@Indiana Pacers

PACERS DID SOME GARDENING! Pat breaks out the weed wacker w/ Mike Greenberg ๐Ÿ˜‚ | The Pat McAfee Show

PACERS DID SOME GARDENING! Pat breaks out the weed wacker w/ Mike Greenberg ๐Ÿ˜‚ | The Pat McAfee Show

New Yorker ladies and gentlemen a man who’s in two hall of fames for broadcasting and speaking in the microphones a stud Mike Greenberg grey how you doing man guys couple of quick thoughts first off just watching that racing there if Scotty Sheffer had done any of that he’ been imprisoned for the rest of his life that was the first thought that came to my mind true the second is thank you for having me on because I have to say for the last several months you know that my wife Stacy watches you guys every single day hi Stacey follows everything you say on the social and I can’t count for you the number of times she has said to me in the last few months you know how come you’re never on that show that’s what we’re wondering question well it’s not for lack of being asked so I said well you know the jet season hasn’t been in the news so you know maybe they’re just not they’ve lost interest in me so I feel very happy to be back on the show you need to know that that was not the case at all it was that we assumed because we I mean This Is Us being uh dumb I guess I don’t like asking humans to come on especially if they have a lot of jobs you know I don’t enjoy doing that uh so we just assumed that you were probably in the middle didn’t he was there a radio didn’t you have uh don’t you have Greenie don’t you have Greenie at the same time I do I just got off the radio a little while ago and but here I I am always available for you guys forg all noted noted noted all right so greeny will be on here uh you know weekly probably a couple times a week uh to heighten the professionalism of everything speaking of greeny I don’t know if you got a chance to see it uh this weekend there was a uh situation you know a game seven uhhuh where you know just team from little old Indianapolis uh mhm went into the garden and did some gardening pal Pacers game seven the mecca you know what we did mhm [Music] see that you see that you see that in the garden whacking weeds dominating that’s what the pick from Indianapolis went out there and did to the chrin of everybody in sports media seemingly uh should I feel as bitter against everybody that has a microphone about the way they talked about the Pacers chances in this series and how do you feel as a Knicks fan with a team that had hey great year great year fantastic year well for the for starters I was the one I said all last week that I thought Friday night was the series I thought with the turnaround from game six to game seven with the Knicks as short in their rotation as they were I didn’t see any conceivable chance that they were going to be able to turn around with travel this time and win a game seven regardless of where it was played I think I said last week I don’t care if that game is played at the Garden or On The Moon I don’t see the Knicks winning game seven to me Friday night was the game and I think Rick Carlile Rick carlle is going to go to the hall of fame for two reasons or or or showed you two things in this series he knows how to push the right buttons at the end of the day all coaches can make good you know good adjustments and bad adjustments and good moves and bad moves and the move to put nce Smith on Jaylen Brunson in game three was one I almost thought he waited a game longer than he should have all coaches do that but I think he pushed two excellent buttons during the series I think the button he pushed at the end of game two with his players and with the fans in Indiana you obviously were there we also you sit in Courtside you know the playing the small Market card the way he did yeah playing the us against the world card I thought that was really smart and then the second piece of it that I think he did really well as far as that’s concerned um is is the way he challenged his guys after game five the difference in game five was not any adjustment it wasn’t anything that tibs did people are quick to try and give him credit and I’m not suggesting he didn’t do anything in game five the Knicks played like they needed it and the Pacers didn’t the Pacers played like the moment was too big for them they looked jittery in the garden all this gardening that you were doing looked like it was actually getting to them and carile basically said you guys probably have the quote um you know Carlile said guys you just got your ass handed to you get a rebound dive on the floor play like you’re where you’re supposed to be and I thought his team really responded to that they came out on Friday exactly the way they needed to they looked like the desperate team in a game that I thought the Knicks should have been desperate to win and after game six there was no question in my mind the Pacers are going to win yesterday they’re kind of like America’s team too you know able to take tough coaching able to take you know they they came they came together you know uh added a star Pascal seum uh seak obviously you’re add him him midseason no problem at all Miles Turner being able to adjust what tyres hurton comes in and becomes the star signs a massive fiveyear deal TJ McConnell just doing his role uh guy with sweet fade Ben Shephard dog dog Ben Shephard is a dog weapon you know Rick Carlile you look at a guy you like guy looks like Jim Carrey what else can you do oh head coach 22 years in the NBA has got a team in Indiana completely relevant again yeah and breaking the hearts of the big city greeny you know it the bias coverage was something that you know we just we were we were sick of greeny we were sick of it out here you know what I mean sick of it I’m not surprised now we heard a lot of that last year too when the Nuggets were playing the Lakers in the Western Conference Finals there was a lot and and then we wound up in Denver so so you know we traveled and by we I mean I was on Camptown at that time so Stephen A Michael wilon Jaylen and me were in Denver for the NBA finals and believe me I heard it I heard from all of the Denver fans all you guys talked about was the Lakers all you talked about was LeBron all you talked about was the Lakers all you talked about was LeBron and that’s just the reality of the situation the the media capital of the world is New York we are the the the networks are overrun and lousy with New York based fans Stephen A Smith obviously being at the top of that list and by far the most prominent person that we have so that was the way it was going to be I actually think it worked to the benefit to the point I made about the game two Stu I think it worked to the benefit of the Pacers I think Carlile played that really really well he basically said no one thinks we have a chance no one wants us here it’s just us against the world and I think didn’t halberton say something like that yesterday in the postgame right he said no one gave us a chance and Miles Turner co-signed that so look those things can work in either direction and I think it wound up working in the Pacers favor over the course of the series I agree incredible motivation it sounds like Tyrese Alberton is a guy though that does pick up you know things to be pissed off about and Rick Carlile continuing you know to push the right buttons is a beautiful story here now on the other side with your guys’ coach go ahead con man yeah greeny obviously there’s been a lot of fodder around tibs just kind of running this team into the ground is that something everything okay over there did he run you into the ground too there yeah you okay no I think I just I’m I’m I always have to have something I’m fidgety in my fingers and I just dropped the cap to this bottle sorry about that I don’t want to interrupt hold on though because I have a similar uh thing those spinners when they were out did you use them those fidget Spinners no I I I should have but no I know what you’re talking about but I think those came after my time those probably came out when you were little and I was already like in my 30s I think you were in your second Hall of Fame already but it was it came and went pretty quickly it was a it was a was a good run I’m fidgety as obviously I mean I stand for hours but nonetheless coach tibs did he have his team standing too long that that so yes I I I think I think you know we don’t live in a world where both things can be true is a popular answer to questions but both things can be true Tom Theo can have done an incredible job took this team farther than perhaps any other coach would have and deserved consideration for Coach of the Year this year I actually voted him third on my ballot for Coach of the Year all that is 100% true and the players love him all of that is true but it is also true that the incredibly tight rotation that he plays has historically caught up to his teams in the playoffs now you can take each individual injury they had this year and you probably could explain almost all of them away so the Julius Randall thing he took a charge and busted up his shoulder bdan banovich bogdanovich excuse me got stepped on and and that was the end of his foot Mitchell Robinson got yanked down on a dirty play by Joe lmbi and that was the end of him um the only real injury that I think was caused by the The Strain might have been the anobi injury in game two where he just played all these 46 minutes you would know better than I would what it’s like to run run run like that and then have your hamstring blow out I mean I you know I’ve never run that far literally if you added up all the running I’ve done in my entire life I haven’t run as far as those guys who were running in individual game and then you see a guy like Alec Brooks come off the bench I forgot Alec Brooks was on the team to be completely honest with you and then he comes in and he’s playing well you’re telling me he couldn’t have gotten some minut so there is room for criticism of Fido without question here but is that the reason they lost no that the reason they lost is sports are as as often as anything else they’re about who stays healthy right I mean that that’s as significant as anything the Knicks were an incredibly deep team this year just like the Pacers are now they just wound up being depleted partially because of the coach perhaps but more because sometimes the luck just goes against you hey it was a great year for the Knicks truly well so this is actually something that I wanted to say I loved it so I’m gonna do this on the TV show tomorrow so Jaylen Brunson and it was the right answer right Jaylen Brunson was asked afterwards you consider the season to be a success and he said no we didn’t go to the finals we didn’t get close I don’t consider that a success and I that’s how I want the star of my team talking that’s how you want your leader talking that’s the tone you want to set for the entire organization this this you know we’re not satisfied with all that kind of I get all of that it’s the right thing to say but it also isn’t true okay so not every team that loses is a failure the Denver Nugget season is a failure without question um the the the Indiana Pacers season is a is a screaming success if they get swept in the next round which by the way I don’t think they’re going to do but if they swept in the next round their season is still by no means a failure are you kidding me young group that’s what I mean like this this is not a failure and the same for the Knicks the Knicks season is an enormous success it’s a disappointing ending they would have liked it to go farther but not all seasons that don’t end in championships are failures and the Nick season certainly is not one hey man and I’m not a big everybody deserves to win you know guy but I think you’re 100% right that was a good speech you should do that on TV you should do that G get into actually I’m going to do my list of the five how about this I’m giving it away this is tomorrow’s top five top five top five teams whose season were a success regardless of how they end and number one is the Pacers I’m putting the Pacers at number one I I think regardless of what happens from this point forward their season is an enormous success regardless of what happens from this point are you doing just basketball are you doing all sports just basketball no just just the five teams in the NBA right you know right now maybe bro that thing you know cuz Lions think about lions fans last year well I mean that was a good topic then see the difference with the Lions was see they don’t put you in Halls of Fame for bringing things up five months later no of course here’s what I’ll say mcafe that the Lions it was a great story until they blew it until the Lions had that game absolutely won in the second half and handed it back that was what really me you Lions fans blew it dude greatest season of Our Lives that was a w all day it’s okay that that last game didn’t end how we wanted it and then they gave money to everybody everybody on the team somehow we’re excited to watch it all in full but let’s talk a little football here as we’re running up on a hard out go ahead yeah speaking of about 100 days out from the football season started your jets obviously we know what happened the first game but now OTAs are starting how do you feel about this off season uh for your jets terrified there has never been there has never been in the history of sports a larger Chasm between the realistic possible finishes for any team I can think of if you told me right now that jets are going to be great and they’re going to be playing Kansas City in the AFC Championship game that actually wouldn’t be that surprising if you told me the Jets are going to fire their coach by Halloween I actually don’t think that would be that surprising I think the possibilities are that vast I think if this team stays generally healthy if Aaron stays healthy and if some of these guys that they brought in stay healthy the Jets have as much talent I I’ll say this as loudly as I can the Jets have as much talent as any team in the entire NFL they were just a million question marks first and foremost with the coaching secondly with the injuries if they if those two things both come back yes it would not stun me if I’m on this show talking about the Jets making a Super Bowl run this coming year yeah we will be sending invitations now that we know that you’ll stop your radio show somehow to do this particular show we’re lucky for it we can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us well guys you know what can I tell you it is a pleasure my wife will be happy now okay had Garden something give me a little something there yeah the next the N had a good R but it’s all over [Music]

On The Pat McAfee Show, Mike Greenberg joins the program.
0:00 Shoutout to Greenyโ€™s wife, Stacy!
1:20 Pat breaks out the weed wicker!
4:20 Pacers are Americaโ€™s team?
8:00 Injuries with the Knicks
11:20 Top 5 teams?
12:50 Offseason for the Jets

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  1. First of all, Knicks fans dont claim SAS as a true fan and Greenberg is close to that category. Just because he "grew up" in New York doesnt make him a New Yorker. That man went to college in Illinois, covered the Bulls and rooted for the Bulls and MJ. I would believe he's a true fan if he acted towards the Knicks like he does the Jets. He's another one of those that is coming out of the woodwards claiming to be a lifetime fan. All these so called "fans" analysts, are only fans when viewership and clicks are involve. Congratulations to the Pacers, they did what they had to do. But Haliburton, if you wanna play the villian and be that guy, wear that hoodie from the start, not after you won and know there's no way to criticize you. Because if you would've lost that game, I bet you wouldn't have worn that postgame my guy.

  2. Listen the pacers are only to be the foddler for the nba. They went off script and shot 67%. It's like they took the refs out of the game.

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