@Indiana Pacers

The Indiana Pacers Are Going To The Conference Finals…

The Indiana Pacers Are Going To The Conference Finals…

what’s the word y’all quick instant reactions to the Indiana Paces moving on to the Conference Finals the final score was 130 to 109 in Madison Square Garden this was one of the more improbable Conference Finals appearances it’s on the same level as like 20 2021 Atlanta Hawks um where this team whoa like if you would asked every single NBA fan right going into the playoffs before we’ve seen a single second of playoff basketball which team at the bottom side of that Eastern Conference bracket had the lowest chance to make it to the Conference Finals remind you that is Pacers that is bucks that is 76ers that is Knicks which of those four teams had the lowest chance of making to the Conference Finals 98.7% of fans are saying the Pacers have the lowest odds because Joan beid is coming back he looks kind of good the Knicks are the two seed I mean that team is really really good I mean they have Damon Yannis on the on the Milwaukee Bucks the Pacers have made it to the Conference Finals despite the fact they probably had the lowest odds of those four now granted they did go against the bucks without Giannis right there were some rumors whether or not he would be able to play unfortunately he did not play they lost uh Damen Lillard for a portion of the series and then they go into the second round where do we need to go through all the names that was missing for the Knicks SL banged up for the Knicks Mitchell Robinson out Julius Rand out OG anobi had to get shot up with hoist tranquilized or something to try to give it a going game number seven uh jayen brunch just broke his left hand which sucks uh Dante D venzo gets hit in the ribs in the third quarter um uh Josh Hart has like flexi seal like KT Tape all on his ribs at the end of game six like that is six boan bovic that is seven that is seven of your top eight man rotation bang dub slash out for this series now again I’m not taking anything away from the Pacers at the end of the day Patriot fans should be celebrating like they made it to the confence finals because you did I didn’t get to watch the last minute of this game because it was wrapped up and I was getting my cameras and my microphones ready so I don’t know how tyres halber or Pascal seak or the rest of these guys celebrated but they should celebrate very normally because you did something that a lot of people don’t get the luxury of doing I know a lot of great players that will never be able to or haven’t sniffed a Conference Finals appearance so regardless or who your opponent was and how healthy they were you should celebrate the next round now know I know there’s no por for at least the first couple games but that that Boston team is better than all of the teams you’ve gone through so far and they’re healthier than all the teams you’ve gone through so far so it’s going to be an uphill battle again and I think all of these series I’m going into it at least have been an uphill battle congratulations to the patience we’ll come back to y’all because I want to talk about this Nick season at large um because boy was this the most fun niick season of my life like I think the 2013 New York Knicks had a better regular season record by a few games or so but this was the team that made me excited for Nick’s basketball honestly I mean you got to think about all the things that happened for them this season alone you watch Jaylen Brunson blossom into not just an All-Star because last year he didn’t make an All-Star appearance but he played like an All-Star he blossom into a superstar superstar what you have four straight games they dropping 40 plus points in in the playoffs like that is SuperStar stuff Dante demenzo a player that you signed for a midle exception had a 35-point game and tonight he almost had 40 that’s that’s a great story Isaiah hardenstein one of the for um the forgotten about signings of the jayen Brunson off season was phenomenal I know today he didn’t score and he was a minus 24 but at large like there are so many good things you could take away from it one of the biggest ones being that when Oobi has played a real amount of minutes instead of the four he got tonight the team was almost unbeatable so it might be a bitter end but this was such a phenomenal season and something you can really really build on I know that the ation are going to be revolving around Tom thibo and his rotations and how much of that had had mattered in the this the fact that everybody ended up getting injured but like the Jaylen Brunson broken hand is a anomaly of one of those freak accidents bogey bonov injury anomaly freak accidents like there are so many things there um one thing you can say is that Josh Hart has turned himself into a New York NE Legend no matter what the rest of his career looks like when he goes back to the Garden um when he’s retired and they show him a Jumbo Tron he’s going to get a stand Novation he is a Nick favorite over the last 10 years cuz to have multiple games you play every single second for you to have the first round versus the the 76ers where you were the game-winning jump shooter in game number one or game number two and you have four threes in both of those games like there are a lot of great things to take away from this Nick season that you can build on in preparation for next year next year you pray that you get injury luck I mean this was one of the craziest injuries like Seasons that I’ve seen bro to go into the playoffs when you basically just like okay julus Randle is out we’re fine julus Randle is out we we l kind of play good basketball without julus Randle maybe we should have a conversation about that come off season and again to see all of these other people Mitchell Robinson was told that he was done for the season like seven months ago and then came back and then played a few games in the playoffs and then got told again that he was out for the season think about that think about that the M Madison Square Garden was bumping I I’ve said this before I’ll say it again the the NBA is just better when the Knicks are good it just is those crowds are phenomenal the crazy fans for me at least are phenomenal I just enjoy every single second of this Nick season unfortunately it ends right here though but Circle back to the Indiana Pac before we get out of here because in this game specifically talking about game seven I think they went into halftime shooting over 75% from the field and there’s nothing you can do if you the Knicks and that happens and part of that is like they just don’t have the same defensive pieces like this was a bad defensive series for the Knicks but also the Pacers has showed us over the course of the Season that they are one of the best offensive teams ever now I know some of that has changed after they got Pascal SE yakum and they kind of shift their gears a little bit going from like a bottom five defensive team to about League average and kind of balancing itself out and with them for the majority of season being the top offense they ended up dropping to like top five there are so many times in this game alone I’m like nah the Knicks don’t stand a chance that’s a tough shot mate and there were a couple times where they just generated some such good open looks of one or two actions and I’m just I was excited for I mean the brand of basketball they play is exciting and you would think that some of it wouldn’t translate over to the playoffs I mean again we’re talking about a 130 Point uh 130 points they put up today that translated very well and part of it is they shot 67% from the field towards the end of the at the end of the game 54% from three 13 made threes I mean it was just a phenomenal outing and um ter Alberton had a game he had a game and I I love to see that from him specifically because the games that he had played at maner SC Guardian the rest of the series were just bad to his standard um and and for this one to come out would have 266 and4 and a lot of that ended up happening in the first quarter they were really setting the tone was huge in this one pascal seaka was great in this one um uh TJ McConnell his continuously gives us really really good playoff performances so this is such a cool story um and now they got to go against the the the Boston Celtics and we’ll see how that goes um shout out to the Knicks fans shout out to the Pacers fans everybody should walk away from this feeling relatively good about their now and in their future let me know what you think about this I’ll be back later today when Minnesota and Denver is over hopefully that game is better and closer than this one because yeah 21o game and and the Knicks had that run in the third quarter that I was like oh is that happening it didn’t happen and it was it all right I’ll see y’all

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  1. @kennyforreal same kind be said for Derrick Rose “freak” injury. The longer you play the more likely your are to get injured.

  2. The last TWO TIMES the Pacers were in the playoffs, their best player was injured. Didn’t get any sympathy then so why should we give it?? Serious question

  3. It hurts that we lost but we were a heavily injured team with some of our best in street clothes. With that said the Pacers do have a pretty good team and you hsve to tip your cap to them. I hope they stomp Boston and go far. The rest of us Knicks fans should take a few to recover and meet back at the hideout and come up with the next master plan for how we go all the way next season! Snipe a gem in the draft is our first mission

  4. Pacers and Boston really owe it all to injuries. But let's see how they do against eachother since they're both relatively healthy. It won't matter in the end tho, the West is taking it.

  5. I was wondering why kenny didn’t talk about the T wolves 45 point win the other night but I realized he wasn’t trying to curse them so thank you Kenny!

  6. Celtics vs Pacers is a weird series where I don't think we can predict what will happen. Celtics are scary, but the Cavs and Heat both took a game. Meanwhile the Pacers are one of the most unpredictable teams in basketball, and you can give some credit to injury luck, but it wasn't just that that got the Pacers here. Anything could happen in this series and I'm here for it.

  7. As a Pacers fan I’m just happy to be here. This is close to the best case scenario for this season already. But the arrow is still pointing up! 2 of our 3 highest upside players didn’t even play in these playoffs. Still a really young team.

  8. Never seen a team lose as many guys as the knicks did in the last couple of weeks. Unfortunate that now we get to see the celtics blitz the pacers and prolly win in 5 if i was guessing

  9. What is crazy… I have free bets I placed in March for the Timberwolves and Pacers to win the championship. OMG it could actually in theory be the two of them in the finals…

  10. This is just disgusting man. The Pacers wouldn’t make it past the 1st round in the West 😂 Why is the East so utterly dogshit

  11. Pacers are having an incredible run! They have so many games where they just couldn't miss. 70% from the field is ridiculous! Their defense has stepped up a ton from the regular season as well. I can't wait to see if they can keep it up against the Celtics defense.

  12. If you asked me who wasn't making it in the east at any point in the season, I would have said the 76ers. Now I might have a love for the Pacers regardless, but they did really well most of the season. And the 76ers historically under perform in the playoffs. I hope the pacers can knock off the Celtics and make it to the finals.

  13. The Pacers had a way easier path than the 2021 Hawks. That team beat the 1 seed at full strength. Pacers played a bunch of teams where half their guys were in the hospital.

  14. Pacers fan, I understand the injuries in both series and I hate that for those teams but thats just apart of basketball. Not going to let it take away from the first ECF trip of hopefully many more for this team, Boston is extremely tough so Im not expecting anything out of this series, but Im extremely excited for the future of this team. Great series Knicks fans🤝🏻

  15. They have got to move Minnesota to the east, east is too damn weak if we’re watching the pacers being 4 wins away from the finals 😭

  16. If we went to the ECF, we had no one left to play. I'm fine with this. Congratulations, Pacers. I hope you get sweeped. 😉🤭🤝

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