@Sacramento Kings

It’s Time For the Sacramento Kings To Take A Chance On A Move

It’s Time For the Sacramento Kings To Take A Chance On A Move

so I looked at um the Mavericks and what they were able to do putting that team together kind of twice this year like in the offseason and during the season and where they ended up in the Conference Finals I look at Minnesota and what they were able to do a couple years ago with Rudy gobear going to get Mike Conley I look at Indiana and what they were able to do going out and getting Pascal yakum and it makes it very clear to me about the Sacramento Kings and where they should be doing and simply scared money don’t make no money you got to go out there and make some moves money you got to make some moves and it can’t it can’t be oh I don’t like how this sets us up for the future um money going to be tied up now money may not be his call right like you may have to go pay grade higher and say hey are you willing to pay this luxury tax or something like that but I would say the same thing about Vette you know what I mean my boy Uncle V like scared money don’t make no money and you’ve got to take the CH all those all those teams took a chance they took a chance and I I’m it’s an unforgiving business where if Dallas got bounced in the first round or you know hell if if if Rudy goar flamed out again and all this other stuff people would be calling for those general managers jobs and saying that you know they ruined everything and look at the bad situation they got them in I think I saw Dallas doesn’t have complete control of their picks from like 26 to 30 year 2026 to 2030 they who’s this that don’t Dallas okay they got like pick swap the worst hand of the pick swap or they trade at the first round pick or something like that but nobody cares about that today because they in the Western Conference finals and I I like to look at a situ me saying this and a situation where it’s like sayoni goes out and takes a swing and it he gives up all the pcks and they’re in bad financial shape and all this other stuff and it doesn’t doesn’t work like they get bounced in the first round or they don’t even make the playoffs I personally I wouldn’t fire him I wouldn’t be like you’re on the hot seat or anything like that because I asked you to take a swing I I saw you play it safe now I’m asking you to take a swing you did at that point it’s out of your control whether or not it works like that it’s not how things work people lose their jobs GMS get fired for things that I understand that I I know it’s not a perfect world but hey man you you got to try it you got to try it I also understand last summer and in the middle of this season not taking a swing I get it I get it like I get trying to see what this group could do again the next season but the next season is coming gone and there’s got to be a swing that that you take this and like I like I’ve been saying for a while it’s probably gonna be somebody with some type of wards but you got to take a Swing Man okay let me let me play the other side of this you take a swing sometimes you get a hit sometimes you miss a hit seakan Indiana got a hit is it a home run we’re not we’re not going to know that for a little bit but certainly a good pickup for them a Miss could could be uh a trade that didn’t work out a signing that didn’t work out something along those lines but is it a swing and a miss is also a trade you tried to execute that you couldn’t is that fair that that’s I hear what you’re saying I wouldn’t consider that I know you know where I’m going with this because I don’t think Monty’s sitting on his hands we know for a fact he tried to get OG and anobi we know for a fact he tried to get Pascal seaka for whatever reason he wasn’t able to close on either of those deals I don’t think it’s super difficult to figure out why he wasn’t able to close on those deals and at least in the case of those two players I don’t know that I have a major major issue with it I would have I’d like to learn a little bit more about how it went from everybody meeting in Sacramento about Pascal cakam to all of a sudden trade talks are off with the Sacramento Kings I’d like to know a little bit more about that because it seemed to it seemed to escalate rather quickly um but players with warts so to speak and sometimes the warts you’re referring to is availability Allah Zack LaVine or contract status Allah Brandon Ingram the price to acquire like we in in our head and we did this with Brandon Ingram like a week or two ago we can convince ourselves well the price has to be lower because he only has one year on left on his deal that’s what we felt about cakam Indiana didn’t feel that way Indiana not only said we’ll give you what three picks three you got it also behind the scenes got cat money dog we see you and Tyrese is the onew punch for this organization for a long time we got you mhm would you rather go to Indiana or would you rather go to Sacramento and in that situation the player has a lot to say I don’t think Monty is doing nothing I just don’t think that player for him to now maybe because of the way this season went the three players three draft picks hey if he going to leave he going to leave we have to do it cuz we have to make the play not only do we have to make the playoffs this year we’ve got to make a run in the playoffs maybe that’s different now maybe his line of thinking is different now than it was in the middle of the Season or we believe in the case of OG and anobi the way that it was at the beginning of the Season maybe he is more apt to take a not just a risk but like a major major risk to get this team into the position that the four remaining teams are in right now next year and and and you’re you’re right and I look at the situation I’m going to I’m gonna remove names I’m not going to greeny this situation I’m G to remove names completely and I think you heard the same thing but this is this is kind of what I’m talking about there is a scenario that was out there where there was a player that maybe you know was available and one group of people was like nah I ain’t really sure about that I don’t know and another group was like yo do it and I’m not really sure right now I can’t I don’t want the I’m not really sure go do it you gota it made I understand why you were like uh I don’t know man I understand I’m not saying you’re wrong I’m not saying you’re like out of out of pocket for feeling it I get it all but yeah I think you should go do it because I’m sure everybody in those other situations weren’t 100% like like Minnesota people not everybody in Minnesota was probably like yeah let’s go get goar there’s probably some people that like I don’t know about this bro like they’re probably still today even though they won people like uh you see when we started to come back you see you see who was out there on the floor like I don’t know like to this day there’s probably people who aren’t sold on having him there but I think now Monty’s at that point where yeah you gotta you gotta take that chance I me you have to take that chance too because this team’s not going to really like this team’s not going to get to the heights that you want it to I think so and I know know I kind of it but you know what could like so the the the flip side we’re seeing the good we’re seeing the good right now we’re seeing the Minnesota Timberwolves yo let’s yo Dallas went and got Kyrie Irving like we’re we’re seeing we’re seeing that was a that was a controversial move too absolutely um like I question New York getting jayen when they were in on the Donovan thing uh they went out and got ogn and Obi as well like there’s you know you you you look around and you see everyone had made that move and look we’re focusing on the teams it all worked out for let’s use Brandon Ingram as an example hey we got to throw caution to the win here and go get Brandon Ingram dope the the other side to all of this is it doesn’t work the other side of this it’s hard it’s hard to Envision a scenario where they missed the playoffs with this Trio but things could happen domas could get hurt dearon could get hurt Ingram could get hurt they could all play 82 games and it doesn’t work again hard to Envision but there’s a scenario where that happens there’s a scenario where the Kings do acquire a Brandon Ingram type player and they’re in the position that the Minnesota Timberwolves are in uh that the Dallas Mavericks are in they’re in the Western Conference Finals you could take it a step further and get them to the NBA finals but they lose and then Ingram just goes and plays somewhere else and so you lost Ingram you got to the finals you didn’t win because it changes when you win then you’re Toronto then you’re like whatever got it keep it moving but then you’re back to you’re not even back to where you were you’re way worse because you don’t have the players anymore and whether you like those specific players or not at least one of them plays 82 games for you the other one can be impactful uh you don’t have some form of draft picks in this conversation either and you’re left to rebuild with your trade chips gone and the guy you acquired just leaving in free agency so there’s there’s another side to all of this Rudy’s a little bit different because Rudy had like 15 years on his contract like Utah like signed him and traded him essentially like he there’s no the the the big worry was if it was really tracking to not working you probably weren’t going to be able to trade him it was going to be really really difficult with the lineup that you had coming from the lineup that he had in Utah and a team going yeah that’s what we need that would have been really difficult but him having those years on his contract was it it was it’s a weird term comforting for Minnesota like yo we’ve got time to make this work let them talk let the Tim Bon Temps write what they want to walk write let the little podcasters talk about whatever they want to talk about we’ve got one of the young stars of The League we’ve got some really good players here we’re bringing in a the ultimate professional and the ultimate veteran we’ve got time to make this thing work an Ingram type player you don’t have that time yeah you you you’ve got one year and you still have to hope but we have we’re not seeing that here that’s not part of the story with Indiana it’s not part of the story with Dallas it’s not part of the story with Minnesota but the other side of the story is it doesn’t work and and for me personally because I just the type of person I am I always try to go into things looking at worst case scenario and and that’s how I try to evaluate stuff like worst case scenario if worst case scenario happens would I still be could I live with myself making this decision or making this transaction or whatever the case may be and Gilbert m in the Matthews mattress chatty house says what about situations like the Suns or the Nets I can live with it I can live with it maybe not everybody feels that way but is he I I assume he’s referring to the Harden Durant yeah yeah where they went for it didn’t work didn’t get really anything out of it and that was the end I can live with that not everybody can right but I can live with going for it I can live with going for it like I’m I’m okay just because you go I understand just because you go for it doesn’t mean it’s going to work I’m I’m thinking more of the mindset and the process not necessarily the results the results because the results Anything Could Happen the results won’t necessarily dictate whether and on top of that you don’t know the results when you make the decision right so I can’t base it on the results cuz I don’t even know what they are I got to base it on where the where the team is where the league is and am I willing to live with the good and bad of this situation and and absolutely I am what does it look like on the other side though if you don’t take that chance like if Monty not necessarily wedding but a deal just doesn’t get done I feel like it’s better for them to take a risk at this point rather than just sit with what they have now you know your your boy both your boys he had a he had a good point he had a good point Bill Simmons had a really good point point you talk to him this time I I can’t catty house he’s your problem I can’t I can’t do anything he he he had a a good point about Dallas and Oklahoma City and for like half of the podcast he was just really like not beside himself that’s a little aggressive but he was like I can’t believe OKC didn’t make a deal at the at the trade deadline and he was like I understand like hey you gotta bright future you get these young guys in there you see how they are and then maybe you make decisions after that but he he talks about basically um the Daniel Gafford deal from Dallas to acquire him from Washington and and they used I forgot what the deal was with Dallas but they used I think their own pick or a play maybe it was ran Holmes because I think he went to Dallas or it went to Washington went to Washington I think it was ran Holmes and a first round pick that they got from Oklahoma City to go get Daniel gaffer and he who knows if they knew about it or what but he’s like OKC just kind of sat there and let it happen he’s like think about it like this MAV send ran Holmes and a 2024 pick via Oklahoma City uh to the Wizards for Gafford so if you’re his his point I thought was a good one was if you’re OKC you have more than enough assets to Trump that deal and you could get Daniel Gafford and thinking about this series right now if OKC has Daniel Gafford as opposed going up against uh Dallas I think I think it swings the series and you got an opportunity to go to the finals to win a championship this year like it it’s but okay that’s such so when did your boy that’s that’s your literally the only person here who heard this I only have ever referenced Bill Simmons on here once ever what what far as like hey I was listening to Bill Simmons the other day and hey he said something pretty neat was that today what uh yeah yester uh last night so that’s that’s that’s hindsight That’s revisionist History well yes and no because I he has said I’ve heard other people say all other times as well that OKC was a little too small so like throughout the season like they they they needed you know a bigger Center somebody to go and all this like they were the number one seed in western conference right yeah okay so you think they shouldn’t have made a move no I’m I’m I’m not saying that I’m saying talking about particularly talking about a player like Daniel gaffer now if you’re Oklahoma City you’re Sam pre you don’t know exactly what you have right now you don’t and as stupid as all of this is everyone to a t says well they’re a little ahead of their timeline I don’t know where these timelines are published I don’t know if they’re handed out in League offices I don’t know how you find out the timelines of teams but we do know how young Oklahoma City is and we do know that they are well ahead of where everyone thought they would be fantastic you don’t know what you have yet at that time if you’re Sam pry at the time of the trade deadline you’re Midway through the season you’re one two or three in the Western Conference separated by probably a game to a half a half a game to a game and that’s it I don’t really have an issue with them playing the season out trying to figure out what it is that they have now if you sit on your hands this off season and you’ve determined yo it was a guy like it we were too small we were too small in the playoffs like we can’t be that small in the playoffs if that’s your determination then like yeah you you’ve got to go do something and then if you want to be upset that they sat on their hands this offseason should they do that yeah I get that but the day after they get eliminated from the playoffs to go wow if they had just gone and got Daniel Gafford okay stop I mean yes and no but that number one it doesn’t he’s he’s right he’s right about that number two yeah it’s easy to be right about it the day after they get eliminated it’s easy to be right about it six games into a series or at the end of a six game series but to be fair to the situation and not just him there are a lot of people who are like yo if they make a move they could catapult yeah they’re the one right now but what was the what was what was the whole thing about the the the Thunder they kind of did the same Kings thing with them right like yeah they’re the one seed but the Lakers want to play them like they’re young they’re we said that in Sacramento like we’d love to play OKC that’s because they were a good match up with them it wasn’t shade it was just no it’s not shade but it was I would have played Denver too well that’s true too I mean it’s it’s the same preference though right like they were young people would say because they’re young like they were there was still but I wouldn’t I’d say it was a good match up I didn’t I never said is it pertains to SAC say particular I’m just saying I’ve heard those conversations about like yeah get them without playoff experience and all this other stuff and like the whole point of like it’s easy to say after the day after they got eliminated people were saying this before the trade deadline and and Sam prey is to your point you laid out why he said no before I understand it but no I’m I’m guessing probably a good guess but it’s not like they’re just saying it’s the day after they got eliminated this was a conversation that was had when they were the one seed or the two seed and looking like all right trade deadline you got all these assets you got an opportunity to improve here and like really add to this roster and they decided not to here’s another thing that I I ask and I’m really asking because I’m doing it on the Fly when’s the last time a team didn’t make a move and then they won like like oh yeah they didn’t make a move and they they stay at Pat they stay in Pat and it all worked out well how how long are you talking we just recent memory well no but what I mean is like with Denver like is is it the Aaron Gordon move like like how many years are you talking about before Aaron Gordon Gord yeah you don’t have to win have to win that year you’re looking at porzingis as potentially being the turning point for Boston Rudy goar being the turning point for Minnesota and you don’t have to win the year after you make that just in the immediate so I I don’t know I don’t I don’t I don’t know the to the answer to your to your question uh because just off the top of my head I mean it it might be Golden State I don’t I don’t know might be they kind of like Toronto Toronto made a very very important move to win an NBA championship yeah and and when I think about Golden State they’re close to that like I think they they kind of didn’t make a move but they also kind of got Andrew Wiggins too I think the year before or was it I don’t think it was the same year deal yeah well what about their first though so yeah that’s going all the way back to 16 uh no that’s going all the way back to 15 yeah um and and it doesn’t have to be the point is usually you gotta you gotta leap on faith a little bit so so but it is that domas no that that I mean domas is a big deal don’t don’t get it twist that was but that’s to set the found and that’s the other reason I’m glad you brought that up that’s the other reason why I think Monty can For Me Maybe not everybody thinks this way most importantly maybe his boss doesn’t think this way but for me you’ve made a number of good deals since you’ve been here a number of good act you went got domas in that work you drafted Keegan Murray in that work you signed Malik monk in that work you went and found a guy like Keon Ellison he’s looking like a friends two guard starter The Herder trade was was a a good like you have you built up equity in my opinion to go take a swing now and if it doesn’t work your job isn’t shouldn’t be in Jeopardy that that’s the way I think about

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  1. ESPN 1320 – Sacramento's Sports Leader, Subscribed because your videos are so much fun!

  2. Absolutely right ! Draft Yves Missi or Jared McCain or another ultra athletic player who has scoring

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