@Phoenix Suns

FULL INTERIVEW: One-on-one interview with Phoenix Suns head coach Mike Budenholzer

FULL INTERIVEW: One-on-one interview with Phoenix Suns head coach Mike Budenholzer

Mike I know this is more to you about the players that you’re going to coach than the team that you grew up listening to and watching but it was still neat to see the way you bowed to Al McCoy and to look down and see your dad sitting in the front row and your head coach of the Phoenix Suns what what is this all like yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s hard to even figure it out or take it all in and they surprised me with Al McCoy he’s uh he’s just a legend in my eyes I remember listening to the radio I don’t want to portray that I sat around the radio in the fireplace but I don’t know if it was the car or TV or what but uh listening to him call games and shazam’s and all the great players H is just one of the cool things about today and then of course my dad and my family um just so many good things what has the last been week week been like hearing from friends and people you grew up with in holber I’m sure you’ve heard from a lot of people yeah it’s been so much fun um you know and a lot of those people have been excited for me uh All Along The Journey um so you know this is just another you know fun step and and uh maybe a little extra excitement um considering I’m going to be close to them and and home uh but they’ve been with me all the way uh I know some of them will have a hard time with the booten holer versus Buton holer but I guess they’re getting used to that too um I looked emotional talking about the last year it’s probably the first year of your adult life if I’m reading your bio right that you weren’t coaching basketball what what made that emotional for you yeah you know I I think uh 29 years straight I think to to you know be on this uh you know amazing work of of trying to win championships and be around great teams and organizations and to get a year to yourself um you know you don’t want that it’s hard when it happens but then if you can turn it into a positive and spend time with my kids spend time with my family um take care of myself travel those are kind of what life’s about and so um you know I just Tred to take advantage of it does it make you that much more fired up to be back on the sidelines yeah know I feel like uh I’m in my best place ever to to be coaching and and you know to be here in Phoenix and hungry and ready to go uh yeah no it’s it’s been I think you know perfect for me to to now land here uh coaching Kevin Devin and Brad the success that you’ve had kind of lands you that opportunity to coach a team that you guys believe is is Championship ready um how how do you coach those guys those stars and how much have you been able to talk to them yeah you know I mean sometimes the people make things complicated I I don’t know exactly what the definition of coaching is but just coach them you know that that means you know pushing them them to be their best you know loving on them pushing them uh you know holding them accountable um building relationships with them uh you know helping them just grow and improve I think they can all get better so um but it’s the same for the whole team so I’m excited about working with those three guys but I’m excited about working with the entire roster

Arizona’s Family got a one-on-one interview with new Phoenix Suns head coach Mike Budenholzer.

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