@Oklahoma City Thunder

Giddey via instagram

Giddey via instagram

by Turbulent-Ad4701


  1. spirax919

    So much love for this kid. The sheer amount of mental toughness he must have to still be able to play at a high level while being abused 24/7 every where he goes when he literally got duped by a girl with a fake ID is incredible.

  2. BBallHunter

    I still see wannabe comedians and judges on the internet.

    You all don’t know shit, get over with it. No point in arguing. Move on. Talk about basketball.

  3. MisterGir

    Go listen to his interview if you can. Very smart, levelheaded and objective answers. Hope hes back in a good situation for us next year and continues to develop. TTFU

  4. 2coolcaterpillar

    Most of r/nba hated Giddey for the scandal

    Most of r/thunder hated Giddey for playing like ass for a majority of the season

    We are not the same.

    Jokes aside, he had everything going against him and all things considered he handled it pretty well. If he ends up staying, i hope the org makes him improve defensively at the very least

  5. catfish_dinner

    we’ve only heard the internet pitchforks side of the story.

    he’s under no obligation to mount a defense against that, and expecting him to is absurd.

  6. Have a ton of love for this young man. Got in a really shitty situation ……. But maybe don’t say that on Instagram my friend.

  7. Antique-Lychee-8029

    i’d take this guy over 5 gordon haywards any day

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