@San Antonio Spurs

Who Fits BEST With Wembanyama? Spurs 24 NBA Draft Big Board | Rob Trejo Jr

Who Fits BEST With Wembanyama? Spurs 24 NBA Draft Big Board | Rob Trejo Jr

first thing that I want you guys to understand is that we’re going to be ranking these players by fit and I’m going to do that by color right um none of these players suck right none of these players are going to I I think be like huge busts none of them are going to be franchise changing players that can go into organization just light it on fire um however um I am going to rank them through color and red uh means that you know they’re a good player but they just really don’t fit I think what the Spurs have cooking right now they’re they’re not really a part of that menu um yellow means that um they’re a good player and I wouldn’t mind having them on the team I just don’t feel like it fits the Spurs needs or anything like that you know so it’s kind of like I’d be a little confused if they drafted these guys in the yellow range um but they’re still good players um and then the green for me is those are the guys that can come into this team day one and either start or be a main contributor uh coming into their first two or three seasons and they can just make an impact and grow with the team I just think they’re best fit for the now and best fit for the long term okay okay so let’s go ahead and get started first jacobe Walter now I’m coping him to a cam Thomas out of Brooklyn mostly because I mean this guy has a green light um you know they really did a good job with him over there in Baylor he’s got a great shot he’s got supreme confidence in that shot great touch around the basket likes to get into the paint creep in off the three-point line and get his shot off um Baylor really looked to run a lot of sets for him he has a he’s a great perimeter Target and if that’s what your team needs if if your team needs a guy that can that has that confidence from Beyond The Arc um then I think he’s a great pick maybe in this top 12 range um however I feel like the Spurs if it’s not a point guard I don’t see them utilizing pick number four pick number eight to to try to get a guard in there um so you know that’s kind of that’s kind of my my take on that um so you know starting off this draft we’ll go ahead and uh put him down there at the bottom next let’s go ahead and see who comes out next Ron Holland out of the g- league ignite he’s a forward um he’s a great athlete uh really has an aggressive mindset on him uh I am comparing him a little bit to a mixture between John Collins and you know our own Kellin Johnson uh he has a a nice comfortable shot it seems like from Beyond The Arc uh he he only shot 24% but when you see the game film it looks fluid um you know there was a lot of things going on with that ignite team but you know he has a great motor on him he’s aggressive um but he’s just a little bit undersized in that 6 in 68 range and you know the Spurs already have a Jeremy Sohan a Kellen Johnson um to kind of fill th those those needs there um and so I think that upside is kind of limited uh there like he he can come in just like a John Collins and do the dirty work um but he can also kind of stretch the floor like a KJ kind of can as well um so kind of ranking him in the terms of the Spurs Big Board um he falls down towards the bottom next we have Dalton Connect Now Dalton connect I think I have him here as a guard but really he’s he’s more of a small forward um I kind of comping him right now to a Doug McDermot or let me see who was that it was Doug McDermot or Kevin hder right I mean he’s got a six shot reball he’s aggressive his in between game is nice he’s a little bit older we talked about that um again 66 small forward I think that’s a little bit too too small in terms of that physical quality that the Spurs like to to draft um I think the Spurs are going to draft guys with high upside potential athletically as well as as on the course skill-wise um and so I kind of feel like at 24 years old Dal connect really isn’t that guy to come into the San Antonio Spurs and and kind of get minutes and kind of get on the floor and push the team to get better because that’s what you want at pick four and eight you want guys that are going to push the team to get better so Dalton connect uh falls under that range great player I really like him don’t really see him fitting with Spurs now next we have nicoa toic now nicoa topic he’s the last person here in this meter in this red range and really the reason why I’m I have him here I understand he’s a I understand he’s a top four or five pick projected wise he’s a point guard he did go down with an injury a lot of people in the comments were were talking about that after I put out my last video and I think he got injured literally like the day after I recorded or something like that so I was really unfortunate to see him go down um but I don’t think the Spurs are looking for this type of guard um now he has a great head on him he can really pass the ball sure he can probably find wimy find open Shooters but when I’m when I’m comping him I kind of comp him to a Gordon a Goron drage um former Spurs pick and a nandoo doolo who’s also a former Spurs pick now if you guys don’t remember nandoo nandoo is like one of the best point guards to ever come out of France that whose name isn’t Tony Parker seriously he was on our Squad I believe we drafted him the year we drafted Kawhi Leonard or the year after that and nandoo is an awesome point guard really reminds me of of Nia topic the way that he can just kind of create but there was something about you know the Nando fit with the NBA not necessarily the Spurs it’s just you know I don’t know if it was the physical stuff or the speed or or the athleticism that is required to play in today’s NBA like or even back then’s NBA nandoo really couldn’t get it going here and I kind of don’t want to experiment with that I don’t think the Spurs would want to experiment with someone who kind of has that potential to not workout in the NBA now I think again he’s a great point guard I think he can get some run with some team out there I just don’t think it’s a really good fit for San Antonio moving forward into the future so Nia topage is going to be there okay so now let’s go ahead and let’s look at who’s falling under this yellow uh meter range here right and that’s a player who again I don’t see the Spurs drafting if but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did just because the player has has it right he is that good I just don’t maybe feel it fits in need and so right now we’re we’re going to start with Reed Shepard I really love Reed Shepard and I love what I’m hearing um about Reed Shepard it’s not always about the physical potential or skill potential which he does have but I’m comparing him to two players I’m kind of comparing him to a Mike Conley and I’m comparing him to a divincenzo um Dante devincenzo type player um Mike Conley is because he has an IQ is what I’m hearing is that he sees the game two or three steps ahead and at his size and with his athletic limitations the fact that he can still get um four and a half assists two and a half steals a game uh you know he’s putting up 12.5 points he has a great three ball he’s a great shooter uh and all that but in order to in order to really do that I mean you got to be you got to be on another level iq- wise and I don’t see him being a point guard for the Spurs so that means if they did draft him he would be more in lines of a shooting guard and in in my just perspective right now I may be limiting myself a little bit but I’m kind of pushing shooting guards off to the side I feel like we’re good with Devon Devon’s going to get the majority of the of the run at $24 million a year this guy’s gonna play and get the ball a lot a lot of shots then you have guys like Malachi Brum uh Blake Wesley you you have these other guards on the squad that that need to get that run as well so I kind of just don’t think that they go they go with a shooting guard in this in this case so I love Reed Shepard um but I’m going to have to put him there at in in that spot next we have Matas buellis I know he’s a top four five draft pick um why don’t you like him Rob well I do I really like him um but I just feel like right now he’s a little bit too much of a project like he’s still just a a big ball of clay right so he’s very raw right he has a lot of IQ I think that’s something that we saw out of him this year is that his fun two things his fundamentals are really crisp really high very solid has a I IQ as well but he needs to work on a few things he needs to tighten up his shot he needs to tighten up his handle a little bit off the dribble but he is a weapon like I I I I can’t deny it this guy will be a weapon in the NBA he’s a legit NBA developmental pro project and he does a lot of things well and there’s some things that just pop that he does that just pops out and you’re just like wow oh wow he can do this oh wow he can do that but he kind of really doesn’t do anything too consistent he kind of does a lot of things well not many too things great uh he is great in transition U like like I like there are there are some spots that you see it but um he’s great in transition uh he’s great on one-on-one one-on two opportunities getting to The Rim finishing above defenders in the g- league he was um I love how patient he is kind of like with his attack uh he can really catch and maneuver his way into the paint with two or three dribbles so there’s a lot of good there um his mechanics look good on his shot his his his stats aren’t really there but the shot looks look looks like it has a lot of potential with the high release Point everything that he’s got going with that um he has a great mid-range game um you know we saw him hit that mid-range game winner in the All-Star break we saw that too so he’s got a lot of that um to him I’m copying him right now to a fron Bogner um mostly because he just plays like him I feel like he plays like he’s like fron except with a little bit higher upside scoring wise like fron is great IQ can really move the ball really attack he’s strong I think this guy’s going to be a lot like that except with a little bit higher of an upside uh in terms of uh the offense and so yeah so the Spurs they’re just they are a team that can develop him I just feel like you know they can mold him into whatever they want however the Spurs aren’t really on that timeline I feel like like buellis is one or two years away from being what he might start to become and so I just feel like that’s a little bit further down the line um because you know we need we need kind of clear um a clear idea of what type you know what we’re going to be able to put on the floor next to wimy so I I just feel like time lies it doesn’t really work out not that I wouldn’t mind seeing him on the team that’s not it at all um I just feel like right now is not really the time for him to be with the Spurs so you know I don’t know that’s just what I thought of right now next we have Alex SAR the potential number one pick rob you put him in the in the yellow category with what’s going on well I mean look alexar is a fantastic basketball player like he’s he’s a great off the- ball big man you know he can really get to the rim he has great touch around the rim when he gets there um he’s a great finisher he likes to throw it down in traffic and jump up over people now that was in the other league he was in now in the NBA we’ll see kind of how how how that transitions over as his as his like highest strength I I I don’t know I still got to see it um I would kind of compare him to an an Evan MO who I love too Evan MO is a great player again um he’s like Evan Moy with a little bit better playmaking chops to him he can kind of shoot a little bit better obviously as well um his shot looks nice he looks comfortable shooting the ball um but again I just that’s not really the type of big man I feel like the Spurs would want to put next to wimy if they were gonna put a center and on the team and push wimy out to the power forward I kind of don’t see it being Alex SAR at this point so in terms of fit again not that he’s you know uh ranked not not that I’m ranking him like these aren’t player rankings again best fit for the Spurs um kind of copying him to Evan Moy uh not really the type of guy you want next to wimy I think at this point if I’m the Spurs so next let’s get into this green range the first guy in this green range is Stefan Castle now let me talk about Stefan castle for a little bit when I’m when I’m going over his his film man like he’s a he’s he’s a day one ready NBA ready probably the most NBA Ready Player I think in this draft and like I wouldn’t even be surprised if he went top three I really wouldn’t I think he can really come in day one and make a change he’s got he’s he’s got this and really help a team right get to that next point and and give them an identity because when I’m watching his film his craftiness his footwork his change of pace the strength that he plays with on the block his toughness you know he almost does it all like he does this all really well without really getting off the ground and that’s something that I really like I like players who don’t H who are athletic because he is athletic and he can dunk over people but I like players who don’t have to use their athleticism to become a good basketball player and I feel like he has that in Spades you know so he can really jump but there’s that heavy stock to his fibers you know like he’s he’s a heavy set dude he’s got a low center of gravity um so I love that you know I think when we’re talking about player comps um I think think of Kate Cunningham I think of shake guildas Alexander I think of I think of Marcus Morris Marcus Smart sorry Marcus Smart Derek white even um because when you play low to the ground um that usually lends itself to the defensive end as well like he can probably be a really good on ball Defender play with his body um a little Drew holiday even maybe even I kind of really like Stefan castle and if the Spurs take him at four or at eight I think he can start right away and you know let’s talk about why he’s in the green I think he really could start at at the three spot you know there’s a point guard there’s Deon Vel and I feel like that third guy could be Stefan castle with how defensively minded he he is and and Julian champagney damn there it is I feel like he could be in this starting line up day one for Julian champag I think he’s I think he’s that good and he has that type of upside so um the first guy in this green meter which is um I kind of before I keep going um all of these guys in the green I’m having trouble ranking them in terms of who I would want at pick four or eight um but if we got them anywhere I think it would be great for the Spurs moving forward so let’s kind of keep going now um so next we have Cody Williams Cody Williams man this is a long athletic Sharpshooter shot 41% from three um due to 68 he looks like he might still be growing he’s he’s barely going to be 19 and a half years old come draft time um and he’s got a brother who’s on the number one team in the west yes please yes yes give me give me Cody Williams um I don’t even know like how to feel about his upside because I feel like there’s no ceiling on it I feel like there’s no ceiling on his upside um I feel like he has the the potential to become like a Yannis an TMO type player in transition um so he’s super tough um I I I really like seeing him run the floor once he runs the floor you know he’s if if he’s going to the rim he’s in the sky man this guy’s jump jumping over everybody um so you know he’s a really nice shooter he’s a he’s a prototypical 3 andd Type player I feel like if he can get it going on the defensive end um he he might even be a top three top four Prospect in this whole entire draft um so you know this guy is NBA ready and I think if if you’re talking about three or four years down the road building building him up building his body building his his role like you started his role a little bit smaller maybe he might be able to come off the bench for the Spurs do I feel like can start you know you you put a point guard out there you put Devon vasel wimy soan and maybe Cody Williams maybe you you bump soan up to that three position and then you let Cody Williams kind of step in at at that uh Power Forward small forward position and and you just never know so you know great fit great long-term potential clearly has a lot of upside and a lot of game to him comes from a good basketball family um has a brother who’s who’s a rising star in this league and I think you know I think all those are signs that that lend himself to being a good fit for the San Antonio Spurs so I’m kind of comping him to a Rashard Lewis type perimeter player long athletic can shoot can also attack off the dribble and is smart off the dribble and in transition he has that little bit of Giannis to him I feel like if he can go coast to coast and and get that strength up he would be a monster in transition just kind of the way Giannis is you can’t really stop him all right so who’s next let’s talk about donov kingan Donovan kingan I am really liking the idea the more I think about it of putting him as the starting five uh for the Spurs moving forward now I know um in the comments of my last video someone was was saying that Edy was the best big man in college basketball maybe maybe he was I don’t want to argue that you might be right but um objectively you know I think that kingan you know two years he was a sophomore uh want a championship as a sophomore and it’s just has more potential than maybe Edy does I don’t know how well he guards around the perimeter um that’s always a concern now with with big man is how well they do that how well they can adapt to that um but I do feel that you know he’s how do I say he the back to the basket game is nice I I’ll start there the back to the basket game that he has is is nice already I don’t think he’s going to be missing bunnies you know missing little little little dump downs from whoever I think he’s going to be an elite finisher at The Rim now do I feel like that back to the basket game is needed in the NBA today not too much but I feel like when you do need it it matters you know that the opportunity to use that when you when you need it matters think of like yakob how you know he can use a little bit of bully to him yakob he needed a little bit more of a like a I’mma bully you I’m gonna bang you up and I’m G to do that he was more of a finesse type big man and I feel like kinging is is the opposite of that like he wants to bully you he wants to make you feel small and he wants to to to really make you feel him on the defensive end and so you know there’s that he’s a fantastic rebounder he’s a fantastic two-hand finisher at The Rim again he doesn’t mess around puts the ball in the in the rim um he can finish with contact he can finish around two or three smaller players in like a crowded paint so in a in college so in an uncrowded paint in the NBA I mean it should be even better for him um so he can really pass the ball too you know I was looking at his passing ability which is crucial for the Spurs I mean Zack Collins did a great job of moving the ball finding back door Cutters and all that is very important to the way we played um so he can really make some impressive passes bounce passes back door P passes either dump down off the top or bounce to back door guys he does a little high low action if if he can pass the ball high low to wimy back and forth I mean that’s that’s something defensively is intimidating if you put him as a starting five next to wimy for the next seven eight years 10 years or whatever I mean guys defensively holy crap defensively he’s a monster and that would be one of the most monstrous um defensive lineups that you can think about if you think about him protecting the rim and letting wimy go to that power forward and and cause all the all that havoc on the on the perimeter man dude that honestly makes me so excited to have that as a foundation kind of uh thing that you put in your back on is these two guys at The Rim him and wimy so you know uh I can you know he can really alter shots and and shut things down in the pain you know and he can recover as well so you know um I think as a as a comp you know I’m I’m comparing him to I think it’s Walker Kesler right or I think it’s what it is Walker kler from Utah just like a really big Elite Defender who can stay on the floor who’s isn’t a liability and honestly he can be a foundation piece kind of how they have like Walker Kessler and um and then the the other guy uh what’s what’s his name uh marinin Lori marinin over there in Utah I think like a double big tandem of kingan and and uh wimy is something something that can be very very special very very special all right so if we draft him at four I would love it if he’s still there at eight and we can draft him at eight man I I think the Spurs should do it honestly I think I think they should look up to sh up that Center Spot and not have it be such a mystery with with Zack Collins or trying to figure out you know what Charles Bassie can be you know what I mean something like that Dominic bar you know all these guys are are kind of too small like we need someone who’s like big who can be really big next to wimy and let wimy go out and play out on the perimeter next we have Rob Dillingham right I’m kind of comparing him to a John Wall Darren Williams um it’s kind of hard for me to put my finger on him because I don’t want to peg him just as like a scoring small scoring guard because there’s a lot more to his game I feel like like um he’s an athletic Score first point guard um that’s that’s first off you know he’s he’s an amazing scorer he’s an amazing Score first point guard um so he still needs work I feel like you know like he he does have that deep ball potential though though it looks a little clunky his shot at this point but I mean he has an agile bag like he has an agile dribble off the dribble he can really break players down break his Defender down and head to the rim now you know when he’s on his way to the rim he can really show off he can really show off a few things he can show off his athleticism he can show off his craftiness uh his soft touch around the rim and as a playmaker you know I really like the way he finds Guys open on the way to the rim you know if it’s either the the roll guy from a screener or a cutter that’s cutting off fall the short roller uh the guy in the dunker spot he can throw a lob um you know which are all great tools for like a Twan game so if you want him in pick and rolles with wimy I think I think the potential is high there his scope and kind of creative creativeness is very impressive so as long as he can kind of make simple reads along the way and find open Shooters find Devon find guys that are out there on the break and then also kind of imp Implement all that IQ skill combination with the ball in his hands I mean he can be he can be pretty damn good he can be really damn good so you know he has the tools to be a really big threat at the point guard spot and I think that’s a difference it’s like yeah you can have a good point guard out there you can have a game manager out there but do you have a threat do you have a threat at the point of attack and I feel like he can fit that mold really well so you know he’s a really pretty damn good on ball Defender as well he can really pick people’s pocket he’s he’s got a nose for for loose balls and and for reading passing Lanes so the defensive chops are there as well the IQ is there the hustle is there all behind all that so you know that my player comps are are kind of eh I feel like with him um I didn’t want to put him tag him as just like any other small guard because I feel like he has way more to that than him than just being like a scoring type little guard I mean he’s not little he’s 6’3 he’s a little bit smaller but you know I feel like if you’re looking at instead of drafting Trey young you want someone who can do similar things maybe not as well obviously as Trey young can at this point but if you want to draft your own guy that has that same type of potential even higher defensive potential you look at drafting Rob Dillingham so um I really like that pick for the Spurs uh you know if they can get Rob Dillingham and kingan um speaking of of those two guys in particular if they can get them uh with the 4 and eight I mean you that’s that’s a good direction to to place this team on for the next two or three years you would have Dillingham at your point you would have uh Devon vasel at your two you would have soan at your three you would have wimy at your four and kingan at your five like that that five right there that five could could be it that can be it for the next seven years if they pan out and if it works out um which is always a big if right but I mean talking about filling the holes in your starting lineup those two guys on the roster uh is something that makes me super excited now the last guy we’re going to talk about is uh Zachary rishes I don’t know y talk y’all taught me how to pronounce it right in the comments I’m just blanking on it right now but thank you guys for doing that for helping me try to pronounce his name but I’m just gonna call him Zach Zack The French Connection between wimy is is is something that’s interesting um he’s he’s a Runway type player I feel like I’m kind of comparing him to a mixture of Cam Johnson from Brooklyn who used to be on Phoenix and with a Kean Murray in in in Sacramento kind of a blend between those two guys um because he has a lot to him and and I feel like Zachary’s he has that Runway to get better I feel like over the next seven years and not that he’s not good now but he’s just so skilled like he has such a high ceiling in multiple areas offensively his game is pretty developed it’s it’s pretty diverse um maybe a Boris di like a taller athletic Boris di is is another way to put it with a better shot um but his like his athletic potential it there seems to be something there atically I I think like he’s still skinny still kind of lanky but he has this athletic ability not just to run Sprint change shots uh attack the rim on offensively there’s something to his athleticism that I feel like could also grow over the next two or three years um so you know he’s a guy who has a thin build but he has a bounce to him a strength to him to get to the rim to finish at The Rim through contact you know so those are all good signs you know he seems also to be able to shoot the ball with confidence um they did run a lot of sets for get open the perimeter and sets to get him going to the rim so I really like his patience uh on the catch you know he feel he has a great feel for for decision making and and he doesn’t rush things he likes to to see what’s happening in front of him then attacks it so that’s that’s high IQ type stuff and and this is a type of player I feel like the Spurs they can mold into whatever they want in at at his 69 frame you know he he’s another guy like Cody Williams who I feel like can can come in here and according to ton you know he’s the number one ranked small forward Cody Williams is at five um you know but those are the two guys that I really like if the Spurs are going to try to get longer and more athletic um he has a higher IQ you know he’ll have a French Connection with wimy which is always great they’ll play a lot together on the Spurs for the national team and and all that um so there’s there’s that to factor in as well but um high IQ length versatility I I can see him being a real three and D type player kind of like those those guys from uh from uh from uh New Orleans right like you got the the Trey Trey Troy Murphy or Trey Murphy and then you have uh you have the other guy too I’m blanking on their names but they you have those two really long uh forwards that are that are really athletic and um can shoot the ball there’s three and D type players I me you need those guys you need those long athletic guys so this is my big board guys let me know what you guys think about it in the comments below uh do you guys see um see it the way I do uh do you guys see this big board the same in terms of like fit you know do you feel like these players can the players that are in the red or in the yellow do you feel like they can come into the Spurs organization and and impact them and be a part of their long-term plans or are you with me kind of like those top five guys are the ones that we need to keep our eyes on um at four and eight right so again I wouldn’t mind if they ended up taking uh Zach uh Zachary rash or whatever and and another player or if they go with Donovan Rob or if they go with Cody and Zach Cody Williams and Zach and they just both get two long forwards and let them battle it out um or if they need uh to sh up that three spot and they want like a score load of the ground type Defender um and Stefon Castle you know so a lot of upside with those guys uh in my opinion in terms of fitting in with this with this team so let me know what you guys think I am going to be doing uh some mock drafts in the future again the way that the way that all this will get figured out is depending on what Atlant does what Washington does what Houston does um and you know I’m thinking Houston I was thinking about them the other day and it’s that’s a really intriguing uh thing to watch I wonder if they’re going to keep their pick or not um they have so much young Talent already um you know and I know they want to win now so I don’t know what what Houston’s approach to all this is and in terms of who they’re what they’re going to do with their pick um but as I kind of go through those upcoming videos we’ll do some mock drafts and we’ll try to figure all that out um and and create some scenario that maybe lend us to figure out who might be available at at pick four or eight depending on how certain things go so thank you guys for watching make sure to subscribe to the channel thank you guys for dropping comments down below what’s most important to this whole channel is you guys letting me know your thoughts which you guys feel if I’m crazy if I’m on to something if you agree do you disagree let me know in the comments below I love reading all your comments um and share this video with another Spurs fan if you can I really appreciate you guys I’ve been Robo Jr um and I’ll catch you guys on the next one adios

In this episode we are going to make a Spurs Big Board ranking the top prospects in the 2024 NBA Draft by best fit with the San Antonio Spurs and building around both Victor Wembanyama and Devin Vassell.

We will rank Alex Sarr, Rob Dillingham, Donovan Clingan, Cody Williams, Saccharie Risacher, Stephon Castle, Matas Buzelis, Jakobe Walter, Dalton Knecht, Reed Sheppard, Ron Holland, Nikola Topic and more insights on combinations of players that fit the Victor Wembanyama Timeline.

Im not big on player comparisons, so dont judge too hard. However I am very confident about our big board list. Let me know your thoughts down below!
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If you live in Texas and are looking for a home loan let me know this episode is powered by Cross Country Mortgage. If you want to know what your home buying power is click on the link below and in less than 30 minutes we can figure out your road map into your own home!

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  1. Clingan!!! We need a tree. The bigs own us on the glass. OKC vs Dallas was VERY telling in this regard too. OKC was bodied. Clingan #4 bc he is the most unique and fits a nerd. Then best pg at 8

  2. Why don’t any of these guys ever invite guests that actually know a thing or two instead of just running their ignorant mouths into a camera?

  3. Curious why you think Dillingham gave good defensive effort when he admitted that he was pretty bad at giving effort on the defensive end

  4. Great job,…. On this video. And this is my opinion only. Clingan would be great pickup for the Spurs , but when I watched the matchup it looked like he really hated guarding EDEY cause he couldn't handle his strength…. But both did great against each other. But what about the combine and Everytime the see each other in events… EDEY shoots better mid shots . There's and free throws… Ok ok. But what about speed …ooh no EDEY is faster how can that be. Ok IQ , EDEY has been over looked and wants to be a gym rat…mmmm better shooter rebounder and Speed ….You can't teach 7'4 . All I have to say . EDEY is the best center in this draft bar none. Alien in the Mask 👽

  5. I was sold more on Risacher than Castle but I'm warming up to the idea of it. Castle has a ton of tools, but he wants to be be a PG. Cody Williams is a project, plenty of upside, but when/how will he develop for SA? I'm not to keen on clogging the paint with a big paired next to Wemby. But we do need a long term legit backup big at very least. Dillingham is one I would look at. His PnR with Wemby would decimate opposing teams. Dillingham's Def. needs to get better. Risasher is less of a project than Cody Williams, but he'll have to build one more big feature to be truly effective (i.e. rebounder, clutch performer, great help defender, etc.)

  6. I like the idea of Clingan and having a new version of the twin towers. I just don't know if he would be a liability on defense in the NBA. It would be great to have a score first point guard but with a generational talent with Wemby, I think he needs to be the primary source of our offense and everyone else just work out from him. We need that facilitator that can get Wemby the ball. I think Castle or Topic would fit that pretty well. I've been reading some things that say Risacher is more of a catch and shoot type guy which doesn't scare me if he can play defense. If I was in the front office I'd go with a Risacher at 4 and then if a Topic or Castle was at 8 one of them. Dillingham would get Spurs fans excited but he's so small and look at who is left in the West this year. Who could he guard? Great video loved your ideas. Keep it up

  7. Zaccharie Risacher is my favorite player in the draft. Quick, long, athletic, shoots, and there is the “French Connection.”
    I am not a fan of Rob Dillingham. His 165-pound weight seems to be a problem, in my opinion. Also, Dillie does not strike me as much of a defensive threat. I like Stephon Castle more. He plays DEFENSE!
    If the Spurs could get Castle and Risacher, I would be delighted!

  8. I think Clingan wouldn’t fit with Wemby offensively, so I wouldn’t draft him. I think we have bigger needs at pg and wing and plenty of options there, as you listed. I’m curious about Castle. He seems to think he could be a pg, and while shooting isn’t his strength I like the idea of another plus defender.

  9. I like your color ranking, but your green players puzzle me. SA doesn’t need a guard, they need a PG. You acknowledged that in your critique of Reed Shepard who is not a PG. Of the commonly acknowledged top tier players in this draft, there are 2 PGs: Dillingham and Topic. Yet you leave Topic out of your green band, but put a SG (Castle) in the green band as a better fit for SA. I don’t get it. SA has a SG, they need a PG!

    If you are picking in the top 10, you are looking for players who can step in and contribute immediately. I’m far from convinced that Cody or Zach can do this. They may have a big upside, but SA has needs today and they need players who can fill those needs now, not later.

    Don’t understand why Starr is not green; he could be a monster 4 along side Wemby. But you put Clingham in green despite the experiment SA using Wemby as a 4 and not a 5. If you recall, it didn’t work. How does Clingham change that??? Also, in terms of fit, I think you have to think of putting pieces around Wemby as the 5 and that mean Clingham is yellow or red.

    In terms of fit, SA needs a PG and a wing. PG means either Dillingham or Topic. Castle may be a great SG, but he does not address your need at PG. I like Reed, but he never played PG. If Dillingham is not available at 4 and SA has reservations about Topic (particularly a second injury to the same knee) then SA needs to seriously look for a vet PG.

    The wing is tough because you either have a shooter with questionable defense or a defensive player who need to work on his shot. So here is the nuance your board lacks. Dillingham or Topic is likely to be there at 4 and let’s assume SA is OK with either one. If SA gets Dillingham, then drafting a wing with solid defensive and a shot that could develop is acceptable. If Topic is selected, you need a wing who can score now and has at least adequate defense and might even be good with work

  10. I think they might go Tidjane Salaun at number 8. He's a risky pick, but has a very high upside.

  11. Honestly, these playoffs have shown that you need athletic rangy players who shoot the 3, and could switch on defense. We have the chance to get two of those guys.

  12. I dont like the idea of moving wemby to the 4 i rather get a true pf who can strech the flor and give vassel and wemby some good spacing. Clingan is not a good fit i would take either risacher or Williams at 4 and dili or reed at 8

  13. Dont listen to the negative comments. Everyone has their own opinions, whether it's good or not. I can agree with about 70% of the video, so overall good video.

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