@New York Knicks

“FIRE Tom Thibodeau!” – Lou Williams get brutally honest on Knicks HC after Game 7 loss to Pacers

“FIRE Tom Thibodeau!” – Lou Williams get brutally honest on Knicks HC after Game 7 loss to Pacers

start a Monday like that guys what is going on with the opening credits there’s nobody left we literally have to start over we can’t get Kyrie and Luca and an Edwards cat Jason Tatum tyres many people put in this thing four five four five okay you get one from each team that is who we have deci side on so that’s what we’re going to do for by Tuesday by Wednesday by by tomorrow morning this time this is run it back uh it is FanDuel TV my name is Michelle I’ve got Stadium Insider Shan shiria Chandler P Fresh Off The Golf Course Lou Will right there oh hello Lou will uh we now have our official final four oh I’m sorry I have to talk about them uh but it’s been 50 second let’s discuss how we got here shall we if it was a Knicks it would have been the best F if they weren’t all in the hospital but yeah here we go Pacers Nicks uh it was game seven and he wins it um 13109 that that was not fun to watch at all they had playoff record percentage shooting from the field of a just over 67% Tyrese Alberton finished with 26 points Jaylen Brunson I mean why of course he did the the cherry on top left him the second hand with a broken left hand Dante D venzo threw in his 39 but afterwards Jaylen Brunson was asked if the season was a success and he quite simply said no he’s right right Lou yeah I would have to agree with him you know on the outside looking in we don’t know what goals they set internally as Oregon ation we don’t know how far they thought they could go um in a lot of circles this is an upset right this is an upset for the Indiana Pacers a lot of people had the Knicks winning this series so if you go into it with that mentality and you lose in seven games to a team that you feel like you should have beat in the second round and you had aspirations to get to the Conference Finals absolutely this is this is not a successful season to the New York Knicks I think they got a lot to work on a lot lot to build on as well you know they they put a lot of good work in um got the New York fan based back excited about New York Knicks basketball but all in all if you’re not a young upand cominging team and you losing a second round a lot of teams would have this sentiment so I I agree with him I like it I think it’s the right answer but I think he’s wrong I think it’s I think it’s such a successful season I think as banged up as they are the adversity they’ve had to go through sorry about that good God Almighty uh I think it’s a hell of a season not many teams can overcome all the injuries losing their arguably their best player that obviously did L Randle Brunson became that but losing him losing their starting center losing their best center OG he tried last last night you can just tell he wasn’t he wasn’t right um so I think he’ll look back on this and look at you know maybe a week or two and realize that they have a lot to be proud of they got the garden jumping again the Knicks are a thing the NBA is cooler the NBA is better when the Knicks are a thing and that has a lot to do with this season and Jaylen Brunson what he’s brought to this entire city so I think it was a huge success I think they have a lot to look forward to and I think if they were healthy I think they win the series would agree with you if they lose to a team that we would we felt that has been Superior to them throughout the course of the season I don’t think they felt like that about the Indiana pces that’s why I feel like he’s it’s a frustrating loss but again how they literally didn’t have Jaylen brown or Jay Brun in the second half they didn’t have OG so it’s like they’re literally rolling out there with with role players in reality and like that that’s hard to overcome and especially when their entire offense has been going through J Jaylen Brunson he’s been their guy he’s been their everything so again I think it’s frustrating I think it’s the right answer because there are expectations they do want to win a championship but with with the hand they’re dealt with all these injuries they were plagued they were doomed they turned they made the Knicks cool again and I think that alone is a success and basketball is a game of inches right if the New York Knicks win last night I think this conversation is completely different I think we we’re talking about the game that Dante dant chenzo had yeah of course you know 9 for 15 from the three-point line Lord almost had a 40 ball giving them an opportunity to win a basketball game and they fall short that’s why we love these games that’s why we love these scenarios because one little instant one one little thing can change the entire the entire projectory of everything that you want to talk about so if the Knicks won this game is it a successful series because we don’t think they’re going to beat the Celtics anyways so they if they were healthy but no as they are right now if they just won this series went to the Conference Finals and they got swept by Boston is that a successful season I think so it’s an asterisk season is it not cuz you’re going to always be like yeah they had great potential and they did amazing things and then literally no one was available and you had the opportunity to get SWAT like that’s there’s the difference they’re on vacation today successful season no matter what no matter what for sure successful season no matter what inseason tournament listen we hadn’t talked about the Indiana Pacers since the end season tournament and they went through a lot of they went through a lot of turbulence a lot of ups and downs in that season so to fast forward and for them to be in this position now you got to give them a lot of credit and on the flip side of that coin got to agree with Jaylen Bronson we shouldn’t be the ones on vacation right now based on how how our separate and if you’re the Knick’s coaching staff Organization for office fans you love this answer you know as cool as they are as popping as he made this team again as big of a season he’s had he wants more he expects to win he doesn’t think it’s a a successful season just to get to the second round lose in a game seven and it’s frustrating at home at home in the garden to lose a game seven the Pacers played great but yeah I think there’s just there’s frustration there and the injuries obviously everything on on top of that but you got to be proud if you’re the Knicks of how they played this year look how professional I am being L feel like you’re not giving me any working on it you’re working whatever um your face say is something different there’s a lot going on here they uh of course the tibs slander uh had it began a while ago let’s be honest but Brunson did take a minute to defend tibs said he should not take uh the bulk of any of the blame for losing this where are we on that well here’s the thing the injury thing I can agree with that the the minutes the that’s too much but fracturing a hand that that’s not that’s not that’s bad abominal strain yeah it’s unfortunate if it’s a hamstring we’re talking that things like that but a fractured hand has nothing to do with the minutes he’s playing that’s just an unfortunate break but again I think there’s got to be a balance you see how much production you see how much can production they got from Alec Burks you see like so when you look at that and you see how he could have been doing that shout out to you you were early on saying that he was going to give them they could there I think Shake Milton still could have got more opportunity I think he’s a solid player so I think there is different ways he can balance out the minutes to avoid things like this a lot of these stuff is uncontrollable there’s no way Jaylen Brunson playing this many minutes is going to cause him to break his hand it’s also fair for tips to get some criticism though for yeah a little bit for Jaylen um for Josh Hart the first time he goes to the bench in game three is just that’s crazy it’s Insanity man it’s Insanity like you have to find ways to buy menes for these guys maybe in game three games one two that works but this this thing went seven games right this is went to the end of the and end of the road and so that stuff starts to matter when you get down to game six game seven it it might be funny and a joke in games two and three but at seven you can’t tell me that he needs more rest so tibs being criticized is a fair criticism to some extent when it comes to these injuries well it’s going to be uh there’s going to be a lot of that I am sure um the offseason is officially here now for the Knicks so what do we expect to happen they’re going to continue to be aggressive they’ve got eight first round draft picks they can trade obviously they have seconds they have swaps so they’re looking looking for that next player if he is available whenever that’s going to be uh there are a few issues though right you have the OG anobi free agency that potentially looms they got him in that big trade they gave up a lot of assets for him em Manel quickly draft picks uh Etc uh will they be able to keep him I think that’s going to be their priority but then two other players Jaylen brutz and he’s extension El well we’ll see if it makes sense for him to extend now or wait till 2025 but Julius Randall he’s got a player option in 2025 he’s eligible for a 4year $188 million contract extension this summer or I should say fouryear 81.5 million contract extension either way uh significant money teams are monitoring the situation for sure because how they handle that extension situation if that is a conversation what transpires I think that’ll be interesting because you think about movable assets salaries obviously Julius randle’s got the number if you are to make a big big trade okay here we go don’t do it they can’t do that you can’t trade Julius Randle no they can’t pay him that money and you’re saying you can’t trade him correct interesting I just think I think they I think Julius Randle is great I love Julius R I love his game I just think he I think the the potential and everything that happened once he went out Jaylen brunsman came a start they had more success with him out do I think he helps their team I think he’s actually a good fit yes but I think I think they need another score I think they need another Wing score I’d rather see them try and bring in a Donovan Mitchell Bring iner I know but Don Mitchell what I mean Don not Don Devin Booker oh I think they need someone like that if they by the way and it’s trading I got got just saying I think I think when I watch the Knicks I see Jaylen Brunson who was unbelievable he’s pounding the ball he’s taking a lot of contested shots they they need someone besides their that is their offense they don’t have like a flow they don’t have a movement more size though I mean they definitely no they got they hon they got good size hardenstein great I just think the odd man out now with the success they had with jul was Julius Randle I think they got to decide on him and I think OG is a perfect fit for Jaylen brunon I think he’s his versatility his defense the success they had as soon as they made that trade they were a different team it’s almost like Julius Randle goes out they get OG Jaylen Bruns becomes a star and the Knicks are good again so I think that would that’s the obvious move to me I don’t know I I think Jaylen Bronson has become a star but if I’m the New York Knicks cool now I got two because I had one guy that had an emergence right before Jaylen Bronson and Julius Randle yeah gets hurt now you give an opportunity to Jaylen Bronson yes they play very good basketball when Julius Rena was out but Chandler you all not know how that works you’re playing with house money now you got guys that’s injured you have a you have a built-in reason to go out play loose play free no pressure on you to play good basketball I think we saw a product of that with this Knicks team nobody had even though Jaylen Brunson is saying this is not a successful season nobody had them winning the championship we had them being competitive we had them being contenders and that’s what they were and I think they’ll still be this they’re probably still losing a second round with Julius Randall so why shake the tree when you have these guys not if they’re all healthy also it’s similar to me to the Houston situation like with with singon out Jaylen green come turns into a star hold on Beetle’s here now you say Beetle what you said not if they’re all the Nicks were all healthy see now we come on you think they would have won you would think they would have lost the second round against the Pacers yeah hell no I think they would have eat the Celtics okay if they were I’m not crazy I don’t know why we’re buying you Haven believe in the Celtics I don’t believe in the Celtics yes you said that but I think if I think if the I think if the Knicks had bonovich in this series they would have beat the Pacers like they they they yeah I think they were much they lost four or five solid consistent role players I want to take I want to take that back okay they don’t lose yeah if they have Julius R and all of these guys yeah so why are we looking to move on from from him is it the price tag that’s the problem or is it chemistry because I feel like you have all the pieces in house already I will say their biggest issue this season obviously was health so the fact that they have something to look forward to next year they have the pieces there’s no Panic they’re in a great Rampage our base is under attack the bull only talks with his hoves who do I have to smash for a pair of sweet kicks oh come on guys I’m getting out here this out of the way watch my hor out of the way back can’t stop me out of the way out of the way our base is under attack I’ll take this can’t stop me of the the way enemy on our base is under attack our base is under attack for The Monkey King’s my bro ch e The Monkey King’s my bro an ally has defeated enemy R an enemy has been defeated for

“FIRE Tom Thibodeau!” – Lou Williams get brutally honest on Knicks HC after Game 7 loss to Pacers


  1. Is he smoking crack? Fire him for what? This team fully healthy with Thibs lead coaching … the bench played this whole playoffs damn near are you CRAZY … This year won the fans over FULLY

  2. Please, Thibs was the same coach in January that led a healthy Brunson, Randle, OG, Hart, DDV, etc. to a 14-2 Record, which ranked 1st in the NBA; a defensive rating of104.4, which ranked 1st in the NBA; a net rating of 15.8, which ranked 1st in the NBA,; and a rebound % of 54.8%, which (you guessed in_ ranked 1st in the NBA. The injuries had nothing to do with Thibs. Run it back.

  3. Thibodeau needs to go! What has Thibodeau accomplished in his many years as a coach? Coach of the Year ain't an accomplishment. Time after time, Thibodeau loses the big/meaningful games, he's slow to make adjustments, he's stubborn, he destroys players, he has never won a title as a head coach, folks are saying he made the Knicks a winner (have you seen their squad; they are supposed to win, and they talk about his defensive mind – yet his teams lose quite a few double digit leads, and lets not forget the Pacers just set a record for highest shooting percentage in a game at 67.1% vs this defensive minded coach. This negates that whole defensive coach argument. Thibodeau has to be replaced. I'd be shocked if the Knicks were to win with him. He hasn't won with anyone.

  4. Thibs doesn't need to go… they made it to the second round, thats not bad. He did a good job against my Pacers.

  5. When I saw OG on the floor looking like Grampa Joe out there all I could say was there goes coach Tibs at it again.Pascal Siakam was watching his ex teammate and friend and then looking at the Knicks coaching staff in shock that they would have this guy out there.This was obviously a stunt pulled by the Knicks hoping that they could be emotionally fueled and the crowd would be obnoxiously loud and the Knicks would have a hot start.Only problem is it didn't last and didn't work,Pacers were up to the challenge and were cutthroat from start to finish.

  6. I almost spit out my food when this clown said if the Knicks had Bogdanovic they would have won this series.I mean if we want to really go that route Donte game 1 25pts,game 2 28pts,game 3 35 pts,game 4 7pts,game 5 8 pts,game 6 17pts,game 7 39pts. Burks put up quality numbers as well,game 3 14pts,game 4 20pts,game 5 18pts,game 6 11pts,game 7 26pts.And lets be real if Bogdanovic is available these guys have a big drop off, Burks doesn't see game time and realistically Bogdanovic would've given the Knicks relatively the same stat line as Burks if not worse.

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