@Dallas Mavericks

Kyrie Irving & Luka Doncic talk Game 6 Win & Advancing to West Finals, Postgame Interview

Kyrie Irving & Luka Doncic talk Game 6 Win & Advancing to West Finals, Postgame Interview

[Music] that was old oh oh that’s the way you uh what happened that was that was the old one yeah yeah damn that Kyrie how much fun did you guys have out that ton night and how are we able to pull that one out uh I think it was fun once the game ended you know it was uh so many high emotions going out there and I mean being down 17 and a close out game isn’t something isn’t a position you want to be in but um that’s where we found ourselves so we had to respond the way we’ve been responding all season um just playing hard those basketball on the defensive end and getting out transition and um just trusting that our Pace will get us back in the game so definitely feels good to get the series done and um you know now we can reflect on and see uh how we improved as players and as a team and as coaching staff and his organization so I’m appreciative of it what can you say about PJ he was scor us through the first three quarters and then nine points there in the in the yeah I don’t think it m I don’t think it mattered to PJ too much I think he was just waiting for his moment and he’s played well majority of the series so um we had some confidence in him that eventually he would make some big time shots and um grateful that he knocked him down man that’s just pure confidence and belief this question is for both of you um you guys have been down before in the Clipper series and now tonight just what makes this group so resilient that you’re able to come back and overcome a large deficit uh I think we just stay together we always talk on the bench staying together our positive energy and today was a pure pure example of it yeah I agree yeah it’s good good answer question question for Kyrie end of the game you finish up your es ESPN interview you give your shoes to the fan I think you I think you got your daugh and you’re walking off all the fans are surrounding you phones out cheering you on I’m just curious how special are those moments to you in your career uh I mean you know just that whole walkoff you know hugging my family and then going and hugging some more of my family in the locker room everybody cheering for each other and I had to make an impromptu speech and I was doing my best not to let some tears come down from my eyes because it feels uh like it’s been a long time coming just being back in this position getting back to the uh you know finals or the Conference Finals uh it was just a long way back you know and I look back at parts of my career where I took it for granted just getting to the Conference Finals you know three years straight and then not getting back for a little bit you know to weigh on you as a as a competitor so um I’m grateful that I had these guys beside me and kept feeding me confidence and um you know kept doing the little things for one another and I think that’s what um you know made the celebration feel that much more that much better um um you know so when I get a a chance to hug on my family after the game and you just realize that it is just a game it means a lot to us we all love it and that’s the connector but once the buzzer goes off then um you know we’re back to regular life and we can still celebrate the things that we’re accomplishing for for either or both of you guys but um you know you guys have been talking about Derek Lively you know all season how impressed you are with him uh has has he ever stopped impressing you especially on a night like tonight U no he was amazing I see here plus 25 26 in a playoff game it’s it’s insane man H he’s doing this with while being a rookie uh he has an unbelievable potential and I’m just glad the M drafted him very happy Noke Duke wom in the series one as well every um other day or so you’re tweeting out tribes stay together no matter what and that that’s a message that resonates even outside of basketball what would you say to those young kids that are trying to find their tribe and you know how to do do that importantly um yeah I would I would say you know when I tweet those things is it’s not just for you know the basketball fandom or just my family at home or family internationally I think it’s just for Humanity in general and um I know how big this platform is I know I don’t say this arrogantly but I know how big my presence is alongside my teammates whenever we go out and represent our respective countries our ethnicities our nationalities our cultures you know we’re we’re we’re bigger than basketball players here we understand that but when we go out and compete um you know whether we win or lose people take those emotions home with them and so I just try try my best to uh send out a a peaceful tweet uh to let everybody know just don’t panic stay poised and uh we’ll get back on the winning on winning track and um when I say winning track is well applied to basketball I’m really applying to life you know just stay together keep seeking the truth and keep God first that’s always been the the mentality you know so I love to share that especially through a tough series like this where everybody’s wondering what are these tweets coming from what are they about and you know some people are going to dissect them but it’s it’s really just about um the young kids at home understanding that they have older generational leader that’s looking out for him and letting them know hey this is this is bigger than the game itself just stay together stay poised and keep enjoying life Man game goes on luuka if you got that mic fixed uh the long answer could you uh just uh the rebounding was awesome uh and generally speaking but in particular the one the offensive rebound PJ got and I think you kicked it out to you uh just talk about hit the 27 Second Chance points and all you know there theit huge rebound I mean yeah 27 is amazing it means our passion and our energy was was at the high level uh everybody was concentrated uh we know we said at the halftime we’re not going back to OKC so that’s what we did we stayed together uh as I always say uh and playing with energy uh that rebound that PJ guy I remember and then I draw he hit the three uh it was a huge moment in the game it was a momentum change and uh he was very very huge uh at the end of the game Luka you obviously shot the ball well these last couple games but for a lot of the series it was a struggle for you to get in your normal kind of GrooVe what’s it mean to you for you guys to be able to win a series you know when it was uh a struggle for much of it for you I mean we want the serious that’s what it matters in the end uh we want for it to uh being uh not home we didn’t have Home Advantage which is which is great and I mean it’s great that we want uh but just you know struggle is going to come uh you got to stay positive and keep hoping you know you can impact the game other ways uh not just by shooting poor or good and Kyrie what was the gist of your impromptu speech post game what was the gist of you said you made an impromptu speech in the locker room what was the gist I’m sure it’ll be on social media or something like that man you know so I don’t think there’s any more privacy to it but uh you know my teammates know just again I was trying to hold back to emotions just because of how hard and tough this series was and U I think we really got to appreciate each other’s talents and skill sets and and most importantly our our will um got a lot of guys that let it compete a lot of guys that want to see each other do well and are willing to sacrifice and do the little things in order to get wins so I think we’re continuing to prove that um obviously the job’s not finished but uh feels good to be in the Conference Finals to be you know the last four remaining teams right eventually just you don’t want to take those moments for granted cuz no guarantee that you get back so luuka there’s not many guys left over here there’s not many guys left on the roster that was with you the last time you made this stage they go out last year and get Kyrie then the front office recognizes they’ve got two All-Star guards in their primes and they go out throw two first round picks to really just fortify this group how much is it meant to you to see this organization continue to add pieces to really support someone like yourself big time uh you can see this group uh has been together for like five months uh like I say you know we’re capable of more and more I think uh but just a big time Big Time trads big time uh adjustment and keep bringing them I mean yeah whatever I’m tired man so this is a question for both of y’all LCA Kyrie y’all saw the doubters that were saying that y’all wouldn’t work Kyrie a couple months ago you talked about the dgray that ESPN gave y’all could y’all talk about just yeah they gave him a d rating for the trade from the Nets so could could hey man yeah I wanted to ask into allar game how does it feel to prove the doubter is wrong uh I don’t think we care uh uh we enjoy playing with each other uh we enjoy playing with this team so uh I don’t we don’t really care what other people have to say along those same lines Luca as a brother and as a teammate what does Kyrie mean to you Kyrie as a as a teammate and a brother what does Luca mean to you we getting emotional now you don’t talk about you go ahead go ahead man yeah cuz you get the long speeches yeah uh big time man when he came uh nothing but supportive of everything I did everything we did uh but just uh helped me mature a lot I realize uh to see the game in a different way and obviously in the court is amazing to play with a guy like him uh like I said just go out there go out there enjoy and the leader he’s been for us uh not just for me but for us he’s been amazing always positive energy yeah I I just think this guy next to me has pushed me to to uh continue to work on my game and continue to uh develop as as a young leader and I think the big word that we both uh can agree on is just maturity um coming into Dallas I was dealing with a lot mentally spiritually emotionally and uh they embraced me with open arms you know I don’t have a perfect Journey so coming into this environment I I was unsure how we were going to work out on the court but off the court I knew eventually that I would get him to open up this guy’s a big teddy bear at times off the court big competitor okay I’ll say teddy bear that likes to compete you know he’s still ducking me in dominoes but you know I think uh at times um you know I just have to sit back and Marvel at his talent and um his ability to get outside his comfort zone and uh you know I enjoy watching him um be a father I enjoy watching him you know develop as a person first and then the basketball stuff will take care of it we all know how skilled He Is We all know his numbers and stuff like that but I want to be a teammate and a brother next to him that helps him grow as a man and helps him achieve the things that he wants to achieve and I know he feels the same way so um the mission is still the same for us and when we step on that Court we enjoy competing with each other and the times that you guys don’t get to see is the you know times we get to compete against each other on the court practice which we just laugh and joke and we work out together and you know we know that this this dream of our started when we you kids so to connect like this on this level I’m 32 you know he’s a young 25 26 you know 24 he still growing no 25 he’s 25 26 27 the beard makes him older so but no it’s just a good kid man good good human being good young man luk I wonder if there’s anything that you could have maybe taken from the 2022 run cuz when you guys reached the Conference Finals it had been the first time for the franchise in 11 years seemed like there was a sense of happy to be here do you think there’s anything that maybe you can take from and that is a bigger stage from playing in that Conference Finals that you you can use this time around I mean yeah I mean we played the Warriors I remember that was tough that was a tough run uh I think we could have won game two there uh we kind of got out of the out of our way you know we kind of relaxed uh but it was tough playing against the Warriors always in the on the Move uh but always say play I mean think in the present you know don’t think in the past so uh today is about today’s game uh and tomorrow we’ll take about Conference Finals when we know when who we play but today I think we should all enjoy uh cuz this was I would say really hard series good right Kyrie Kyrie um I know you talked a little bit to to Tim about you know your place and your generation how you’re one of the last Stars left in the playoffs for Luca to now be in two Conference Finals in in three years I’m old what is it what does it say about his place in this generation this new generation yeah oh uh I mean I talked about it just this younger generation and um you know how they have no fear um you know they don’t see the OG Superstars as as guys that they look up to as much anymore they they want to kill our record they they want to they want to kill us every time they get on the court and uh that was the you know the first thing I noticed about Luca is that he just had no fear going against the best of the world and he always walks around like he’s the best player in the world and um I think that’s the confidence of a champion that’s where it starts and you know we want to continue to hey it’s okay ELO um you know we just want to continue to give each other that confidence and um you know as we watch them grow just give them that Grace you they’re going to make mistakes they’re going to fail at the biggest stage he’s done that already making it to Western Conference finals and now he has a veteran next to him a few veterans next to him it’s a different run um I think that team in 2022 I have a lot of respect for that team they were happy to be there but I think he knows our approaches job’s not finished and we got to get back to work after we get rest and we got to get back on that Court you know continue to condition ourselves mentally and physically and just get prepared uh so we we know the goal that we have at hand we don’t have to overp it but we know how to put it into existence and that’s just putting in the work last question yes uh right here for both of you can you give me one word to describe what this comeback was and can you also just talk about Jason kids ability and coaching that helped you win this series amazing yeah I’ll say comination yeah and then with with Coach kid uh yeah he he makes our jobs a lot easier um we look over to him during uh some crucial times tough times throughout the game and uh he just has that point guards mentality where he just wants to stay us to stay poised and continue to make the right decisions but also stay aggressive you don’t really see him you know getting mad at the shots that Luca takes with the shots that I he just wants us to continue to push the basketball uh get into our offense and get back on defense and do the right things um we’ built an identity on being honest uh with each other as well so I got to give credit to that guy he shows a lot of love he keeps us positive and um he he’s a straight shooter thank you come on Elo thank you all right time

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Dallas Mavericks – Full Game 6 Highlights | May 18, 2024 | 2024 NBA Playoffs

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  1. The Mavs have all the ingredients to go all the way. Two super star closers plus a plethora of good role players and a strong bench led by Lively

  2. I'm very proud of this Mavericks team , To go out and beat the number 1 seed is amazing, Beat job to Jason Kidd he held this team together all year , But the NUGGETS are the champion.

  3. Kyrie ithe most unselfish, underrated player with the most skill to ever play this game and like he taught LeBron how to pass the ball to wide open players especially players that can shoot the ball with more consistent resaults in clutch situations he's teaching this guy who has loads of talent but lacks self control and often shoots his team out of games early by not trusting them I haven't cared for him but I think Kyrie can fix his arrogance and habits of being a bad teammate and without Kyrie this Joker would've got swept by the clippers

  4. That was a bad mental mistake by shai man he already got him to shoot an awkward off balance shot. Why reach like that especially on a 3 pointer.

  5. I just love these two on the same team and the Mavs organization is really pouring into these guys! I want the championship for them!

  6. The reason Kyrie so happy is cause he proved he didn’t need LeBron(my fav) to win. Cause that has been the topic since he left the cavs and Bron it’s been failure after failure. Couldn’t get it done wit KD, turmoil everywhere he’s been, nothing but controversy. He’s heard ppl question his leadership, they questioned his mind and motives, they even questioned his. Love for the game. So when you ask damn why Kai so emotional after this game? it’s not like he won a ring yet or anything, just remember bro been thru the worst h3ll and back ppl doubting his leadership and his game I’m proud of that brother. Keep doing ya thing Kai Kai.

  7. LeBron said “it’s just a game.” And the white goofy dudes were having a field day be careful Kyrie.

  8. Man literally all the mavs on the court in the 4th came up clutch they play really well together i didn't think it would be like this

  9. Kyrie even though your older than Luka…your still his "baby brother" like with LeBron. I'm glad you finally accept thats your best role on a NBA team.

  10. Lets be honest. Its Kyrie that gave his cavs rings to stat paddler LeBrick. This series is the proof again.

  11. These 2 actually genuinely fw each other. Might be over for the rest of the league 😮

  12. Thunder beat themselves by losing their lead & even though Luka is a good player, he cries too much, just play ball like Kyrie. Thunder NEEDS a TRUE BIG MAN & they will be UNSTOPPABLE next year…FACTS!!! Good series, until next year THUNDER⛈️UP!!! 💯

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