@Portland Trail Blazers

2024 NBA Mock Draft 1.0 | Risers, Fallers, Sleepers, and more!

2024 NBA Mock Draft 1.0 | Risers, Fallers, Sleepers, and more!

welcome into the first Blazers uprise mock draft of this off season number one I have the Atlanta Hawks taking Alex SAR it looks like on yka Kong Wu may never get the chance to start in Atlanta SAR is the best player on the board Atlanta’s in position to go for the best player available and they should probably trade Trey young this off season and truly start a rebuild they need their picks back from San Antonio to do so Trey young makes some sense for San Antonio that’s a trade to watch I like SAR there at one at number two I have the Washington Wiz taking Nicola topic out of Serbia luckily the latest injury that he went down with doesn’t seem to be serious he missed time earlier in his season overseas uh with an injury and he is somebody to have six on my big board but makes sense for the Washington Wizards they need a point guard long term and topit might have more upside than any other guard in the league it makes sense for the Wizards to take him at two at number three I have the rockets taking Matas buellis and the rockets got a lot of players at a lot of position so it makes sense to go with a guy who’s positionally versatile and has some upside and I think buellis is a bit underrated right now I think he’s had a good draft combine measured well tested well athletically and I think he’s going to be a guy that will be able to figure out his three-point shot and that’ll make him a really good well-rounded Prospect with some sneaky upside I think he does have a chance to be a star one day at four I have the San Antonio Spurs taking Rob Dillingham uh Rob Dillingham supposedly wants to go to San Antonio they need a point guard if they don’t trade for Trey young like I talked about earlier then Rob Dillingham could make a ton of sense with that fourth overall pick I think he has some upside he can make shots he’s an underrated playmaker I think he will run the pick and roll beautifully with Victor W banama he’ll be somebody that can throw him lobs and actually get him the ball and he can play off wemi as a shot maker you could even see some inverted pick and pops with Dillingham setting the screen and popping although dillingham’s like 165 lbs I’m not sure how good of a screen that’s going to be but I do like him at four to San Antonio at five Reed Shepard makes so much sense for the Pistons they need shooting they have big Playmakers they can play Reed Shepard at a point guard spot because he’s point guard sized at 6’1 he didn’t measure well um but he doesn’t have to handle point guard responsibilities on the offensive side of the ball CU you got a 6’6 Kade Cunningham I think a start Thompson will grow into a really good secondary playmaker and he can play the three uh so I really like Reed Shepard because he has players next to him that make him a good fit and he’s going to be really good as a floor spacer playing off those guys for a team that needs shooting Charlotte Hornet’s at six and the player I love here for them is Stefon Castle he is a 6’5 almost 66 guard really good defensive piece and I think he slots in very well next to lamelo ball and next to Brandon Miller uh he can fill that shooting guard spot he wants to play some point guard he’ll probably get the chance to play some point guard given that lamelo ball can’t stay healthy for him entire season that gives the Hornets a good insurance policy I guess with a guy that can play three positions point guard shooting guard small forward they can start castle with the shooting guard spot he can be their lock down Defender he can be be their glue guy they don’t really need a score because they have Brandon Miller and Lam Melo ball I really like castle and his fit there at six to Charlotte at seven I have the Blazers going with Zachary Reay I personally would go with Ron Holland but I do think the Blazers would pick ret here at 7 I think there’s a chance ret Falls I don’t think he has much upside I think he has some question marks I don’t trust in his ability to Crate off the dribble but I do think he can become a pretty good 3 andd player at 6’1 and he can shoot the three ball I don’t know quite how good his three-point shot is I don’t think it’s as Elite as some people that have him potentially going number one think it is but the Blazers do need shooting and they could use another defensive forward they have shot Creation in guard scoot Henderson anony Simon shanen sharp so I could see the Blazers going Ray at 7 and viewing him as a really clean fit there and then that leaves San Antonio up with the eighth overall pick and they took Rob Dillingham at four I think that they would want a defensiv minded player here I think Ron Holland makes a lot of sense for them he could be that lock down Defender you got wemi at the five who can shoot the three so uh Holland’s lack of a shot hopefully wouldn’t be too problematic there and if he can develop that shot I do think he has some sneaky potential as a ball handler creator with a good first step and good body control uh and would slot in there and get minutes right away in San Antonio at 9 I have the Memphis Grizzlies taking Dalton connect I love this fit the Grizzlies need shooting the Grizzlies need a sixthman type of score especially one that can play the three considering they have a three guard lineup right now that has John Morant Desmond Bane and Marcus in it dalon connect is a perfect fit in Memphis at number nine uh they’re going to be going for it again next year after being injury plague this year and a 23-year-old player like connect maybe this pick seems a little high for him but he can step in right away and help the grizli win at 10 I have the Utah jazzo and Cody Williams and the Jazz could use a big Wing somebody that can play the three somebody that can shock rate a little bit and has the traits that Cody Williams does he needs to shoot threes with more volume and that’s a major question mark is can he be a good three-point shooter in the NBA on volume we’ll have to wait and see at the very least he can create a little bit that’s always intriguing in a forward at 11 I have the Chicago Bulls taking Donovan kingan uh the Bulls supposedly still want to win and build around Demar rosan I don’t know why but kingan could be a guy that could maybe start right away if they look to move off vvi or could play behind vich and be a good backup center from the jump um defensive big didn’t have the best athletic test testing in the combine Zach actually tested better than him so that’s a little bit worrisome but I do like clinging there at 11 to Chicago at 12 I have the Oklahoma City Thunder going with a little bit of a swing here maybe but kesan George is my pick he measured pretty good at the combine uh has upside as a shooter shot Creator playmaker and the Thunder could go for some upside at a small forward spot they do have Jaylen Williams there but he can slide down to the two long term it might make most sense to actually play jdub at the two and SJ at the one and have somebody um like a Kean George if he can develop at the three who can handle some ball handling duties but it’s just a knockdown shooter of course they’ve been playing Jaylen Williams at the four so who knows with this roster they could use some more size but I don’t really like any of the uh prospects the big men prospects here at 12 for them left on the board if kingan’s there I do really like that though at 13 I have the Sacramento Kings taking Jaylen Tyson I think Jaylen Tyson is extremely underrated in this draft process I have a lottery great on him and the kings are going to need somebody to replace Malik monk I think he’s gone this off season they’re going to need somebody that can score the ball a little bit make plays and I like Jaylen Tyson as a Do-it all Wing that can play the two or the three and provide them with a really good bench piece and I think Jaylen Tyson is the type of prospect that the Kings like to take of course took keik Murray a couple years ago took Kobe Jones last year in the second round I feel like jayen Tyson kind of fits into that mold a little bit as a little bit older of a prospect but uh has multiple good traits to his game at 14 I have the Portland Trailblazers taking T John Salon I think this should ultimately be the basement for him the Blazers after going with Reay at seven who doesn’t have much upside go with another French player that has a ton of upside uh and if the Blazers play safe with seven they should swing for the fences with 14 and Salon is just that as a guy that can move 6’9 6′ 10 can knock down a three has some flashes of playmaking uh still kind of learning how to play the game very raw but has as much upside as you’re going to find on the board here at 14 at 15 I have the Miami Heat taking Devin Carter perfect culture fit they could use a point guard they got Terry roier um but I don’t know if he’s a long-term fit there and they could use a defensive compliment to him and I think Devon Carter is that and would come in and play right away and fit their culture beautifully there in Miami as a hard-nosed defensive point guard at 16 if I’m the Sixers I’m looking for somebody that can come in and contribute right away they have a ton of cap space and that means very few players on their roster this off season uh so getting a lowcost contributor here with the 16th pick is very vital and I was deciding between Jared McCain and jacobe Walter ultimately I’m going to go with Jared McCain I think Maxi is big enough to play that two guard spot spot play next to McCain Maxi can be the lead guard there McCain can be the guy that can shoot provide some secondary playmaking maybe start with him or he’s replaces that Seth Curry roll off the V Off the Bench that the Sixers used to have I like Jared McCain at 16 to Philadelphia at 17 kle Weare is such a perfect pick here uh almost 7t tall uh 9′ 4 and a half standing reach love his measurements the motor is a question but the talent is there the upside is there so I like that pick for them at 18 the Orlando Magic they need shooting they need a guard that can knock down shots maybe a guard that can create shots as well cuz they’re lacking that in their guard rotation um but none of these guards left are both of those uh Kier can create but has question marks with his shot jacobe Walter has question marks with his creation but can knock down threes I’m going to take jacobe Walter here at 18 for Orlando at 19 the Toronto Raptors I have taking Pome diet he’s a 6’8 6’9 uh Wing that can really shoot the ball really pretty jumper and just feels like a Raptor’s pick I don’t know too much about his defense or other areas of his game but he’s been a name that started to get talked about as a first round Prospect and somebody I’m going to dive even more into on the tape uh soon just from what I’ve watched of him his jumper is beautiful beautiful at 20 the Cleveland Cavaliers have a lot of question marks surrounding them right now uh so Darius Garland is said to be requesting a trade if Donovan Mitchell gets an extension in that scenario I like Isaiah Kier here to replace Garland uh he’s not the greatest shooter but you’re not going to find a better point guard prospect on the board here and there’s really nobody that jumps out as a small forward uh that could start for them maybe a Tristan to Silva But ultimately I think there’s a good chance they trade Garland and they replace him with a guy like ker um if Jared McCain was there they would love him to be honest uh 21 is New Orleans and I’m going to have them take a guy that could play some backup for but maybe be their long-term starting center as well could play next to Zion that is Don Holmes the second out of the University of Dayton bit of a tweener big man but definitely has some talent and some skill and that makes them very intriguing at 22 the Phoenix Suns are thrilled because y Missy is on the board and my favorite Prospect for the Suns here is Deon Carter but he won’t fall y Missy might and could maybe come in and be a starting center right away uh he’s definitely going to have some rough moments uh you know if he’s requested to pass it all or do anything with the ball in his hands but they got a big three there right but what can Missy do for them he can come in be a lob Target protect the rim switch out onto onto the perimeter and guard a little bit so I really like Missy coming in and being at least the backup center behind nurkic but maybe getting a prospect like him could embolden the Suns to trade nurkic attached with their 2031 first and try and fill the point guard spot or get a wing that can defend at 23 the Milwaukee Bucks take Tristan the Silva a guy that can come in Space the floor play small forward or power forward and produce right away for a team with championship aspirations that got derailed by injury last year at 24 I have the New York Knicks taking oric Chi upside play very raw going to take multiple years to the develop him but the Knicks have a pretty stacked rotation a lot of depth right now they’re not going to draft somebody that’s going to come in and play right away most likely here at 24 so taking an upside swing on a big when they don’t really have an entrenched starting center Long Term uh is a pick that I think makes a lot of sense there at 24 and then at 25 uh I think they might as well swing for upside again and I’m going to go with AJ Johnson another guy multiple years away but if the Knicks can develop both these guys have as much upside at this point in the draft as anyone and the Knicks are in a perfect position to swing for upside cuz as I said the rotation is stacked at 26th I have the Washington Wizards who took Nicola topic with the second pick I have them going with Zack Ed I think this is the range that Ed should start to be considered there’s a lot of mock drafts that have him higher than this but the Wizards don’t really have a starting center Long Term Ed could come in and maybe start right right away and you get a guy that might put a few butts and seats there in Washington and top pitch at the very least could uh get him the ball could pass him the ball so intriguing pick and roll Duo there the both of them could be starting point guards and centers there 27 the Minnesota Timberwolves are going to take jir Watkins I really like jir Watkins as a uh defensive piece that can make G that can pass the ball and just kind of fits Minnesota’s culture the Timberwolves don’t really need anything other than point guard I guess but I’m not a fan of the point guards on the board at this point and they do have another pick in this draft where they could wait on a point guard at 28 the nuggets are going to take Hunter Salis he’s a lock down Defender that can replace that Bruce Brown role uh that they didn’t really have filled this past year Christian Brown has been playing for him but I think Salis projects is a better Defender and has a little bit of juice off the dribble can attack the rim a little bit shot the three ball really well this past year I think he would make sense uh for the Nuggets who I think need a potentially lock down Defender at a guard spot and Salis is the best option left for that at 29 the Utah Jazz who took Cody Williams at 10 they’re in position to swing for a little bit of upside here I’m going to have them taking Nicola jerisich they have the 32nd pick as well so three picks uh makes sense to take a guy that they could potentially stash and has looked good at the combine but I mean they could bring him over and he could play right away as well 30 the Boston Celtics I have taking tie on Grant Foster who I think is being slept on and could come in right away and just give them a scoring punch off the bench at a forward spot and possesses some sneaky upside as a 24-year-old I think he makes sense uh for a team that doesn’t need to rely upon their first round pick but could take a swing on a guy that could produce right away uh there for the Celtics and I could just see him being a guy that gives problems as they score Off the Bench long term and the Celtics teaching them how to fit in in a team concept uh and I I like Grant Foster as a late first round pick a lot of mock drafts have him going as a second uh at 31 the Raptors who took daia at 19 I’m going to have them taking Kyle filipowski ending his slide I just don’t like filipowski as a lottery type a pick where I’ve seen him mocked a lot I just don’t think his game translates too well doesn’t really beat anybody off the dribble isn’t somebody that’s strong enough to play the center spot or big enough he didn’t measure too well uh and he scored a lot in the post in college he’s not going to get the looks in the NBA and his skill set at the power forward spot I’m not really sure what he does too well the rest of these second round picks I’m going to fly through though unless it’s a very notable name at 32 the Jazz who took Cody Williams and Nicola jerisich I’m going to have them taking Carlton Carrington out of pit at 33 we have the Milwaukee Bucks they could go for another guy that could contribute right away they took Tristan to Silva as a combo forward they’re going to take a win here with Baylor shyan out of the University of kraton both these guys can shoot can pass a little bit good feel for the game would really help out that Milwaukee bench at 34 the Portland Trailblazers who took Kisha Shay and Salon I have them taking Tyler Smith they do have salon at the four and a bunch of other players but it’s just a value pick at this point for the Blazers at 35 the Spurs who took Holland and Dillingham I have them going with Jonathan mogbo who is a center that can has defend only 6’6 but 7’2 wingspan so I think he can play that spot and I just like his fit next to W banama and he feels like a Spurs type of player there at 36 I have the Pacers going with Trenton flowers who’s another one of the sleepers that I like Minnesota 37 is going to get their point guard that is Tyler kak to replace Monte Morris and maybe ultimately replace Mike Conley in the starting lineup if he can become good enough at 38 the Knicks who went with Chi and AJ Johnson to upside swings are going to take a backup guard with a winning pedigree in Tristan Newton at 39 the Memphis Grizzlies who took Dalton connect are going to take ADM Bona who is an intriguing rim protector bit under siiz not much upside but could provide some spot minutes at a back up Center spot at 40 this pick is tough for the Blazers because I would like to go Center for them but there really aren’t any good centers left um and it might make sense to just take a guard here somebody you could put on a two-way contract I’m going to take a guard with uh some size as well in Adama ball out of Santa Clara you just hope he can be the next jayen Williams or Brandon po jimsky two players as Santa Clara that have been good rookies the past couple of years at 41 the Sixers who took Jared McCain at 16 I have them just going for a bench shooter in Justin Edwards at 42 the Hornets who took castle at 6 are going to go with Johnny Fury who I see a lot higher than this but I do not like him as a first round Prospect there’s just not much to his game other than the shot and he’s 6 fo8 with a 6 fo8 wingspan and he doesn’t really play big uh so he’s really just a shooter to me didn’t measure well at 43 the heat are going to take another heat culture type of guy another guy that can defend a wing out of Colorado State and Nick Clifford and then at 44 the Rockets are going to take a draft and stash guy given all the players they have on their roster that deserve minutes and Melvin ainsa that 45 the Kings who took Jaylen Tyson with the 13th pick get another guy who could maybe replace the Malik monk role in Antonio Reeves at 46 the Clippers this their first and only pick of the draft they have a lot of question marks surrounding them they go with a guy who can play right away and Kevin mcculler I see Kevin mcculler as a first- round Prospect I have him a second round guy he had some injury questions last year has some questions with his shot not really sure what his role is at the next level the Clippers take him at 47 the magic who took jacobe Walter I have them taking Bobby Clinton at 48 the Spurs who took Dillingham Holland and mogbo I have them going with Eon almana I think he could play next to W banama as well I like them taking mogbo and almana to maybe be their future uh Center Duo if they want to play wmi at the four or you could consider Eon or mogbo a four and wmi at the five whatever you want at 49 I have the rers taking Harrison Ingram they also have the 50th pick I have them uh swinging a little bit here for Coleman Hawkins who possesses a little bit of upside as a 610 Creator played well at the combine at 51 I have the Washington Wizards taking Dylan Jones out of Weber State at 52 I have the Golden State Warriors going with Ryan Dunn I think Ryan Dunn’s lack of an offensive game could cause him to fall maybe would have made sense for a couple of teams to take him before this but uh you’re just hoping that you can teach him how to shoot because then he could be a really good role player he’s just one of the guys I could see falling on draft night at 53 I have the Detroit Pistons taking Michael aay out of Pepperdine at 54 the Boston Celtics who took Ty Grant Foster earlier are going to take AJ Mitchell at 55 the Lakers they’re going to go for a backup big man in Oso igodo at 56 the Denver Nuggets who took Hunter Salis earlier are going to roll with JT toppen at 57 the Grizz Le who took connect and Bona are going to go with Baba Miller and with the final pick of the draft 50th pick the Dallas Mavericks are going to roll with Isaiah Crawford and that concludes this mock draft let me know what you think of these picks down in the comment section below let me know what picks you like what picks you didn’t like and what players are your favorite sleepers in this year’s draft anyway thank you for watching I’ll catch you in the next video or live stream until then as always peace out gold Blazers

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  1. Also I think we're going to see a lot of GM's wish they took Zach a lot earlier. I'd like us to move our 2nds with cash and get up and grab him. If that wouldn't work maybe we could work something out with one of our vets in a package

  2. I like Zach Edey / Ware / Missi to the Kings, Heat, 76
    I think that they all need rim protector more than offense !! Kings can trade for a scorer.🎉

  3. What are the chances that the Spurs bet on Pistons, Hornets and Blazers to pass up on a guard and take a forward with #4 (knowing either Dillingham or Topic could slide down to #8)? If so, do you think that would impact on what the Blazers want to do at #7?

  4. I have a feeling these predictions wont age very well but we shall see. Don't be surprised if San Antonio or OKC snags Edey to go with the big they already have, Edey would fit perfect in OKC

  5. Great work! I like Risacher at 7 but it seems unlikely he still here. Salaun is the best target to get in this draft class with 7th or 14th. Adam Bal chose to return to college. Ajay Mitchell could be his replacement with 40th.
    Jt Toppin is one of my last risers if he won't back to school

  6. Risacher is going top-3. I don't think he should personally, but he will cause it's a poor draft class.

  7. dont understand why everyone is so hyped on Sarr but same time have Kel'el late teens or even 20's.
    after combine, Kel'el has 2.5" higher standing reach than Sarr, has a higher standing vertical (probably more important for a C).

    would you consider Kel'el with #14.

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