@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks eliminate Thunder in Game 6 to advance to Western Conference Finals | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Mavericks eliminate Thunder in Game 6 to advance to Western Conference Finals | NBA | UNDISPUTED

okay Paul Pierce you were right about Dallas over Oklahoma City in six games the floor is yours to explain why you believe you were right man I feel like I’ve been right all day Skip I’ve been right off it was a great weekend for me the you had Denver you had Denver yeah that was that was a fluke though we all know that was by the way fluke is a fluke but yeah no I think everybody had nobody had nobody had Indiana okay I had Minnesota so nobody had Mavericks in six okay nobody had that and yet Saturday night you gave me Oklahoma City plus 10 in game six plus 10 I’ll be feeling bad for I feel bad for you cuz you you always pick the wrong team oh you feel bad for me wait I’m still up one dinner on you cuz I was up two and you got the one back with the Pacers you lucked into that cuz all the Knicks got hurt I feel bad so I gave you okay and so that cancels out the series win so you still owe me a dinner so looks like I’m always the season the season still still going we got you know a couple more series to go so so what happened to the thunder on Saturday night well like I said on Friday skip uh Shay is great no doubt about it Luca’s even better but in order for OKC to get past the Dallas Mavericks he needed to have one of those games that I said you you might not forget this game for a long time yeah he had 36 and he played well he had some big shots not bad I mean he played great for the series but you know that game I’m talking about where you just remember that game for like the next 20 years that you just like remember that when Shay did this and he needed that but he didn’t get that because when you look at it the team played well everybody played well except chat I didn’t think except for chat everybody pretty much showed up to the party MH you know I mean I can’t blame that but you know who did give you some memorable games that you’re going to say look look at this you know what Luka did he’s he had three straight triple doubles yeah that doesn’t happen we don’t see that all 30 point triple doubles I mean he had 29 you know I call I like to call him 30 yeah call him 30 but Luca showed you why he was the best player in the series and the difference in this series was the role players once again we G to continue to uh speak like this and say these type of things about the role players in every series until somebody win it and there’s going to be a role player that you’re always going to bring up so when you look at Lively what he did I thought he was amazing for them he came off the bench huge double double Garland I mean they have the necessary grit that can get you to the championship when you have the scoring and a superstar like Luca you got the Robin and Kyrie and Kyrie showed up in the third quarter and played like Kyrie my only problem with Kyrie they need Kyrie to do this from the first quarter on the way he played in the third they going to get to the finals Kyrie got to show up I got Denver going to the final skip I I really do you mean Dallas I mean Dallas Dall I got Dallas beating Minnesota cuz I I’m just looking at the pieces they got Superstar they got two closers they got grit they got shooting and Jason kid has quietly become one of the best coaches in in basketball y you know he he he’s got experience now and I really like Dallas and but my hats off to to Oklahoma you know why because Oklahoma is the only number one seed that you’re going to say this wasn’t an upset in the second round for one they won the number one seed on the last day of the Season they’re way ahead of schedule as far as their development and they have a superstar draft picks that they can get better now they’re missing some grit that you need to get to the Conference Finals and and the finals but that’ll come Chad is going to get stronger he’s going to get better they can probably add you know a Rough Rider in there or two and I’m happy what I’ve seen OKC like I said they’re ahead of schedule they can hang their heads up high and know that they’re close to being where they want to be y Kean can’t file at the end of the game skip M it was up you foul now the dude goes to free throw line he going to close it out they the game was 117 to 116 wasn’t they didn’t Dallas didn’t beat them by nine or end yeah but you can’t do certain things that OKC did they shot 90 they shot the basketball 90 something times and the shots wasn’t falling when they needed them to no you don’t you say well well Luca was the best player in this series I mean yeah he got a hot but I don’t know that he was the best even though his numbers may suggest that he has more to work with because he got a Kyrie and because he had other guys that was chipping in at times where you look at Shay yeah he scored 36 but some of the other times you get L Dart he in foul trouble he got to come out of the game he got he was just a hack all series okay but that’s because of Luca no it because his aggressiveness his aggressive nature General plus Luca with his head fakes and the you know the whole deal he the whole deal he creates some of those fils opportunities for himself I’m not taking anything away from that I just look at the the way this game was played OKC should have won this game now you say that about the last game that Dallas should have won and OKC took for so it’s kind of a wash in this situation that’s the way that I see it you cannot take anything away from Dallas I just think that OKC if that game was in OKC they win that game for whatever reason they played down the stretch they allowed Dallas to hang around yeah too much and they didn’t get rid of them when they should have the shots wouldn’t fall at the the time that they should have now when you think about it Luca played efficient right he’s four for six from three he was 29 10 triple double and 10 what else more do you need and Kyrie did what he supposed to do in the third quarter they LED at halftime OKC did then they third quarter they just kind of I don’t know what their adjustments was at halftime but they didn’t make any they stayed the same where Jason kid did make the adj 57 left in the third quarter Oklahoma City was up 17 points 17 points and it started it started to kind of disappear for yeah so in the end the the best team won maybe you could say experience between Luca and Kyrie that experience kind of kicked in to some degree you can say that you can say but OKC going to be here to stay they not going anywhere they’re not going anywhere I think they’re going north and I think they’ll continue to go north next year from that moment at 857 of the third quarter up 17 the Thunder got out scored 59 to 41 to the end of the game the Dallas Mavericks are just a little better right now yeah little bit I can’t ask more from Shay gilis Alexander I just can’t ask more he made four or five threes and he’s not a great three-point shooter that’s not what he he does but he made 14 of 25 shots and when they needed those shots he was making those mid-range jumpers like crazy he he he even you know I I don’t know he even gave him eight assists I I don’t know what more like I I can’t ask more than 30 need he needed an epic performance I said on Friday if he wins this game if he wins the game no Paul now it turns into an epic performance but he loses it right right and now it looks like ah well he needed to score 45 I said Friday he got to go for 40 okay he went 36 round it enough and it’s quiet 36 and he knocked down that big three in the four quarter no Shay played amazing all right but it’s just something about like dud when you a playoff okay but let’s get to the theut D Jones out there ball iny the Mavericks won the backboards 47-31 because Chad had a grand total of three rebound rounds if you’re 7′ 1 in tall you you just got to got to figure it out he got to eat something I mean he didn’t have the weight the physical rag do by everybody listen Daniel Gafford is a man he’s just a man PJ washing is a man and Derek Lively is not a man yet but he played like a man at 7′ One inall D on him even though he didn’t he didn’t catch the rear he got he dunked on him I’m like come on man Chad what you doing physicality was too much too much despite all that despite all the things you just said we’re up a point with just a few seconds left just a few seconds left say we up a point don’t foul in that point of going home to game seven don’t foul and just don’t the man of the moment Shay gilis Alexander the most experienced player on the team the one the one you can trust the most he flies into the corner on PJ Washington and decides that the last second I got to try to get a hand on the ball and you can’t foul a three-point shooter at that moment just leave it be leave it alone and then the young head coach of the Oklahoma City Thunder he panics and decides let me try to steal back a challenge here let me let me try to wipe this away when if you take one look at that he hacked him on the hand but but here’s what I here’s what I would say in defense uh and I don’t know how y’all watch the stuff or whatever but in defense or whoever is making that decision with the head coach he’s got to see that the ball is still in the shooter’s hands if the ball would have moved out of the shooter’s hands then they safe but the fact that it did not move and he still had control of it control of the basketball it was not gone yeah it wasn’t gone gone and whoever is helping him make that decision well that wouldn’t have matter no it would no no it because he misses the free throw and it’s only what two three seconds two seconds left so if they get the rebound you’re going to call a timeout still if you had that timeout no coach yeah but you lost your time out you went all in and hoping that it wasn’t a foul so I I agree actually with the call knowing that with the with the tri like cuz it was it looked like it could have went either way it was like hand on ball You know despite despite you know the rules and everything they said you get your hand on Ball but if he had to released it but if you take one quick look at it you say the ball in his hands I thought it was a foul from first moment I can see I mean whoever I don’t know I can see it but these refs can make a mistake Paul is he upst whoever’s helping head co it’s the assistance on the but is he upstairs footall he be upstairs he right there behind the so right there he has a monitor he can see it yeah but you got 15 seconds and you can panic in that moment and just no challenge challeng but maybe it’s an easy second if you don’t if you don’t if you keep that time out in your back ET now you can advance the ball to midcourt of maybe he makes all three of the free throws but it doesn’t matter cuz that’s only a two-point game and then you can inbounds to Shay or whoever Isaiah Joe or somebody’s going to get a shot you know you can get a shot to win the game well the foul lost it or do you think if he doesn’t or or if Shay doesn’t try to block it he just closes on him and brushes across the face whatever the eyes does he knock that shot down I don’t know I’m asking you I PJ has been a great shooter in this in this from the corner do you remember when I brought up after game two Shay said after game two it was in the the off day interview he said we’ve got to turn that water off that was that was that guy no PJ Walkerton certainly did a hell of a job in this series even in this game he B out he had made two already in the fourth quarter so Shay’s thinking I can’t allow this and by the way that corner always haunts me I call it the Vince Carter memorial corner you guys probably won’t remember you remember this wow it was it was game um three in it was April 26th of 2014 and he knocked same Corner same building over J I don’t know how he got it off and that won the game because they were up two and he ripped it at the buzzer yeah I remember and that gave them a two games to one lead in the series and the Spurs had to come back and win game four at Dallas and then five and they went on to win the championship I forgot VC played for them he played for them I remember that impressed that that that was a Paul Pierce Memorial SHI I’m a historian of the game you made some like that right yeah I made a few of those okay so when PJ’s starting to shoot it I’m thinking don’t go Vince Carter on me please right but here’s the point let’s just say for the sake of argument that Shay at the last Split Second says I can’t touch hand I’m just going to fly by I’m just going to fly fly by can’t just fly by because he’s the smartest player on theal reaction obviously to go for the block okay and what we’ll never know if he flies by and contests hard that’s what I’m saying yeah is he gon to make that okay thises it just me or maybe they get the rebound okay but maybe Dallas gets the rebound May Dallas gets the rebound well the first part he messed up at in this play when I watched the play cardinal sin in the NBA don’t help out the corner yeah don’t help off the corner it is it’s cardinal sin you don’t help off the corner the corner three is the easiest three it is out of all the angles at the three-point line don’t help out the corner stay home and if he makes that shot right there hats off to him but you know they didn’t have a game plan coming out the thing is you don’t have a game plan right there because Luca is on the island right there you don’t say double him like what is the game plan do you say we need to double Luka you have to double him you have to get the ball out of his hands but it it can’t come from the corner but in Dallas’s defense if you look at the lineup they had Kyrie standing right there so if the next guy help that’s Kyrie so the only help was like hey we don’t want Luca to shoot it we’ll rather PJ Washington shoot it so you know I don’t know in this situation okay to that put him in a bad spot let’s say he shoots and misses if Oklahoma City can get the rebound the game is over you’re going home for even if he made it you can call timeout and Advance it with about what would it be like three it’s 2.5 so it probably be 3 seconds on the clock okay all right so here’s my problem this is the reason it got so ugly to watch for me so excruciating in the fourth quarter was because of Chad’s inability to man the paint that they gave up six offensive rebounds in the fourth quarter alone well you’re going to lose man if six offensive Reb asking a rookie that’s big task so this is the one was getting underneath the boards and doing his deal here’s one for you with 418 left this is the one that just ripped my guts out Lively finally missed a free throw and how do you how do you not he let PJ washing get completely inside him and get the rebound and they kick it to Luca and then back to PJ and he makes a corner three that same shot okay and it was a huge turnaround play cuz all sudden it was even even if he got underneath the game even if he got underneath him like that he too damn long to not be able to jump basketball this is this is he’s too long man they don’t they didn’t understand the moment you know these you can’t give a offensive rebound from a free throw from a free throw underneath you can’t and it wasn’t right it’s not a long rebound either like you just can’t give up those plays those are crushing plays and that prove fatal yeah so CH Chad scored 21 but most of them were just on lob dunks you know okay I got that yeah okay I got that but he went one of seven from three it’s not good enough because during the year he was he was making them all right he’s a baby you know like he’s he’s a rookie you can’t put the get you can’t put that responsibility on him like I said they got to do something with these draft picks they need to figure out a way to get lot tougher on the inside yeah and they’re right there so kesan you’ve seen guys like when Kevin Durant came into the league yeah everybody was laughing about how skinny he was listen he played strong as a rookie he played strong my fear about ched is he just one of those guys who his metabolism runs so hot he’s never going to be able to put on muscle weight but you don’t need to put you don’t need to put on the weight you need to put on the strength I know you don’t have to get don’t know if he’s got that in his makeup I’m not sure even if even if he’s bench pressing 100 PB the strength is the is Kevin Durant at the combine trying to bench press he couldn’t do one I think he couldn’t do one I understand but it’s just the strength Skip it’s not necessarily it’s not the the weight it’s the strength cuz if he was strong they wouldn’t the dude man it’s too I don’t mean to laugh but one time down the floor he’s underneath the basket you look like Bambi falling on the ground I’m looking at it I’m like come on man seriously okay so the they need to add to me is a true power forward or a center or a big like a physical Center can still stretch the defense and then you start preparing for like a team like Minnesota cuz you got C who’s like a who can match up with towns and then you get a guy for go bear so you got to start looking like you can get you get another Center or be the power he can be that four like Anthony Davis used to be for us yeah yeah he could be the four like like how towns is for Minnesota like towns is for Minnesota an Aaron Brooks help who plays physical sort of NFL kind of basketball that’s not what they need that’s not what they need that’s another perimeter Defender they need a big man they need they need physicality underneath that’s what the reason they lost Lively uh you know this guys got the offensive rebounds yeah Lively came to play though Lively came to play he was impressed I was impressive but he’s also 71 so but he don’t but he doesn’t look like Bambi no they got can’t look like Bambi man well listen Derek Lively II is about to get tested because he’s going to go up against that three-headed monster in Minnesota thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the latest news in the NBA including the Dallas Mavericks win over the Oklahoma City Thunder in Game 6 of the second round of the NBA Playoffs.

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Mavericks eliminate Thunder in Game 6 to advance to Western Conference Finals | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. man keyshawn is making me like skip 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i never thought i would like skip but man he is better than keyshawn

  2. Key again with bad body language getting all frumpy because Dallas won. He wears his hatership for Luka and the Mavs on his sleeves. He just can’t help himself. This is on top of his general lack of basketball knowledge and his natural RBF.

  3. It's always the same with every All-Star player when they don't do good and they lose its always they need to get them more help but when it's Luka it's Luka needs to get more people involved every single time

  4. Luka is the best player in every series he's the best player in the NBA he is the scoring machine and he's a play making machine he finished first and scoring and second in assists and you hear people by Charles Barkley say he has to get his teammates more involved that's a bunch of b***** he spoon feeding everybody as Draymond would say

  5. Keyshawn is just a Skips buddy to hate the Mavs…. i really think of stop watching Undisputed bc of their bias position. Kick that bum out of the show… i mean wtf…. worst hater ever… i like the Mavs, but this is just a BS to watch. Not to mention all the hate against European players…

  6. Lol Keyshawn bias is so egregious and cringe. Can’t believe he speaks on NBA topics. Making excuses for OKC and not once mentioning Dallas’s defensive adjustments after halftime. Undisputed has fallen off.

  7. I called it, i knew keyshawn was going to talk about what okc "didn't do", instead of giving credit to the mavs.

  8. By the looks of all the things and what I’ve learned this postseason and all the years I’ve been analyzing basketball. (I work for a Sports Network in 🇵🇭). I don’t think it’s gonna be a close series at all. I think if Mavs win game 1 (which they almost always lose but still win the series) it’s gonna be a sweep but if not it will go 5 or 6 at most. Luka and Kyrie cannot be contained at the same time plus the corner threes and stepping up of Dallas role players is too much for the Wolves who has many offensive holes. Dallas also has one of the best Defense this postseason. I watched every game from both teams this post season and I think the Mavs will be too much for the Wolves defensively and more so offensively. Luka will toy with Gobert and anyone in front of him, More experienced Kyrie will dance around young Edwards and Dallas Role players will step up as the focus is on the back court duo just like the past two series. The only difference is the Wolves aren’t potent enough on offense, they rely on offensive runs too much. Luka and Kyrie isn’t little Jamal Murray. Dallas isn’t a good matchup for Minnesota honestly.

  9. I kinda just skip over Keyshawn takes and Sometimes skip. I just listen to Paul opinions. It's crazy how bad of takes PP used to have on Espn but he been on point so much here on undisputed

  10. No way people think Luka was the best player this series!? Pj Washington carried the mavericks. And individually, shai had the best series

  11. Idk who nobody is cause I had Twolves in 7 and Mavs in 6 😂 and Paul saying SGA would have to go for 40 like it’s easy in a semifinal game to do. His highest in the semifinals is 32.

  12. Skip only likes SGA because there are no Michael Jordan comparisons, which is why he’s about to be hyper critical of Edwards until he gets off television, which should be the rest of his career

  13. Just came here to say that PP is the least knowing mf of all time. I don't watch this show. But I watched last week and said wtf, the only dude I want to talk is Skip? Must be the worst tv show of all time

  14. Minnesota are a very confident team at this time. It will have to take something special from another team to stop them from winning the NBA championship this year.

  15. I mean how stupid are Americans these days? Specially black Americans, you ain´t African, you have no clue what an african black man is.
    So last year Luka had great numbers because he was playing alone so he needed to learn how to play in a team, but that would make his number get lower, the only reason he gets these numbers is because he plays alone they said.
    This year, he does have a team, still keeps getting great numbers, even though the rest of the team now scores alot more but now he only gets those numbers because he got help.
    Then you look at what they said about SGA "SGA is great look at his numbers man if only he got help, he would be even better, more points".
    Is this a race thing or a brain thing?

  16. That was a great block attempt by SGA but he didn't knock the ball loose. Like Skip said PJ is a man. SGA is a boy in comparison.

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