@New York Knicks

Bobby Marks’ NEW YORK KNICKS OFFSEASON GUIDE 👀 ‘Injury-free roster would be LOADED!’ | NBA on ESPN

Bobby Marks’ NEW YORK KNICKS OFFSEASON GUIDE 👀 ‘Injury-free roster would be LOADED!’ | NBA on ESPN

all right a happy Sunday hopefully everyone is doing great uh we are doing part two of a New York Knicks video I love it when you spend 15 minutes doing a video and it doesn’t come out if anybody has any ideas on how we can do these videos better please let me know because I’m running low on my patience of you using photo booth on my Mac it’s a waste of time but on to the New York Knicks what do you say what do you say about the New York Knicks the vi these videos and the article uh that I wrote Friday night after my son graduated from high school got to love that and uh Saturday morning are the toughest ones to write uh especially for a team that’s been basically fighting uphill since the Philadelphia series listen toughness heart determination eventually there’s a dead end to it and I know you could say New York was was up 32 but this roster was a mash unit right when you look at the disappointment and there is Disappointment in losing in game seven there’s a disappointment in losing in game six certainly when you have game clinching to go to an Eastern Conference Finals there is also the disappointment of the great unknown what if this roster was healthy would they be playing Boston right now would they be going to an NBA Finals um um when you look at Julius Randall Mitchell Robinson boam bogdanovic Mitchell Robinson again OG anobi OG anobi again uh Josh Hart in game six Jaylen burnson breaking his hand in game seven the list goes on and on and on we will never know what this next team would look like we got a sample but we got a we got a sample 26 and5 in the games anobi played postseason and regular season we saw the sample with Randall probably one of the best teams post Jan one for that you know two or three Str week stretch we saw a s sample and as I said in the article and I’ve already seen comments people saying Donovan Mitchell wait a minute the same Donovan Mitchell that did not play the last two games in Cleveland that had his own history of staying on a court healthy that’s the direction you want to go okay as I said in the article and I’m probably a oneman ban fighting a fight that I will not win can we please dispel the notion that New York has to go out in big game hunt this off season looking for that next disgruntled Allstar I know it’s a it’s an easy way to to look at things and it’s New York but can we please dispel that notion they do not need to they have a top five player in Jaylen Brunson he’s really really good trust me even if people don’t think he is he’s really good he carried them you have an identity with this roster third in defensive efficiency since Jan one um ninth in deflections top level for a big City team grit and grind sorry to use that steal that from Memphis there is an identity with this roster you’ve got solid solid players which will only get better so please please I don’t want to hear the Knicks should go out and get Donovan Mitchell if he ever became available or Trey young or some of these other guys please please please the guys in Phoenix aren’t available now if Deon Booker became available I might say yeah but why are you going out and gripping up your roster do not do that and I think they won’t do that but they shouldn’t do it don’t don’t buy into that false narrative that a lot of people preach with the roster okay your big decisions this off season is certainly going to be the ogan anobi 19.9 million that player option he’s got June um June 24th I believe um let me just find this year uh anobi uh June 24th got a player option Isaiah hartstein got early bird rights um boam bogdanovic’s uh contract has only2 million it’s $19 million um that will become guaranteed if he’s on the roster pass June 28th okay the likelihood is that New Orleans will defer that first to um to uh to 2025 so New York congratulations you will enter the night of the draft with the only playoff teams you have two first round picks 24 and 25 you also have 38 so we will see what direction that goes as far as finding some young talent because your finances are going to go high high high okay that’s where an anobi and Randall uh Randall and uh hartenstein come in we put the graph up on thanks to my 18-year-old son for teaching me um how to use graphs graphics got tired of paying someone to do it $156 million in salary that includes the anobi player option that includes unlikely bonuses that you have to count towards the apron that includes both first round picks your uh luxury tax is at 171 the apron level is at 178 and change second apron is 189 so if you keep banovic and you pay um Isaiah 4 for 72.5 that’s the most he can get and you bring back anobi at a contract North 30ish we’ll get into that in a minute you are a likely second apron team and you know what the apron restrictions come with the inability to send cash in deal the inability to aggregate contracts the inability to take back more money in a deal um it comes with restrictions and I’m sure New York is fully aware of that when they did the anobi deal back in um back in uh was that December 30th I think I was skiing then um so they knew that it was basically they were going to see the same situation if they kept quickly and paid him and then you had to keep hartenstein also same similar situation so it will get costly so there are some decisions to make as far as how your debt is going to be impacted whether it be Alec Burks who’s a free agent or precious auua who is a restricted free agent who likely get tendered a qualifying offer the big decision as far as where you are financially will come with the 35-year-old boan banovic who has 2 million out of 19 million guaranteed and has until June 28th New York does to guarantee that contract your priorities are certainly an anobi I’m already seeing on the timeline people said don’t pay them okay go ahead and use the 13 million non- tax midlevel on um Joe Smith in free agency fake name not the legend Joe Smith former Maryland go ahead see what your roster looks like there especially after you traded two two quality players for him we know the impact anobi has on the court all right I said 26 and five Knicks were one game below 500 in the regular season with him not on the court one of the best lockdown defenders in the NBA the the analytics the eye test all prove it but what every everything I just said comes with the butt the butt comes in with the durability Factor has played an average of 50 games over the last four seasons that is a major major major concern as far as paying a guy north of $30 million New York has done a terrific job with their salary cap no player on the roster earns more than $30 million including jayen Brunson that’s going to change probably in a year a year or two we’ll go into that in a minute so you have to figure out what you’re comfortable with in anobi is it 44 130 let’s say it’s it’s not it’s not five for two um two what’s see I’m going to get two 245 I think it ain’t 5 for 245 I’m not I’m not doing that he he can go sign with Detroit they can have him and his lack of durability um so you’ve got to figure out what the nnobi number is going to be um likely will probably opt out 19.9 um he will get a pay increase he will get a pay increase he will probably become the first New York player to earn $30 million and more which is fine where the economics of this salary cap is growing you eventually will have to get out of that stigma that everybody has to below has to be below $30 million hartenstein is a different uh problem the problem with him is the inability to pay him more than four for 72.5 million he’s got early bird rights you are restricted when it’s early bird rights he’s on the roster for two years so you have a decision to make or he has a decision to make when you look at Orlando OKC Philly Utah Detroit those are the five teams that have cap space significant cap space I’m not putting San Antonio in there because they basically have to clear some Moon we could put them in there we know the impact that he’s had it’s been tremendous okay I mean joined Aden Victor as the only players with 85 blocks and 85 steals this season I mean we can go on and on about his value now it comes down to is four for 72.5 enough for him I think it is for a Center 16 to 17 million in this day and age if it’s not a Topline Center um the disadvantage New York has besides early bird is that this is a poor free agent class Nick Claxton yonas valenines those are your two other Marquee level free agents here so we will see and they will be in a holding pattern the good news is that on the first day after the NBA Finals that you can start negotiating with your own free agents so they’ll be they’ll have an idea of what the cost is going to be and they’ll have an idea with anobi and that will lead to what happens with bug Don okay that’s your offseason priority your extension candidates Jaylen Brunson is extension eligible for four for 1507 do I think jayen Brunson will sign that I don’t know should he probably not if he wants to maximize his financial window the best thing is to play out this year opt out of his contract and then sign for 5 for 270 next year that’s the best if I was listen 15 turning $157 million guaranteed that’s that’s hard to do but if you want to bet on yourself wait until next year to sign a Max 5 for 270 and that’s where you see the cost of New York’s roster start increasing here Julius Randle is extension eligible I would probably not do anything with Randle 3 for 81 that’s I’m not going in that direction um especially coming off shoulder inj surgery not doing it sorry you’ve got anobi is extension eligible through June 30th Jericho Simms Mitchell Robinson Burks BD donovic are all extension eligible you got to figure out your bench if banovic and Burks are not brought back and then we all know about your draft a assets you’ve got two in the first this year you got all seven of your own you’ve got protected picks from Detroit Milwaukee and the Wizards um and you’ve got seven seconds available you’re in good great shape draft Equity wise you’re in great shape roster wise it’s just a matter of cost now cost as far as keeping this roster together and please please I know it’s the nature of the Beast I do not want to hear about New York should go after to Donovan Mitchell if he became available please for the sanity of all us have a good night we will talk soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

Bobby Marks shares his offseason guide for the New York Knicks after their loss to the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Semifinals.

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  1. Totally agree with Bobby Marks. Please no Donovan. He would disrupt the unity of this team, period. He's an awesome player, but he either needs to find another team to lead, or stay in Cleveland, which won't happen. Provided the Knicks are healthy come next season, the only adjustment we really need is for Thibs to play a 10 (+) man rotation, for reasons we all know. Brunson, Randle, Anunoby, Hart, Hartenstein, DiVincenzo, Robinson, Bogdanovich, McBride, Achiuwa, Burks… I know some of these players may be gone come the off-season, but for now that's 11 players who can impact the game. In any case, I'm proud of my Knicks, no matter the outcome.

  2. I agree Donovan Mitchell is not the answer. I think we would be perfectly fine with Mikel Bridges then we will have the entire Nova squad. We have enough draft picks to pick him up.

  3. the fans got robbed of a great run due to injuries.. but at the same time Knicks were playing with house money since the trade deadline and entire playoffs… overachieving and showing everyone(including players in the league)the franchise is heading in a good direction…the front office still has to be shrewd operators tho! can’t overpay for role players or one dimensional players… I believe they’ll land a star this summer.. also OG and Hart have to be paid

  4. It might be easier to film on your phone. They make mini tripods for your phones and you can screen cast it your your computer to see your self.

  5. What first round picks are going to see playing time on this roster and under Thibs? Come on now Bobby!!!

  6. Knicks fully healthy 100 percent is in the ECF and honestly i think even beats boston… the way the knicks played… the players they had and how deep they were…. Mannn i swear it seemed destined…. But even without a couple players the knicks woulda beat the pacers in 5 and thats just facts but once OG went down and then hart and Brunson started dealing with injuries it was pretty much over, even if they beat the pacers… the fact they went to 7 games with them and to the second round with a full nba roster hurt, is mind blowing when u think about it now

  7. Pacers basically played the injured bucks and the injured knicks and we are talking about major players and major injuries not just a couple of rotation guys… they had the luckiest path ever and yea u can say they shot the ball well but it goes hand and hand cause the knicks defense was not the same and offense with all the players they were missing and they even had players playing hurt…. Even boston beat all easy and injured teams… just a joke

  8. Who the hell is saying not to pay OG. Yes, the risk is there if he's hurt but unless we have the inside track on someone better its a risk you'll have to take.

  9. i dont want no big name players beside D. Mitchell because he wanted to play for the knicks but i we should not give up out whole roster we got alot of dtraft picks. If we cant get him then M.Bridges.

  10. Why on earth would the Knicks want another small, ball dominant guard..100% agree. A Brunson/Spida fit is gross.

  11. Bro, JB needs a star by his side. So that when 3 or 4 people are on him, hell have a definite shooter to make his job easier! So we definitely need a star!!

  12. We all wanna push for a star, but yoy dont want to hurt the cohesiveness, also there's maybe 4-5 players you could go after that are real difference makers everyone else is dont move the needle that much if at all. Given the state of tbe roster best course of action is run this group back as is, get a backup PG for Brunson as they need more facilitating,,Deuce is more a combo guard. If the goal is to avoid the 2nd apron then the only guy i might consider trading os Mitch, but other than that brinf back OG and Hartenstein and get a backup PG and a big wing in the draft!!

  13. Very level headed take and I fully agree that our priority should be keeping the roster together and only making moves that are logical for us. If we can somehow keep all of our guys and use our draft picks well, then that’s an A offseason for me.

  14. Knicks should go get 3 Uconn guys (Newton, Spencer, Karaban) to form their bench core – at low cost in late second round. Villanova starters, Uconn bench.

  15. Knicks could really use a sixth man to give Brunson some good backup mins. It’s clear there’s no offense when he’s not on the court. Trading Randle might be the way to go given our success without him

  16. I don't want anyone else. I don't want anyone to leave. Run that joint back and spread some minutes to these beautiful men that proved themselves this season to lighten the load.

  17. Bobby Marks I love OG but we can't give him $40 Million when he can't stay on the court Availability is very important. GO KNICKS

  18. Knicks don’t need anyone. At all. At most… a big man. They got a great team, run it back. Build chemistry. Stay healthy, Tibs will play into the bench. Knicks finally have an identity- first time in 24 years.

  19. Great update! My only issue is the fragility of some of our guys. In stark contrast to the sheer toughness and grit of some of our other core guys! DMitch is not a fit here anymore. No knock on him, but Jalen is our guy.

  20. We don't need to break this roaster for anyone! We should go looking for a scoring big man. The Jew is good, love him! Yet he lacks scoring.

  21. I trade all those first round picks for Kevin Durant. Three1 rounders for Mr. Durant and the Knicks will have some of that championship heart so they can compete!

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