@Minnesota Timberwolves

“It Finally Clicked.” | Karl-Anthony Towns Postgame Sound | 05.16.24

“It Finally Clicked.” | Karl-Anthony Towns Postgame Sound | 05.16.24

what did it take from you guys to have the response you did with backs against the wall elimination game play like today um just took us playing temp wolves basketball we’ve lost our identity the last three games and our backs against the wall and with everything on the line we found ourselves finding uh our identity so it’s a great day um for us it was a great day of work um but it’s going to take consistency and discipline and execution if we expect to uh win this best series with game seven being next how did you guys find I I think that first time out helped us tremendously it looked like it was kind of deja vu it was looking like the same kind of game we’ve been playing and after that first timeout we V and Micah let us know you know there’s no more wiggle room there’s no more mistakes there’s no more time for error and I think that we all locked in and we understood the assignment and just you know finally clicked we found that desperation that we’ve been looking for and we played like that the rest of the game and uh that defense was something that I think fans and um fans of the Tims are fans of the NBA uh have seen a lot from us this year what uh was what works well for you against Nia or just how do you try to bother him as much as you can I mean he’s MVP for a reason I mean superbly talented and his IQ is off the charts uh you know I just do my best to uh make us uh everything he does do uh he does as difficult as possible um just go out there with a determination and an effort and uh just try to make you know you know you don’t ever think you could stop players like that um but you just know that you could do your best to contain them um uh give your team a great chance and I just want to go out there and do the best I could car what do you expect a playoff game seven to be like I mean what a series right it’s kind of been it’s been weird it’s kind kind of been Deja Vu for both of us I know that we won the first two at their house they come here and they win the next two then we go over there they win one at home finally then we come back here and we win home finally so uh you know someone has to break the trend in game seven so uh I expect an environment that um we may have not seen since game 82 here but this time it’s going to be at their house Carl you’ve been the the whole series but what your teammates have been doing around you when you’re doing has been different game to game it seemed like you’re bringing doubles from the top side tonight how did you feel about that look compared to how I mean just doing whatever it takes to win uh I think last game we we changed up our defense a little bit and I didn’t see him too much of the game and we didn’t you know we just needed to do more as a team you know to contain him um and uh he’s been fabulous in the last three games for them and and then we had to adjust and we made some adjustments and uh I thought that today was a great team defensive game you know um like you said everyone’s in the right position making the right rotations making that second third fourth fifth effort if needed um but really important today too is that we closed out a lot of those possessions with a rebound and I think that was the the the the real uh key to the game how much fun was tonight I mean the frustration was evident those last three games but how much just from you know after those first five minutes how much fun was it just playing basketball everything’s working it wasn’t fun it was not fun we we we had a sense of desperation and and attitude um the rest of the game you you know uh like I said that we know that the there was no more room for error um I say it’s fun obviously to come out with a win but um we have an attitude we’ve been we haven’t been able to we’ve been pissed off that we haven’t been able to change that number from 10 to n in a long time so um we understand the job’s not done we’re not satisfied you know just because we won games six I we need to be throwing any parades yet we need to uh finish the job so game seven I think that will uh you know we take care of business we do play timber wolves basketball and find ourselves on the right side of History I think that’s when we’ll take a time to say we had some fun and we enjoyed this trip and this process and this series and and I guess you could say uh take a step back and appreciate what we’ve done how’ you describe Jade McDaniel’s game tonight I mean it was fantastic I mean he hit big shots great defense you know the defense you know jayen McDaniels to have uh he showed it tonight to National audience and he was fantastic so big threes big plays that we needed it always seems to find the ball found Jen McDaniel’s hands and he did exactly what we know he could do conf I think it just made us realize you know the swag I felt we lost in the last three games so just to kind of visually see it see the way we play you know the desperation the toughness the physicality the emotion and uh but also the discipline the execution uh the tenacity I think that we were lacking that for the last three games and I thought that we did a great job you know the coaches and our staff all the way from the top to the bottom that did a great job of getting those edits getting that film made and what what a great time to pull that uh card uh that trick out his hat and your fingerprints over was there was there something that you unlocked as the series went on that you were looking to do um from the start never get to experience um I think I’ve talked about it I think some I think the last two games ago Mother’s Day I I think that maybe getting too aggressive in scoring and I think that last game I did a great job of uh being aggressive in in in playmaking which requires either I’m making the play AKA scoring or I’m making the play as in a pass um but I think I did a better job of even that tonight with just making the right play you know trusting my teammates putting them in the right position and um just being aggressive and and and whether it’s making the pass or it’s making that cut or it’s being in the right position or either making that that tough Rebound with a with a layup or even def Ely just being in the right rotation aggressive in my playmaking I thought I did a better job of that tonight and I’m glad that it helped our team win you had 13 rebounds in this game tonight you guys significantly outrebounded Denver you mentioned it a minute ago that a lot of those possessions ended with rebound were there a different emphasis put on it tonight I think a lot of those rebounds just came from desperation you know we understood the the position that we were in and the situation we were in and um you know I I I think for all of us here especially media who covers us every day uh I think you saw you know that identity of the team that we’ve been showing we were all year which is you know leave it all on on Court and execute at a high level and sometimes in our execution we may falter and doing the right thing but we make it up with pure effort I thought that tonight we we made a lot of effort plays and something that’s been lacking and uh you know it showed in the box where we did a great job of playing as a team and finding ways to win and whether it be scoring or whether it just be making you know that that second third effort thank


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  1. KAT!! do you see what we mean? do you?

    look at your stat line. only10 points……BUT!! BUT!!

    13 rebounds, 5 assists, only 1 turnover, and only 3 fouls. AND WE WON BY 45 POINTS!!

    you don't need to be a scorer every night, but you do need to contribute and this shows why.

    scoring comes and goes with even the best. but rebounding, assisting, not turning it over, and staying on the court (no foul trouble) are things you SHOULD bring every game!!

    we've been screaming at you for years, KAT. screaming for you to expand your game. to be a team player. to help others. to bring effort outside that of scoring. SCREAMING!!!

    your non-scoring stats were phenomenal in this game. PHENOMENAL!! this is who you need to be……..AND you played defense with purpose

    GOOD GAME KAT. REDEFINE YOURSELF. take the me part out of team and you will succeed

  2. Knicks fan here. Respect. I think that dunk KAT threw down lit a fire under your team. Would love to see you guys against NYK in the finals.

  3. only had 10 points but arguably one of his best playoff games of his career, thats how good he was on jokic and on the boards. Great work KAT

  4. wait a min.. did Karl Anthony Towns do a better job on Nikola Joker than anyone in the entire NBA so far? that debate needs to come up… never seen anyone in the whole league the past 4 yrs hold joker to extreme inefficient scoring MULTIPLE times.. his defense in game 2 with rudy out and his defense in game 6 might literally be much better than Anthony davis defense at any period vs joker.. its time lakers realize AD's defense only works with another Big who can defend as well.. lakers only have 1 big man that can defend.. and 99 percent of nba teams dont have any big man that can defend… no wonder joker has a field day.. whos gonna stop him? walker kessler? kristaps porzingis? nikola vucevic? jonas valaciunis? sabonis? dereck lively? TJD? joel mostly just takes turns scoring with joker.. dont tell me KAT is the best big man defender in the league.. who else has done this well on joker multiple times?

  5. If Kat stays out of foul trouble and is the one to guard Joker, Timberwolves have a good chance.

    Kat is strong enough to hold off Joker, unlike Rudy, who gets backed into the rim every time when Joker drives for the rim.

    If McDaniels can put up the same performance and the Twolves bench out play and out scores, the nuggets bench Timberwolves can win.

    But like ANT says and is true, stop freaking fouling.

    If Kat gets into foul trouble and Timberwolves have to put Rudy on Joker while Kat sits on the bench due to foul trouble, Joker will eat up the paint against Rudy backing him to the rim every time.

    Kat at least has the upper body strength to stop Joker from backing him into the rim.

    Kat, you are the x factor. Go get it 💪.

    And if you find yourself being mismatched against a smaller defender, make them pay and drive for the rim against the smaller defender.

    You got this and stayed out of foul trouble. Points or not, your presence and defense against Joker are extremely crucial for the team to be on the floor every time Joker is on the floor.

    But if Joker is on the floor while you sit due to foul trouble, then I don't see ya winning unless they have another bad shooting night.

    Let's go get it. 💪

  6. Nice job Timberwolves, good win you are still in it, keep up the hard push and don't let up just keep the fouls low and don't let Denver sucker you in to making fouls.

  7. Kat said it best the job is not done. Game seven win or go home. I pick T. Wolves to win series. Coaching matters. Rebounds wins championship!

  8. Knew this was going to game 7 the moment we lost our first home game. This is gonna be a tough fight, but as long as the boys don't lose themselves they can pull this off. Go beat Denver so the rest of the NBA fandom can watch us take the chip! Keep silencing the doubters!!

  9. So they lost their identity- the nuggets had alot to do with that! Towns thought this was going to be an easy series after a 2-0 lead with all the laughing he was doing! NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE HEART OF CHAMPION!

  10. What people don't realize is the fact that big Kat can score points with the best of them but he shares the ball, he's a team player!

  11. Great job using your chest and not your hands KAT. Just solid defense on Joker with no cheap fouls 👏 It's better to let him have a couple cheap baskets than for you to get costly fouls. We need you in there big fella. Maybe 48 minutes in game 7 💪💪

  12. Kat dont let the refs bait you into fouling, we need you on Joker and on the court. 10 pts, 13 rebs was your best performance.

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