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Miami Heat: Does Terry Rozier fit in Miami long term? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Does Terry Rozier fit in Miami long term? | Five on the Floor

on the floor ride for my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple scars bubble frogs just like bu said you in trouble y Che the FL play got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s power having guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network welcome back to five on the floor I’m your host Greg sander today’s floor plan with me Brady Hawk you can follow him at Brady Hawk 305 we are going to get into uh some Terry roier talk we haven’t um talked about him in a few episodes and we want to Di into kind of where he stands um I think that there is a lot of question marks about the roster going forward questions about uh who’s going to be on the roster but I think Terry roier may be an intrical part so we’re going to get into him on this episode here before 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thought it was funny when I saw that it was 30 games because it didn’t feel that way it felt like a very shorter stint I think that’s because of the recy bias that you mentioned with it with kind of not being available um late in the season into the playoffs and in the playing game but I think it was tough for him because you acquire a guy midseason and you have him in this role where first of all we’re having the discussion okay should he take a step back and be a role player that that’s trying to get everybody else involved or or is he just going to just step in and be scary ter the guy that’s going to just take a bunch of shots and be this high volume guy and it was like it felt like everybody was talking around the heat facility was like okay he’s going to step into this role and he’s not going to press he’s not going to do too much but it felt like this roster wasn’t talented enough for him to do that like it’s like if you’re acquiring this guy and as you mentioned you know sending out a first round pick you need him to be that guy you need him to step up in that way and be a kind of a primary creator for you um and we saw him do that at certain part points of the season I remember that Cleveland game specifically was the big one where you just kind of went on that Big Run Big Shots late in that that game it’s kind of what you wanted uh to see from him and he had he’s just a tough shot maker and it’s kind of what you wanted to see on a team that doesn’t have any of those they don’t have many that the that type of player um that doesn’t need stuff drawn up for him that doesn’t need a screen that doesn’t need you know just he just needs the ball in his hands and he could find a way to get a decent decent look for himself up so uh I thought he figured that out at certain points when he got a little bit of a rhythm and it’s but the reason I say it was it was tough for him not only the like the original role but he never had consistency with the guys around him and partly that’s that’s the big availability question that Pat Riley talked about and that includes him because he wasn’t available late in the season obviously but he was playing like that Cleveland game I remember wasn’t it like just Jimmy like I don’t even think bam and Tyler were playing in that game maybe so that was the tough part and that’s why they need to fix that type type of thing so they can now in the offseason uh say okay we need this from you moving forward we we need you to play this role no matter who’s next to you uh and it’s funny because I mentioned you before we started this I feel like I forget he’s even on the team at some point just because of the recency bias and and that that’s why we brought up doing this podcast because like we don’t talk about the guy a ton we haven’t done a lot of conversations about Terry Rosier where he stands on this roster moving forward I’ve seen him be putting these these trade you know the the trade machines and everything or or I I just feel like we’re not talking about it on either side if it’s like get a trade machine or if it’s on the floor next season so it’s kind of is important um so right now it’s about getting healthy because I mean look we we saw that Barry Jackson tweet late in this season where they was we were talking about career threatening it’s not career but we didn’t even think that was going to be in the question so when you see that we start talking about it a little bit differently but on they need that guy healthy and look if they’re gonna have him around they’re going to need him to be the guy that he was in that Cleveland game sounds like he will be um healthy for next season he should be ready we don’t know that for sure um but that’s where it’s trending last I heard um I also think it’s important to um kind of preface conversation by saying my belief is the heat view Terry roier as part of the solution much more than part of the problem when you talk about what this what juice the offense needs and and just things things of that nature and and what the um overall build looks like I think they think Terry is a part of it but also let’s just acknowledge at 249 million he’s a movable contract with only one year past next year on so I wouldn’t say he’s a player that’s like he’s definitely not Untouchable he’s definitely not being shopped but if a huge deal were to come together I think he could be part of it but otherwise I would expect Terry rier to be back next year so it is important for us to talk about how he’s gonna play and also how he fits next to the other guys I mean what was your thoughts on his um fit next to Hero Let’s go there because I think that’s where a lot of people are getting stuck with this roster and they’re thinking go if Terry and Tyler can’t play together and we got to choose one of the two maybe I choose the younger guy and we keep Tyler here um maybe that’s been the line of thinking a little bit what were your thoughts on Tyler and Terry specifically as a back court last season yeah I think that was the big question mark because we we probably didn’t even see it enough to the point where we have enough to talk about it because that was the big question was like how will it look eventually and we’re we’re still at the point in the offseason where we’re still kind of talking about hypothetical so um I think the tough part is that we’re at the point now where we know they need a guy in that back court that can be high volume that that has to be on the ball because we spent the early stages of Jimmy’s heat tenure we’re like okay a guy that needs to slide off the ball at times to give Jimmy his ability to get the ball but now we’re at the point where it’s like Jimmy does he’s not that guy like that regular season guy he doesn’t want to be that on ball guy that you need somebody that’s going to create a ton and be that scoring punch um and in theory you can say you have two of those guys that could kind of work off each other that you can um I guess you run their own lineups in some ways that the way you could stagger them as as Miami tried to do but it didn’t really seem that that that fluid it seemed at certain points it was kind of my turn your turn my turn your turn they had certain points where they ran actions with the two but it does seem like a point as much as we could talk about Terry you know his effort defensively Tyler his growth defensively since since his rookie year it’s just a tough backourt Dynamic defensively there’s too many things you can attack teams have attacked Tyler as we saw in the playoffs Terry just being smaller in general is just easier that you can’t really switch a ton with him so I think just from the defensive aspect it’s tough to see that and look let’s let’s because I know we’re gonna always go back to to the pat conference because that’s that’s where we’re at in the offseason he hinted at the fact when he brought up the the I think it was Ethan’s question where you mentioned um UD talking about Tyler being a six-man and he threw in the fact that it could be Terry or Tyler well why does that he didn’t have to bring up either one of them Terry St he did catch a stray like I think it’s kind that Pat’s thinking is like it probably is going to be one of them if it’s a similar look like they they probably do need to stagger them and they need somebody that could that could I guess anchor the bench you in a way because there wasn’t uh a fluidness I guess to say look is it similar to Mitchell and Garland situation like look how they’re splitting those guys up because it’s not working it’s kind of like the Tyler Terry Dynamic where like you have one guy that I mean two guys that need the ball in their hands that are trying to find their way so it’s like I don’t know and Cleveland doesn’t have a Jimmy Butler so it’s there’s there’s only one ball to go around so they will have to make that decision if this is the same roster so that’s another whole other conversation that we’ll have to have but 100% I there was just not enough to look at uh with the I was looking right now I was trying to find um their exact offensive and defensive rating if I could find it right here it was let me see we may have to come back to it because it’s not popping up right now but the the point was that I I’m curious to see because we didn’t I don’t even know what the sample size was I bet it’s really small it ended up being we’re trying to hold here this is great podcast stuff here this Grace podcast when you do stuff on the Fly Ethan would be proud of us 115 offensive rating 118 defensive rating was what ended up being the regular season uh I think this is 11 games so out of 11 but still the 118 defensive rating I think is is kind of key to what I was just talking about like that that’s the part that’s going to be tough to you have to be you have to have a lineup of three other dogs defensively you have to have Jimmy playoff level defensively you have to have Haywood and you have to have bam that’s probably what you have to have to make that work consistently and I just don’t know if the Miami’s never going to have the ability to just pick guys and say we’re going to put this guy here and this guy here because they’re never available they they have to do stuff on the fly so I don’t know that the the defensive part’s kind of more my focus agree I think the the defensive part of this is where it’s always going to come back to with those two guys there’s a small back court um a lot of people have asked well then why did they make the trade if Tyler and Terry don’t fit together I still think that there’s ways they could play together um but it’s it’s all about is this the back court that you can go with as a fixture as like a duo in your back court I don’t know that that’s it either so it is a little bit there’s question marks here and then his health is still a big question mark and there’s also questions about what the rest of the roster is going to look like ahead we’re going to talk about next season specifically what we could see from Terry that might change that could uh make this a better more fluid transition for him specifically because I still feel like he’s going under that uh transition from Charlotte to Miami because he only did play the 30 games so we’ll get into next season in a bit before we do want to tell you about another great sponsor and that is prize picks prize picks is the daily fantasy partner of Fant of five reason Sports they are for all of your power plays Flex plays you can play them in Florida again it’s daily fantasy simplified you just make your lineup choose more or less on points rebounds assists if you play other sports you can play other sports as well you can do two three four five pick plays all matching or um using different sports sign up now use the code five that’ll get your initial deposit matched up to $100 again this is download the app use the code 5 FIV to get your initial deposit matched up to $100 that’s prize picks the daily fantasy sponsor of the M of the listen to me I’m about to say Miami Heat five reason Sports Network and five on the floor sorry that was a a rough transition just like Terry’s was to Miami initially a little bumpy ride but eventually you get in playoff form and we’re in the off season so uh next season it’s a tough one for me because we don’t know what the roster is going to look like but I think we can definitively say they need Terry to be a little bit they need Scary Terry to arrive and they needed to him to arrive consistently um and he did and so I think that you need more of that I thought he was playing pretty damn well right before the injury um and I think that they’re going to need him to be aggressive to a fault at times on this roster we don’t know what the rest of it’s going to look like but as a point guard he’s going to need to be putting pressure on the rim for next season specifically what are some things you think Terry rier could do differently or play or or maybe not do differently that we want to see from him just specifically to to next year uh where do where the Avenues of his game that maybe we didn’t get to see him completely Thrive um and show off yet or just your thoughts on him coming up next year yeah you mentioned him kind of playing at a higher level right before the injury and one of the the shifts he made was he’s he eliminated a lot of those deep mid-ranges that I think a lot of people were kind of sick of watching like his heel on the three-point line and taking those tough step backs for those deep twos and it was like if you could turn those into pull-up threes it changes so much you need to get threes up in this team if you’re going to have the ball in your hands a ton you need to get those up and he’s playing off ball just as much it was kind of that was the other big shift was they were kind of running him off screens and using him off ball there was a game where he had like six or seven threes and I don’t think he took a dribble on any of his three-point makes so they started trying to find ways of him just catching and shooting but I think eliminating those pull-ups and taking more pull-up threes because he is such a good on ball shooter the stuff he did in Charlotte those little side steps like that is him that is his game you could try just let him get into that type of uh flow and then you mentioned putting your head down he needs those paint touches but I think more than the paint touches he needs to just work on the finishing I think that if he could just kind of have that high level if there was one thing to move forward to to next season I think if he could finish a little bit more efficiently that changes a ton that changes a whole lot for this team if if you have to kind of really start worrying about that and sinking guys off the the corners and he can start working those kickouts like that’s that’s huge so uh probably just the first and in third levels and just kind of trying eliminate that second level as much as possible look he going to do that they did it to Tyler they’ve done it in the past the guys they want to eliminate that shot as much as possible even if the guy is really good at it just like Tyler Tyler’s great at it but they they want to turn those into either that you know that floater or that three and I think that’s probably where they’re going to look to T the most and kind of change things up I guess I agree with you on the paint um just being more efficient with finishing he hasn’t necessarily been a great finisher even back to his Charlotte days but I do think that there could be some improvement there um I’m with you on all of that the the side step three is something he’s got to get back to even more because that’s when you know he’s really in Rhythm and he killed Miami doing that stuff specifically up in Charlotte a couple times I mean like he just was nasty so I I’m ready to see some of that as well I’m interested to see him get up more three-point attempts I think that that’s another big one you mentioned the pullup three or the the on ball threes and stuff like that I want to see him get into it um off ball as well we talk about no dribble threes that’s the kind of stuff they need from him as many three-point shots as they can get out of him um I think is going to help open things up combine with getting to the rim I don’t know how they fit with another backourt member I’m not sold on the Tyler hero thing yet I don’t know what’s going to happen moving forward but I would venture to guess one of those two probably won’t be here next year maybe that is a stretch for me to go that far but I would think it doesn’t make a ton of sense to have both of them maybe Terry does get featured in a um Off the Bench rooll it’s going to be an interesting off season there’s so many question marks I feel like we started this Terry roier conversation 17 minutes ago and we’ve got more questions than we really do have answers and that’s going to probably be a common theme with a lot of guys throughout this summer until we figure out what the rest of the roster looks like but we did want to bring you an episode about Terry roier specifically about his fit final thoughts Brady um before we close here I’m just gonna I want to ask you one last question before we finish this one up if the heat were to get Donovan Mitchell would Terry Rosier a not be on the team B be starting next to Mitchell or C would he be coming off the bench I’m going C I’m going c as the microwave Off the Bench they still need scoring I I think that he would still be here after that transaction uh because they have other contracts that can get this to work and I just think their most attractive trade package may not include Terry rier so I would expect him to then come off the bench not next to Donovan Mitchell I’m I I that’s crazy so if Donovan becomes a reality for me I think he would come off the bench you do you think that that do you disagree I mean I think it would probably depend on who else they have because I don’t know who would be starting at point guard I guess at that point just kind of thinky off the I mean would they start the lawn like could they ball they could do that I guess they could he’s done that before but I guess and look they’re positionist so they would probably lean in that direction but if they were to try to get a defensive guy it wouldn’t be crazy to think dong could be a starter in that instance but that’s a tough sell I don’t think Terry would be against it cuz I don’t think he’s that like he’s one that you’d have a tough cell to be like coming off the bench in that way way so I think he’d accept it but it’s it’d be interesting I mean this is once again this is what we talk about during the season we have these conversations and then the every guy is out you know this game that game this game that game and they just have to throw their best players starting the game every time so I guess this is like a real future thing it’s like what would be happening if everybody was healthy in the playoffs but that’s a true hypothetical but yeah I would say they would probably lean and and look that’s the scoring punch you need that’s building a roster that has like different avenues that you can hit on that that gives Jimmy the ability to like play his game in the regular season and get to where he wants so that’d be interesting that’s a big hypothetical I just wanted to just get your opinion on it because it’s I think that’s like a an interesting one for Terry that’s like the the one kicker I feel like that we don’t really know about it you’re right of all the players that are out there that the heat could pursue the one that I think impacts Terry the most would be spider like if they get Mr Mitchell in here then that would obviously there’d be impacts to what his future looks like and what his role looks like there’s other there’s more seamless fits whether it’s Brandon Ingram or someone like that you just you know you know Terry would be starting in that instance Donovan Mitchell it’s a little different so it’s a good point I think that those hypotheticals they kind of hamper some of this discussion at times because we can’t really go down every road because we don’t know what the team’s going to look like yet so we’re a little premature her we wanted to give love to Terry roier I still think it was the right move at the time I still think Terry roier can be part of the solution in Miami I still think that Terry roier can be a good fit in the back court for Miami I don’t know that it’s next to Tyler herro and that is the big question mark so hopefully we’ve uh about next season we appreciate all of the downloads all of the subscribes all the likes for Brady for myself thank you for joining us and we’ll have you covered uh for another episode tomorrow

The Miami Heat acquired Terry Rozier last season to add scoring and playmaking. He did so, but not without its fair share of ups and downs as a fit in Miami.

Greg Sylvander and Brady Hawk discuss Rozier’s season with Miami, what went right and wrong, and what to look for in the future from Rozier as a major contributor on the Heat roster.

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  1. Before I even watch: Depends on who we get. But yes, I see him becoming a much better fit this upcoming season & will prove to be an integral piece (especially if we trade Herro).

  2. This wasn’t as informative as I’d hoped… the Herro & Jimmy episodes I learned new things… wish they brought more stats &/or compared Rozier to other like guys on other teams to get a better picture…

    But do we think Riley gave Rozier the Gogi speech??

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