@New York Knicks

Knicks React to Game 7 Elimination Loss To Pacers And Reflect On Season | New York Knicks

Knicks React to Game 7 Elimination Loss To Pacers And Reflect On Season | New York Knicks

yeah and before we we get into that just congratulations to the Pacers uh the organization Rick his staff and all their players they played a great Series so congratulations to them coach obviously you were at a disadvantage short-handed but you were never able to find your defensive footing today what do you attribute that to yeah you know we started slow you know and they’re they’re good offensive team uh we made a run uh I thought the the end of the second we played pretty good we got some activity going uh then we made a run in the third and then we fell short we just you know I thought guys gave everything they had and that’s all you could ask and so it was uh a battle all year and uh there was nothing left to give at the end you know when um jayen broke his hand I don’t know exactly yeah how tough is it for his season to end like that yeah just you know it’s unfortunate you hate to see all the injuries and you know like know Josh and and ogi just to try to give us whatever they had you know it says a lot about them and then you know it was hit after hit that’s part of it and guys responded all year long so you know it’s I’m disappointed in in the sense that we’re not going to play anymore but I thought they were a great group to be around and they gave everything they had you I mean obviously when you look at the players that been her do you look at this as a success even though you guys lost tonight that you guys are able to fight get this far yeah you know the thing that you as a coach you always measure okay what what does the group have and are we getting everything out of the group and and the only thing you could ask for is everyone puts forth their best effort and we got that all year from these guys so and I think what goes along with that is peace of mind and knowing that you you did your best and so that’s all you could ask for and a lot of teams I think would have it they didn’t like we took the hit with Mitch and then you know then you you add in Julius and uh and ogi your starting front line and then bogy goes out so that that and it was hit after hit but these guys never folded they kept fighting and so that’s all you could ask for I’m sorry what you see with OG he started the game hit his first two threes and never came back in yeah just the way he was moving I I didn’t want to risk it it’s just you know I thought you know like he just the the lift from him hitting the shots and then I I didn’t feel like he was moving well and you know this you know didn’t make sensee yeah to get back in yeah you know I don’t I just I didn’t think it was it was worth the risk I don’t want to take a chance I love OG so if it you know I talk to medical and you know we knew it was going to be we weren we didn’t know what it was going to be until he got out there and so he gave us everything he had and that’s all you can ask for even some Pacers shot second theend result just be just having some Le shot yeah they made shots that you know they’re very good offensive team um you know you got to challenge their shots and we probably you know didn’t challenge him as well as we should have you know so um but but you know we when you’re short-handed like we have we know we have to play with great intensity all the time to give ourselves a chance to win and so I think you know if you fall short of that you know and sometimes they you know the ball goes in and years doesn’t but I thought for the most part we we fought all year and so and then to come back in the third quarter and and make a run again and then you know we fell short and that’s when you know jayen I knew when he went out in the third I knew something you know was a Ry Tom what was the process in getting OG actually cleared and and that’s all medical you know so that he’s got to go through the protocol with them and then uh if they clear him and then he feels you know he like I talked to him at length yesterday and he wanted to give it a shot and so in medical thought he he could you know so and then we we didn’t know what it would look like until he got out there coach um you’ve coached a lot of Seasons season except for one team always ends with a loss yeah what are your thoughts on this year’s team compared to all the other teams you have what’s going to stand out for you yeah just you know like I like I said knowing that they gave best effort all year long you you I could live with the result you know like it’s disappointing in the end there’s going to only be one happy team you know everyone falls short 29 teams will fall short so if you’ve given everything that you have you could live with whatever the result is there’s no regret and so um this team fought like crazy I think in many ways they exceeded everyone’s expectations um except probably our own we wanted to keep going you know so we always had to believe that we had enough whoever was in there so Tom I know it’s hard when a season ends like this but can you talk about just what Jaylen did this year I mean he was the only starter left by the end of the year that from the beginning of the year and what he went through yeah I think you know it’s a testament to who he is too um because when you look at his season last year was remarkable and then his playoff run last year was remarkable and then to take the step this year that he that he’s taken it says you know a lot about who he is and he’s never satisfied he always wants to do better he wants to he always you you know and that’s what I love about him I love his mentality and you know and I think it permeates the team it’s you know like when you see someone with that approach and the fact that you know he cares so much about his teammates he’s he’s a great leader uh what Josh gave us you know and it’s in you know it’s hard to measure Josh just because of all the intangibles and I thought Dante had a terrific season just uh and then do the way he stepped up uh and I think he’s found his footing and he he had a terrific season as well but we had a lot of guys step up Isaiah really had a monster season for us as well uh Jericho gave us really good minutes precious gave us good minutes and so uh you don’t want to see the injuries that we had but that’s part of it but then often times what comes from that is the opportunity for other guys to get in there and and get something done and and that’s what I was proud of is uh there was no excuse making it was let’s just find a way to win coach you talked about cutting the lead to seven in the third quarter they had three straight turnovers what you see in that ac they ball pressure yeah you know you know and that’s that’s the thing it’s our margin error is is really tight you know and so it the defense the rebounding and low turnovers and obviously our defensing our defense wasn’t there the rebounding we fell short the turnovers you know were low but we had we had the costly ones in the third quarter we had a a small window to to maybe you know crawl back into a seven and then you have two bad possessions uh and that that changes things the same thing happened in Indiana and you know was five in the third quarter and we had you know two loose balls that turned into two threes for them so um you know that’s sometimes that’s the way it goes into the summer and the next season what does this team need to take the next step yeah you know it and it’s it’s hard to say like right now because you like it’s it’s raw and you you you haven’t had a chance to dig into everything and um so we’ll we’ll get a chance to do that and then to sit down and we get we have draft picks you know there’s free agency there’s all that stuff but also to dig into our team and lock into like how we can get better and make another step and so there’s the internal development then there’s the the draft which you you always can add Talent there and then free agency in the trade so we’ll dig in uh deep but usually what we try to do is you know take take a couple weeks just to recharge and then do the Deep dive and then figure out figure the plan out guys miss would you like to see a chance to see this group come back well I love the group yeah you couldn’t uh as a coach you couldn’t asked for a better group so you know yeah last one you’re uh you’re entering the last year your contract next year you could be under conversations for an ex statute is that something you know that that’s something that the uh you know the my agent will take care of you know the Knicks have been great to me so you know this is where I want to be thanks in third quarter I went to swipe the ball on tar and I hit his leg and yeah Jay you know you played great high school teams USA Basketball billan over have you ever play but guys and the team that show so much resolve and resilience um throughout my years yes uh they’ve all been different though um in high school I think we were definitely resilient um and um at in college obviously we were resilient in um in doing the things that we did and um this team is uh is special in a way that I can’t really explain um the way we just fought the way we just didn’t uh use excuses you know we just kept finding ways and um to the best of our abilities and that was just our mindset and um I just love the fact that we have that mindset J th said that you know the fact that everyone was able to give everything they had let him kind of feel that peace with the way his do you kind of feel similar that you kind of put you guys all for you had and you know you just kind of ran out of gas but look how far you guys came you’re able to do something special this year he said R piece uh that he had peace of mind too Peace of Mind knowing that everybody gave what they had uh and didn’t leave anything in the tank do you kind of feel similarly um I would say that I amum I love the fact of how how we fought night in the night out and um uh I just I love this group of guys that we have and um just like I said before their mindset our mindset as a group is uh was strong and um some nights when we may have not had what people thought was a a team capable of winning our mindset push us over that hump and so um definitely proud of what we were able to do this year and proud of how we fought night in and night out and um obviously the outcome is not what we wanted but um the way we fought man it’s just it’s awesome J is it frustrating that you didn’t have all of your Healthy parts to be able to to battle to get to where you wanted to go it it’s part of the game and um like I said there’s this group know we didn’t make excuses for anything and so if things happen we move forward with what we had and um obviously we want everyone healthy I think that’s the most important thing but um I think as a group we had that mindset that next man up and um we really took a to heart would you look at this season as as a success given what you guys had to go through and wear it no jayen obviously you guys have been short-handed throughout a lot of this run when you presumably have everybody back healthy next year what do you think the ceiling for your group is we’ll talk about it next year Jayla can you take pride in what you accomplished as a ball player during these playoffs do I take pride in what I have accomplished um I would say is is pros and cons of how I played um the pros is obviously um I played well individually at some points in time during the playoffs and um the cons are that I didn’t play well enough to help my team move forward and so um you can say uh I got hurt in game seven I wasn’t playing well in game seven um uh we had a 2 and a 3-2 lead and so um it’s just it’s hard to look at things individually when you don’t help your team Jaylen the Nicks fans when you were already in the locker room chanting your name at the end of the game your connection with them the relationship you have with the fan base seems very special can you get into what they have meant to you throughout the season they have um been nothing but amazing to myself um to this team to my family and um it’s really cool and so um just so thankful for them and everything and the nights that now we needed energy they they provided for us and know the games on the road when we need energy they provided for us and so they um they’re amazing and um I can’t really put in the words of what they mean to me but um they deserve much more than what we were able to do um this playoff R they deserve much more than that did you realize in the moment that it was broken no was it like going to the back and get I presume coming to watch knowing you’re unable to um it sucked it was it sucked jayen we always talk about players and teams evolving but how did tips evolve the season how did tips evolve just as a coach you’ve been with them second season um maybe changes and you know growth as a coach I think um tibs has the same mindset we do as a team um TI is the reason why we have that mindset tibs is the reason why we night in and night out we fight to the best of our abilities and um even though know things may not be in our favor result wise you know he makes sure that we have that mindset night in and night out and so I think he’s evolved by just not I mean he sees everything that everyone says so but I think when it comes to us now we don’t really care what the people in the the outside think of us we don’t care what people say positive or negative um we go forward with what we believe is the best course of action in this inside this building inside the organization and so um I think the way that he is evolved is that his players and that locker room have his back no matter what Jay eligible for an extension last summer they can’t offer I’ll talk I’ll talk about that another time what um did you like the shots you were getting before you got hurt what do you think yeah um a lot of the shots I make um a lot of shots went in and out um it’s part of the game it sucks that it was happening at the time but um I’ve had a lot of games where I’ve started the game terribly and finished the game pretty strong and so um uh but uh I can’t we can talk about what I was doing what what was happening what was going right going wrong but um just fortunate Jay you came out in the third quarter going to locker room then you came back then you went back to lock were you trying to come back in the game or you still assessing what was wrong with your hand um I thought I just jammed it uh to be honest with you and um I looked down and knew something was wrong Jaylen you talked about all this year how you were kind of like motivated by uh your turnover in the Miami game or how you played at the end of the Miami game is I mean is there something you could I mean even though you guys had this incredible year with all these injuries are you are you the type of guy that’s going to pick out the one or two things you didn’t do well and that’s going to motivate you or not I I go into the summer um every year looking back on how I can be better as a player um to be the more complete player I can be um there’s obviously going to be a lot of things x’s and other wise uh physically and all that stuff I can do to be better um I think the most important thing that I need to do is to continue just to stve for Perfection stve for Perfection and um knowing that I’m never going to get there it’s just my mindset is I just need to be better every single day I don’t care what I’ve done as a player it means nothing and I got toes to the corner of table not in the camer shs um but uh I mean I don’t I lost my train of thought I need to be better and I’m going to go into the season into the summer training to be better and um come back ready next year J seed fifth seed second round appearance this year second seed second round appearance are you happy with the trajectory of the team since you’ve got here I think we’re making um positive strides uh we just need to make more you didn’t think this was a successful year right why do you feel that way and how would you evaluate the year did we win a championship did we get close so no that’s just that’s my mindset that’s just how it is can you just talk about how proud you are of this team and the fight that you guys showed all season long especially in the playoffs yeah for sure um you know that’s a that’s a good team I’m not going to discredit them I’m not going to disrespect them at all that’s a good team with a good coach and they they fought you know they they came back from Down 2 um you know they had the chance to quit they didn’t um 3-2 so give them credit but you know for us um extremely proud of what you know we did this season um you know through through all the injuries we continued to fight we didn’t make excuses and um know I’m happy with that we gave everything um and we’re building something so I think that’s you know that’s something hopeful um always got to uh you know this offseason everyone get in the gym get better you know better front office do their thing tips focus on getting ready for next season and be back is it just to end the season this way with you hurting OG trying and get it going J Jaylen broken hand now yeah it’s um it’s tough worn’t in the cars for us but um you know like I said we didn’t we didn’t quit we didn’t we didn’t um uh make like I said make excuses um we battled and and hopefully um New York can be can be proud of that um and be hopeful uh for us to come how about how about you Josh how proud are you of this ball Club um extremely extremely um you know losing you know je for as many games as we did that’s tough losing Mitch um twice um OG you know we like I said we were we were playing good basketball like I said you know it happens it’s a part of this game and um we responded well and um we got better we we built off last year and you know next year we’re going to build off this for you personally how did you find that inner strength to kind of get out there today and give it everything you had despite maybe what your body was telling you um you know it game seven at the Garden I mean everyone’s fighting through stuff um so for me it was just like go out there and do as much as I can um and the end of the day uh my walk out here my head held high I felt like I gave everything I could this season um everything I could uh this playoffs you know to get out there today you know I I gave everything um at the end of the day I’m I can be proud of that obviously disappointed with the outcome but I felt like I I gave all all I had to give

The Indiana Pacers were able to get the first road win of the series in Game 7 eliminating the Knicks from the NBA Playoffs. Coach Tom Thibodeau speaks on his love for this team and wanting to stay a Knick, Jalen Brunson gives an update on the hand injury he suffered in Game 7, and Josh Hart knows he gave every thing he had in the tightly contested series against the Pacers.

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Knicks React to Game 7 Elimination Loss To Pacers And Reflect On Season | New York Knicks


  1. Injuries Finally caught up with us. Made great 👍👍👍😃😃 run If we where healthy we would have won. TY KNICKS FOR GREAT 👍👍😃😃 SEASON WE WILL BE BACK BETTER THENEVER RESPECT

  2. I couldn’t agree with you more on that. The team played beyond expectations despite all the injuries. With the right moves this team will be a force to be reckoned with next year and beyond! It was a great run! LGK!

  3. Couldn't be more proud of this group of guys. We witnessed something incredibly special this season. Thank you for the joy. Go Knicks! 🤎🏀💙

  4. Crying for the end of the season, but if I was a player I would be fired up for next season for AVENGENCE.

  5. "It was a battle all year with nothing more to give in the end" this is what I've been saying. They were just fried logging all the minutes game after game. Philly was 6 games, Pacers went 7. So many injuries… they were absolutely done! This was a great season make no mistake. We will be back here next year banging on the doors.

  6. Got so much love for these guys. They really built for NY. No BSing and no whining to the refs unlike other teams Tough loss when we down most our starters but they deserve to rest after fighting day in and day out. Can't wait for next year we gonna be even better. JB, Hart, Dante, all these guys are MVPs in my book.

  7. Classy post game comments – helluva season – the injuries just kept coming. Bummer. Still very proud of 50 win season, #2 seed & making it to Game 7 of Eastern Semi-Finals. Onward!

  8. It will be interesting to see if Leon and Co. can bring OG and IHart back. Both players helped their pocketbook bigtime with their play this past season. If I'm the 76'ers I'm not blowing all that cap space on a washed up third star to pair with Maxey and Embiid, but I'm looking to poach both players away from my conference rival. I also think OKC would love to land IHart as he'd be the perfect 5 for their line-up and Chet could play the 4.

  9. I hope thibs goes to his bench more and rotates the players more for next season. I'm honestly satisfied with this season compared to the past seasons.

  10. Love the players for the effort and grit. Thibs on the other, is just an average coach. Injuries aside, where was the defense from the defensive minded coach? 66% opponents fg is ludicrous. They maybe didn't have a chance to win but the game shouldn't have been so ugly. There wasnt nearly any moments for the garden to cheer for.

  11. This team was awesome to watch this year. WE NEED MORE SCORING. Trading for Donovan Mitchell is essential

  12. I don't think we should bring back Hartenstein unless we get a BIG DISCOUNT. Overpaying for him with that injury is a mistake

  13. Fans and the whole NBA knows we are coming , these starts injuries gave the opportunity to develop our bench and make our team stronger talent and heart is the key

  14. This coach is one stupid mofo to put OG out there in that condition. I knew we was gonna lose because he wasn't even capable of going out there. Nobody holds his punk ass accountable he isn't a great coach he's good at best and a overachiever

  15. Even thought we lost but I still love this group of guys , get healthy and next year when everyone is healthy and know you guys are going to be awesome,

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