitely something we fought for and um to have home Corner Advantage for as long as we can throughout the playoffs and [Music] um I’m just I’m just happy that our team has a mindset that we do and so um but it’s it’s it’s not given just because it’s at home we get to go go out there and play and um earn it now they’re going to be ready and we’re going have to be ready as well just you you guys played obviously with a desperation the other day they they talked about it today I guess some guys said they had that desperation today what do you expect for a game seven I expect both teams to have desperation you teed that up for me so you’re you’re welcome


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  1. Isnā€™t it sad that the Knicks are missing 5 players that could be a starting unit together to injuries, the Pacers are at near full capacity and this series is going to 7ā€¦? šŸ˜¬

  2. Missed FT's, Ball hogging/over dribbling and another Knick player down spells doom. If both teams show up, Pacers should win game 7.

  3. Many of these players don't have respect. Rarely i hear them say thank you before leaving. Pride, ego… Wasted greatness. The lowly are the true greats.

  4. Bro bout to lose to young team who has first playoffs and 6th seadeed, and u think he have chance against boston?

  5. Idk if Brunson canā€™t make shots in that ugly ass arena or what but that place is a curse for him rn šŸ˜‚

  6. How many players has Thibodeau caused to get severely injured because of his idiotic coaching and forcing players to play entire games

  7. Stop being a ballhog, wasting most of the shot clock, dribbling endlessly to nowhere and throwing up ridiculous shots with three defenders on you. This is a team game not your ISO wet dream!

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