@Denver Nuggets

Timberwolves erase 20-point deficit to defeat Nuggets in Game 7 & advance to WCF | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Timberwolves erase 20-point deficit to defeat Nuggets in Game 7 & advance to WCF | NBA | UNDISPUTED

good morning it is time to skip the BS it’s time for Undisputed it’s time to welcome in Paul Pierce wa wait a second no wheelchair today you’re playing hurt playing hurt man no I’m all right I’m in the game still so you have an injured finger I was crushing in the waight room man crushing in the weight room I was crushing in the weight room a plate fell on my hand while I was PL fell on your hand from where I was doing a plank with the 45 no nobody can do that really but you know but true gorillas in the weight room that is true so and then uh slid off smashed my hand had to have surgery but I’m here right early Monday morning wow you had surgery what did they have put a p put a p in it in I’m not don’t ask him that question don’t ask don’t ask him the question about a p in it or anything skip the reason I say this is you know this conversation about toughness and football and all of that he had to be sedated to get the surgery didn’t he had to be put underneath finger smashed open bone came out I drove myself to the hospital got the surgery went home did they and drunk a cup of coffee did they put you under yes or no did they put you under yes or no Paul then I’m going go to the weight room again today why not you w asking me and get right back in Action did they put you under yes or no no they didn’t oh so you gave me some laughing juice oh some laughing juice that’s it or gas laughing gas oh god well as they like to teus up skip yeah the different Denver Nuggets you aren’t laughing right now are they no they’re not well we’re glad you’re back and we’re glad you’re okay and we’re glad you’re going back to the weight room today today I’ll be back I’m impressed okay so we had two Road teams win game sevens yesterday well skipp and kid I’m in complete shock I never thought that the Denver Nuggets as good as a home team as they’ve been over the last few years would lose three three games three games in one playoff series at home let’s start right there Y and then you have a game seven where you’re up by at least 20 at some point in the game full control crowd is into it I’m like oh okay Denver just going to win and and blowout fashion they’re up 15 at the half and then after that the offense disappear you know and you say collaps by Denver but a lot of this is what Minnesota did being that they were or are the number one defense in the NBA all year they have the defensive player of the year so that played a factor when you see Denver Nuggets come out and scored 14 points in the third quarter yep it’s how this Jamal was in the first half that’s how Cody was from three he shot one for seven now the Stars showed up to the party but me I say this all the time you expect your sh stars to give you star performances in which they did you know 35 and 34 I’ll take that but when you’re role players you need at least one X Factor on the road when you’re going deep in the playoffs and they didn’t get that look at this would you believe that no one outside of Joker no listen to this Joker and Murray scored damn near all the points in the second half let me tell you this look Porter had three points in the second half and Braun had two points for the whole whole second half y you can’t win that way that’s it you can’t win that way and so you know yeah it was a collapse but I’mma take my hat off to Minnesota when Rudy Gober hit that shot I said it’s over lie to you Rudy go they was up to sh look they was only up to and I’m talking about Denver playing as hard as they can play they only up two and he does this at the end of shot I’m saying to myself fading away ripping it cleanly and that put them up for and I was with you I said okay that’s it that’s enough certain things that happen in the course of the game when they when you see stuff like that you like it’s oh no they can’t win I don’t think I’ve ever seen him make a shot like that I don’t think a sure he tries a shot like that off of one leg with the shot clock winding down I was like it’s over and then from that point on Minnesota took control Nas Reed obviously was a big factor McDaniels did what he had to do 23 points they decideed they want to double Anthony Edwards and it and it and it hurt them so hats off to Minnesota hopefully wait a second how did it hurt them on Anthony Edwards well it hurt them that he distributed to the X factors yeah you know McDaniels give you 23 klie hits a huge three in the corner he did he always hits huge threes and so you know the guys who stepped up needed to step up Nas Reed great fourth quarter six Man of the Year yep and it was just a complete team effort from Minnesota’s part where I didn’t get any anything from anybody else I not name Murray or Joker on the other side no yeah no you you look at it skip they give up 20-point lead right this it is the largest game seven blown lead in 25 years and you you as Paul said at halftime they up by 15 but a big third quarter from Aton knocking down that three right before they move in the fourth into the fourth quarter puts him down by one so at that point the screws start to tighten against the Denver and you can kind of see that the stress factor has started to play right in there for them defensively Minnesota was throwing all sorts of bodies at at Joker at Murray Joker still got his money but what they did do is they as we’ve always talked about all year long what’s his assist rate he gonna get his points but if you can keep that assist rate down from them high numbers that we’re accustomed to seeing him get then you probably are in a good position to win games he wound up with seven for the whole game yes seven for the entire game the Lakers he’s like averaging 12 and so you you cut that thing in half you you got an opportunity to chance then you look at the number each each team rolled out eight bodies on the floor at some point in time throughout the game y you talk about Minnesota’s bodies every last body so six of the eight guys with meaningful minutes were in the double figure category yeah where I thought role players Wen supposed to be great on the road to the NBA standards but the role players in Jaden McDaniels and Company and Nas Reed they stepped up to the plate when anman was struggling and not necessarily struggling but when you’re throwing two and three B he literally would touch the football Skip and not dribble or the basketball either way basketball yeah basketball and all of a sudden he you look up it’s three dudes on him he was shooting the basketball like it was a football go ahead yeah but you you you know what I’m saying and then when you look at Denver’s home Road players yeah they didn’t show up did not show two guys and double figures and both of them were the stars everybody else is almost like they forgot how to play basketball at home you cannot win that way and Minnesota’s been in this building they’ve won if you count this game three out of the last four times that they’ve been in the building so the crowd the altitude didn’t it didn’t affect them one bit they were not afraid at all and even though they were down for a significant part of that game came they felt and believed and when the fourth quarter came they just somehow willed themselves the victory last seven minutes of that game just turned it completely turned in their favor and as the clock started winding down all I can think about is my good old friend Mike Malone uhuh who’s your daddy now I’m hey man not my I’m not gonna go there just yet but in the end and and I’ll say this and I’ll say it right now because I saw cracks in the foundation throughout the course of the year for the Denver Nuggets this could be one of those situations where everybody else in the west is getting better Y and Denver is going to be stuck in neutral because okay C’s young and they’re good Minnesota to the head head guy is Young and he’s good right skip you know the Lakers aren’t going to stay the same the Clippers will try to figure it out Golden State’s not going to say this Memphis is getting their guy back so you could you could go on and who knows what San Antonio May wind up doing and free agent Market a trade market so this was a shot for Denver to to get that second Championship yeah I don’t know that that’s coming anytime soon I am with you what all right back to Paul’s first point I want to remind everybody that to your point Denver lost three home games including a game seven at home it’s crazy and even worse Denver was up 3 to2 going to Minnesota for for game six and they lost by 45 points so they had their shot on the road with all the momentum only because Joker played superhuman basketball for three straight games it was all him all the time Jamal faded Jamal disappeared Jamal struggled I don’t know if he’s injured I don’t know he just looked like about half of himself over the last four games and yet when you get it back home to a game seven I’d pick Denver and seven you had Denver and seven you think well they’ll suck it up they’ll they’ll figure it out the role players will play there’ll be some unknown X Factor hero somebody somebody somebody and there was nobody nobody nobody and the shock to me was once Anthony took Jamal in the third quarter and he did lock him up in the third quarter Jamal came back alive a little bit in the fourth quarter but it was too late but once he locked him up their offense degenerated in the third quarter once they were up 20 it degenerated into Joker with the ball at the top of the circle looking around like it does anybody does does anybody want it or is anybody going to get open and then the shot clock’s winding down he’s like I don’t know I guess I gotta shoot this yeah and he lost his touch from three against you guys especially last year in the Western Conference finals every time he shot a three he made it it felt like and just ripped your heart out because when the seven-footers out there stroking threes it’s just hard to beat them well last night he made a couple in the fourth quarter but all through that run no rhythm from he had no rhythm and he just couldn’t and it looked like it just degenerated into is this all we got I guess so and it looked like he was shooting them out of desperation like I I don’t know what else to do but throw this up at the shot clock but the Minnesota’s credit did you notice they was leaving them open from three they just said well they dared him after a while yeah they was like all right look we’ll take the lesser of two evils we’re going to pack the paint in we’ll let Joker shoot the three instead of him posting us up and giving us all this footwork jump hook left jump hook right we’ll let them shoot these threes and so it worked in their benefit because a lot of those threes was open so that looked like that was the game plan we’ll rather him shoot those and brick those and come in here and destroy us in the P that is correct so it’s 1050 left in the third quarter and Jamal hits a three and it’s 58- 38 what would you have bet at that moment how much would you have bet on Denver closing the deal seriously bet the house on that you just bet the house they’re in their house it felt like Deber was going to walk away with it just felt it felt that way but then as they started I understand and and then back to the point Minnesota had already won a couple of games that they they ain’t afraid of no ghosts you know like come on they got you know they can play with these guys they just beaten them by 45 and so here they come and from the 1050 Mark of the third quarter down to ant-man’s three with 307 left in the game with the were wide open in the corner yeah the Run was 54-24 that’s at home you you gave up a 30o run yeah from uh early third quarter to late fourth you’re kidding me I mean that’s just an absolute collapse collapse and you know is Mike Malone going to take any blame for this at all I don’t know can you do something can you shake it up can you put somebody else in can you try somebody else can you change a play can you change a defensive coverage I don’t know because they just kept doing what they’ve been doing since they won the championship last year and it did not work now to Minnesota in the fourth quarter so Anthony had a rough game shooting the basketball so in the in the fourth quarter alone Anthony Edwards goes one for eight well if I told you that going into the fourth you’d say there done you know they’re not going to win the fourth quarter instead everybody else came to the party everybody came to the party really every literally everybody literally every his teammates in the fourth quarter went eight of 11 and made 12 of 15 free throws that will work because all of them even um Nas Reed coming you know Sixth Man of the Year coming off the bench has eight points in the fourth quarter yeah every time I looked up somebody else was either making a basket or making two free throws making a play right yep okay and on the other side to your point they got nothing from nobody except those two and those two went pretty quiet through that 54 to 24 run and so you you just it’s like slow death man you’re just the those fans had to just be sitting there in horror watching this slowly but sure I’m sure you were loving it because Mike Malone has gloated and gloated and we’re going to get to this a little later in the show but but he had a really kind of a pissy low road answer to a question a legit question I wanted to say that that’s why I elaborate on it but but the point was you know he’s a pretty sore loser after he went along for a great ride because he had the best player in the world right for a long time and Jamal making walk-offs and as long as that’s happening you’re you’re pretty good you know and and when you have a player like Anthony Edwards on the team although he didn’t shoot the ball extremely well he had some bright moments and spots at times in the third quarter obviously that was a big moment he played great defense but it’s infectious that his his Aura rubs off it Chang everything changed life it did it’s a different they all changed right it’s just different you even look at his post game presser and he got cat sit next to him does cat talking the talk now I understand you won the game and you moving on to the next round but cat talking that talk like he is all of a sudden hey like yeah he up there with the gold and the earrings and the hat I’m like okay you know what I like that you’re right because he he wasn’t like that before no but he following his leader though he is he’s empowered now and listen that is the best game I have ever seen him play on both ends of the floor because he goes eight of 14 and he was he had 12 rebounds and he was banging with Joker and bothering Joker that was the best adjustment they made putting Carl towns on you know and so it forced joker now because how physical that towns was playing to shoot threes I believe yeah but this physical plus you can’t have five points from nobody named Murray or Joker in the whole second half I don’t think I’ve ever seen that or heard of that yeah ever just five points from the rest of your players in a in a whole second half of the game okay I mean the biggest culprate in all of this I believe in the last three games had to be Michael Porter you’re right I mean he could he not been a Laker killer man I mean yeah I thought he played his way a $250 million contract B yeah I mean he gave you single figures in the last three games when they needed them most he got well I thought he got open shots to took great shots he wound up one of six from three for the game one of six and they can’t have that this is your third leading score this is a guy who averages 18 points a game and he couldn’t crack double figures over the last three games so you know I wouldn’t Panic if I was Denver Gordon Aaron Gordon had four points last night as you guys know he’s capable of 25 on any given night yeah but the most disappointing stat for me and Aaron Gordon who’s a guy who I consider you know a guy who who gets the dirty work done he has zero rebounds he has zero defensive rebounds he has zero defensive rebounds zero defense he had like that’s hard to do that’s hard to do that’s hard to do at the power forward position playing 42 minutes yeah that’s tough you should just end up with a free throw rebound something like that like come on come on that’s hard to do so I was a little disappointed that role players clearly they didn’t show up to the party but if I’m the different nuggets I’m not p and you run it back next year Joker’s in his prime he’s still you don’t panic my my whole point about everybody’s getting better everybody get better I think they’re going to get better I agree with keesan on this that they’ll be the same but they’re only going to be the same I don’t see them one player one player can change their Fortune Off the Bench you know you get a productive player you can count on starting five is still probably one of the best starting fives in the game no question about it but when you look at the playoff teams the the teams that were in the playoffs play in whatever you want to call it Houston’s coming they just G to get better they’re not going to be a contender no I understand they getting better they’re getting better got to figure it out I’m not I’m probably not too much worried about them probably definitely not worried about the Lakers you got to talk about teams like Memphis the young how you not going to worry about how you not OKC you know you got to think about the young teams that are coming like like OKC for sure they get a little more grit to them they gonna be ready see I look at it totally different man I look at teams that all of a sudden OKC is one thing then in Dallas is another thing that’s another problem and Dallas is already in the west got to think Dallas but let’s not talk about these playin teams that you talking about I don’t care look I don’t care what you tell me they’re going to get better cuz they’re not going to stay the same Golden State going to get better yes they not going they going to make adjustments somehow they going to figure out how to get somebody to do something to help them not going to put them at the same level as a Denver or Minnesota or Dallas next year see I don’t know that though Paul I don’t know it’s too early to tell I just know they going to get better and I don’t know all going become better these are young teams with young stars and and this is the this is the flip this is the flip over of the league that like it’s the transition even if you even if you want to get rid of the oldheads even if you want to push Phoenix aside Golden State aside the Lakers aside get rid of them you want to throw the Clippers in there too get rid of them okay now let’s just talk about Dallas OKC Memphis is getting job back and they tell them what else they gonna put together I have no idea what what San Antonio is gonna look like okay see I no idea what they gonna look like Minnesota after this experience that they’ve had when everybody says well you need this experience but like Atman said in this press conference we’ve been losing every year in the playoffs what the hell you mean yes it’s finally our turn they’re only going to get better yeah they they’re going to get better for sure you know where Denver on the flip side of things when I look at it I’m like okay you’re supposed to be the Champions and you at home in the game game seven you blow a 20-point lead something that hadn’t happened in in in a game seven in 25 years there’s a crack in the foundation you could see it coming just based on how they were playing even when they played the Lakers a playing Team you can see this ain’t the same Denver team from a year ago I love to see them back in this same scenario next year I I I really believe that the Denver Nuggets will be back uh it’s tough to win back to back you know and no team in the last I think I believe five years has gotten past the second round skip that that won the championship year that won the championship the year before so it’s tough it shows you how hard it is even with the MVP even with the MVP so I think they’ll be back I truly believe it Joker’s in the middle of his prime he’s still a dominant player he’s going to be up MVP again next year and as long as you got a player that you’re always going to be in the conversations of being in cont so can you boil it down to they missed Bruce Brown from last year because he would come in and just light it up for them yeah I mean Christian young player but plays hard on defense they would have gave him a couple more X factors because in this game you had three of them that didn’t show up so you add Bruce Brown to that scenario or even Jeff Green you another guy that they had you know so that would have put them at five different X factors where you only needed one of them to step up yeah let’s just say one of them gets you about 15 points even disappeared a little bit he disappeared yeah I think KP reie Jackson has had his moments in this League where he can get you 20 or even 30 and he only played 5 minutes and got you none so I don’t know they’re going to have to look to to maybe get one other key piece coming off the bench they love Christian Brown they’re still they’re all right he’s going to get better they there was a shot chrisan Brown had a shot in the fourth quarter when the game was still close where he had like a little eight foot he didn’t even look at the he just looked the turned around and went wheel backwards yeah I saw that I saw that I was like that was a shot right there come on man yeah I saw that all right up next we got to ask Paul Pierce this question why did he stomp on a jayen Brunson Jersey Nick Jersey it was a Nick Jersey I thought it was a Jaylen thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button 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Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the Minnesota Timberwolves win over the reigning champion Denver Nuggets in Game 7 of the second round of the NBA Playoffs. Anthony Edwards, Karl Anthony-Towns & Rudy Gobert lead the T-Wolves to their first Western Conference Finals appearance in 20 years.

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Timberwolves erase 20-point deficit to defeat Nuggets in Game 7 & advance to WCF | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. So Paul wants Denver role players to produce wen the 2 stars take 25+ shots each lol😂dude supposednto onow basketball I remember wen lbj n AD both had played a great game n n even thi lakers role players did nothing n dlo have them 0 points the man paul pointed to ad n bron defense lol even said the stars gotta make the role players better

  2. Surgical pro here, Paul Pierce is lucky to still have a finger. He was put under sedation not full intubation

  3. Starters Aaron Gordon, Michael Porter Jr., and Caldwell-Pope combined to score 16 points.

  4. Jokic and Jamal need to have a guaranteed focus on their conditioning. Neither is getting younger. It's not good enough to be in shape; you have to be ready to play at 100% deep into the playoffs. But the Wolves beat them and showed they were the better team this year.

  5. First of all, I'm glad you back. Paul, secondly, but not least, shout out to the production of the show. Glad to see everybody on the show. Way to go skip where's that drip keyshawn what up coz keep it going man you guys got to keep all Pierce on the show please I'm asking not telling great content. Great analyst everybody's doing a great job. Hope to watch y'all again. This is the 70-year-old guy watching two youngins on here😂 Great content peace. I'm out of here.

  6. Where are the haters that said Undisputed was going to get cancelled when Shannon Sharpe left and said Skip wasn't watchable this show is better than ever and definitely better than First Take

  7. You have to give credit to the Timberwolves great defense. They held Joker, the MVP, and Murray a NBA champ too, to just 5? Dem boys, dem Wolves, deserve credit.

  8. Nuggets were exposed, they finally faced a top 3 team in the playoffs, (and if you wanna be technical, Wolves had the 2nd best record in the west) so when they won the title last year they faced the following:

    8th place-Wolves=Win
    4th place-Suns=Win
    7th place-Lakers=Win
    8th place-Heat=Win

    7th place-Lakers=Win
    3rd place-Wolves=Loss!!!

  9. "ANTMAN is not struggling …" but when KD shoots 6 of 24 he's trash, it's obvious who talking heads like Keyshawn, Shaq, Jet, SAS, Malika and especially Perk are "biased" for SMH

  10. If they put Paul to sleep for the surgery then he wouldn't be able to drive home. They literally wouldn't allow it.

  11. Hey Skip and the truth!. The Wolves are solid. They're young, talented and hungry as Wolves. The Wolves possibly has the best starting 4 (Gobert, Townes, Edwards and Conley) in the NBA. Conley is older and a solid veteran. Can the Wolves crush Dallas next?. Yes. The Wolves are big and talented inside. Sorry Kyrie and Don the chic!. Y'all gonna get crush next. Sorry!. Celtics gonna get crush as well. Rock Carlyle is no joke. He's a renowned championship caliber coach. Conclusion: Wolves VS Pacers in the NBA PLAYOFF FINALS.

  12. As a lifelong t wolves fan who has got free 90 dollar tickets just to put butts in seats in the last few years just want to say..
    Everything ANT is is what Jimmy Butler wishes he could be. Enjoy being a gatekeeper who tanked our franchise after your toxic style trying to be MJ. would never work when you're a poser. Anthony is that dude. Enjoy your vacation

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