@Minnesota Timberwolves

COMEBACK or COLLAPSE? 🤔 Stephen A. credits Wolves’ DEFENSE as difference maker | First Take

COMEBACK or COLLAPSE? 🤔 Stephen A. credits Wolves’ DEFENSE as difference maker | First Take

you feel like it was more of a wolves comeback or a nuggets collapse you’re asking me Molly yeah yeah yeah this was the Wolves because you got to think about it now they won three games on the Nuggets home court that’s the reigning defending champ unre with a three-time MVP on their roster and they went to Denver and they won three of the four games you won’t homec court because if you have a game seven you want it in your building you want it in front of your fans you got the you got the MVP on your roster they did that three of the four wins they held him under 90 Carl Anthony Town punished anybody he didn’t settle for the three if they had a switch he punished Jamal Murray he punished Mel Porter Jr he punished anybody that was undersized and he got him down on the Block give those guys credit Ant Man they turned up the defense Jame uh Jaden McDaniels was Sensational and when Rudy gobear hit that nisy on Yol I said it’s over they can go ahead and call the game right now when have you ever saw Rudy goar shoot anything but a putback or a dunk legs and Sten a he hit a turnaround jumper one leg like he pulled a yic he pulled a yic that’s what he did pull he and so I knew it was over but if you look at the they held that team with Jamal Murray and nicoa yic to 14 points Jamal Murray had 14 in the first quarter guys and they held him to 37 points in the second half legs I agree with you Michael Porter Jr had been MIA this entire series we know Aaron Gordon is normally good for one game where he goes Haywire but when they needed him the difference is Minnesota had six guys in double figures the Nuggets had two their role players let him down Michael Porter Jr Aaron Gordon kcp they were no shows yesterday and it show 90 points after you just scored what 60 on Friday and then you turn around and only get 90 no this was about the Wolves this was not about what the Nuggets didn’t do this was about what the Wolves did do well definitely was about what the Wolves did because they held them to 90 or fewer points and three of the four wins in this series and they won three games in Denver games one two and seven in Denver okay so the reigning defending NBA champions fell three games on their home court that’s just a phenomenal feat to achieve there’s no question about that what I saw first of all let me let me say this because you know at some point in time it’s got to be about me I don’t know you got to be about me I just want to thank the Minnesota Tiber wolves for helping me save face I mean damn I I I said they going to sweep them and they going they they they might win the championship and and damn it after they went down to two2 I was like oh damn they might lose this Ser this is embarrassing you understand this might be the worst prediction of my career career and sure enough they saved me cuz they won this damn series I had them winning game seven they won game seven they pulled it out and I can’t say enough about what I saw from them defensively legs and Shay I mean their defense when they in the second quarter when they started amping I’m sorry not second the third quarter when they amped it up they went on like a 28 to nine run to close out the quarter it ended up being 54 to 24 spurt today I mean their defense were like piranhas They were all over the I got to give some love to Mike Conley Jr i s the veteran who was 0 and4 in game sevens in his career his first game seven win okay this brother shows up one big shot after another big defensive play after another couple of steals was all over the place kept them steady at the same time while doing so call Anthony towns played his ass off got to give him credit what credit is do and here’s what I love about Anthony it was the the new face of the league a superstar you know just flourishing before our eyes he was struggling yesterday only shot 25% from the field he’s miked what is he what is he heard saying look y’all I’mma set the I’m I’mma set these screens I’mma set these back screens I’m G to free you up okay and then you saw him amp up his defensive level of play when we think about the true superstars in this game if they can’t score they’ll find another way to to beat you that’s what we saw from Anthony Edwards yesterday of course Rudy Gober played a damn good game and I told you P like Shay said he ped the yic that turn around jump off of one leg falling back I like damn this is what he’s doing and yic is great there’s nothing to take away from him but you saw how somewhat neutralized he was even though he got off a little bit because you can’t completely stop him because he’s too great for that but that size that Minnesota threw in his Direction was a problem and I’m telling you right now this defense and what it is capable of doing when they amp it up it’s something to behold which is what has me look at even more forward to the Western Conference Finals because when you got Kyrie and Luca going up that’s who you going up against next this defense if it shows up against those Brothers Championship oh my goodness so the original question more about Denver and Minnesota 90% of this is about Minnesota the one 10% I’ll say for Denver is this I’ve already alluded to it but let’s get into the nuts and bolts the shot making out of their Supporting Cast if those guys outside of Murray and joic their entire roster had eight made field goals in the game eight the guys outside of Anthony Edwards and Carl Anthony towns they had 17 made baskets out of the rest of their roster you just can’t survive it man when it’s all about two guys Stephen A you talked about uh nicoa yic and and Rudy gobear yes we know he’s going to get his numbers but what you try to do is you try to make him as inefficient as you possibly can if he’s going to take 27 28 shots and he’s only going to make 12 of those you can live with that is when he start go shooting 60% 70% from the floor and another thing legs if you go back and look at it the biggest difference in this game if I’m not mistaken he had only had one game in which he had double digit assists so that tells you the others now we remember when they played the Lakers when they won the championship he always had high totals 10 eight 12 assists and I think if I’m not mistaken he had one triple double and he ended up being in a loss so as long as you can keep him from getting Michael Porter Michael Porter Jr man I don’t know what he had what he had going on but hey he was not there he missed far too many shots he didn’t seem engaged Aaron Gordon took five shots guys in a game seven at home the way that he’s been the way that he’s been playing that’s what made that inexcusable but remember Shannon he was usually getting putbacks and stuff like that Minnesota shut all that down yeah shut all that down they were limited to one shot Minnesota was dominating the offensive boards I remember one play Reggie Miller was saying okay it’s a key stop here you don’t have to foul you’re only down five all you need is a stop make sure they don’t get the offensive rebound and that was when connley missed and and Cat came through with the follow slam right exactly what Reggie Miller said you can’t let happen they let happen yeah game over I love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is

On First Take, Stephen A. Smith, Shannon Sharpe and Tim Legler debate whether the Minnesota Timberwolves’ 20-point comeback victory was more about the Wolves or the Denver Nuggets’ epic collapse in Game 7 of in the Western Conference Semifinals.

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  1. Denver ain’t keeping the same energy. How sad. There’s a reason why folks weren’t high on the nuggets after that championship.. nuggets don’t have a dynasty I don’t know why yall thought that… It took 4 years for that squad to avenge the bubble championship.. they only wanted to beat the lakers who at this time are old and new all together simultaneously

  2. The refs tried the best to give the nuggets the win.. I almost turned the game off at halftime but my cousin kept telling me it’s a whole lot of time left… and he don’t even watch ball or sports

  3. Has their been a Michael Porter Jr. sighting?😢😅 My bad. Has anyone seen players on the Denver squad NOT named Murray or Jokic? 21 pts from everyone else.

  4. Yo, am I the only one who thinks the title "superstar" is thrown around way too loosely these days? There should only be like, ten real superstars in the whole league, max.

  5. The problem here was that EVERYONE besides Jokic and Murray did NOTHING. Sooooooooo many WIDE OPEN shots missed over and over again

  6. Luka is basically a young Lebron. kyrie already won with a semi old lebron, its gonna be a good series

  7. Stephen A was right about one thing — the most impressive thing about the Wolves pulling this off is… three of their four wins were in Denver, which is usually high altitude hell for opposing squads.

  8. So if a team plays really well they'll probably win? Top tier basketball analysis from ESPN as always…

  9. Good lord now everyone is claiming Jokic is a fraud. NBA fans are worse than a teenage girl, emotional asf. Dude the man had 34 19 7, he balled tf out. Yes his team choked a 20 point lead, no excuse for that regardless of how garbage his team was. But Jokic is still by far the best player in the league

  10. I said it from the very beginning of this season: when you lose guys like Jeff Green and Bruce Brown, it hurts from a Bench production standpoint and it was evident in the postseason. They were lucky to have drawn the Lakers in Round 1 but in Minnesota, those guys would’ve been X-factors for Denver had ONE of them stood around.

  11. Rudy turnaround fadeaway jumper had me shocked. But that corner 3 Ant shot towards the end had me hype. And the celebration he did after. The way he did that shot, everything about it. The fake, setting his feet behind the line, then bang. Pretty sure all us Lakers fans were cheering along with the Wolves supporters.

    The funny thing I noticed though is that most of the media guys I have heard since are picking Dallas. Including Shannon. A bunch of hypocrites considering they all would have picked the Nuggets vs Dallas. Yet the team that beat the Nuggets somehow can't.

  12. As much as I usually don’t really like Stephen A’s takes. I think he’s spot on here. Ant had a tough first half. No doubt. He couldn’t get shots to fall. But he made shots down the stretch and more importantly he started making the right plays even if it meant not playing hero ball. There’s a reason Minnesota’s supporting cast played well. I think the box score in a vacuum doesn’t always tell the full story. He was a menace defensively. A lot of his misses were end of shot clock/quarter heaves or rim-outs. It’s cliche, but it was still winning basketball on a night he couldn’t get going.

  13. Celtics gonna win the nba finals if they make it passed pacers. It would be coo to see ant take it early. But his team is stupid. Kat is stupid and rudy is good but plays like a sissy french.

  14. Joker was exhausted second half. Murray was also a ghost zecond half. The roleplayers were absolute garbage. 7 points from Porter Jr. And that was the most of the entire supporting cast. Nuggets got ezposed for over-relying on Jokic. This is a lottery team without Jokic

  15. Even as a New Yorker, seeing the T Wolves rise to the challenge and win in such fashion brightened up my day a lil after having to watch the Knicks get sent home earlier.

  16. Hilarious how Shannon doesnt like how Malone acts after a big loss but has nothing to say when Bron leaves his team on the court with time left on the clock, not shaking the other teams hands, AD storming off after a reporters question, or Lebron not taking blame or giving CREDIT to his teammates. The bias shows through his teeth. Only if "analysts" kept the same energy at all times than sports media wouldn't be looked at as such a big joke.

  17. The officiating was mind numbing, what is a foul anyways? Touching a Nuggets player? VS. mauling ANT MAN? Geeeezzzz!!!!

  18. Clearly you know nothing about basketball I won't be watching your videos again lol how did he play the worst game you ever seen when he's responsible for shutting down the second best player on the nuggets team and inspired his team by bringing the dog out of them giving that hope by his tenacious defense

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