@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets lose Game 7, is there an issue with blaming fatigue for the loss? | NBA | SPEAK

Nuggets lose Game 7, is there an issue with blaming fatigue for the loss? | NBA | SPEAK

emotionally mentally mentally physically the guys are dead they’re dead tired they’re dead tired Michael Malone head coach for the Nuggets now shady I know this may strike Accord with you you played 10 years 12 years in the National Football League All Pro all decade you have been tired and had to push through it countless times in your NFL career and out to winning two Super Bowl championships so nobody better to hear from on this topic than you do you got an issue with Mike Malone blaming the series on yeah it was bull crap oh can I say down to it say whatever I want to say word I mean cuz like at at the um at the parade I watched you say we going back to back to back like Drake right back to back huh said it how you going back to back if if your guys is fatigued obviously you got play a lot of games listen man I truly think that uh this is an excuse and I’m actually surprised because coach Malone man Mike Malone I will give him credit he’s been one of them guys he a tough coach like the old school when the superstars are not playing well he lets him have it the referees are not really calling the calls at the right time they keep messing up he’ll get on them and I I respect him so it was kind of shocking to see him say this how you going to be a dynasty and you worried about your team being fatigued it’s game sevens right our Our Stars going to play a little longer our bench players going to play a little less that’s how it works I didn’t make this up all the great teams that’s what they do right Steph Curry from Michael Jordy to Kobe BR Shaquille o’neals that’s what it is Imagine Kareem telling Kareem that telling K and and Magic that yo man we fatigued we probably can’t no we can win so I just think that was some bull crap um you know and I will say this after a game I’ve been there where you be upset and whatever you thinking of you just say I think once he kind of reflects a little bit relax you know get the loss out he’s going to like you know what I didn’t mean that cuz that’s I mean we all been there cameras in your face soon the games or you lose you pissed off the reporter ask your question right so I I truly believe that he because knowing him he’s a standup honorable guy from our opinion so I’m going just give him a pass for that one cuz I know Mike Malone feel like that was standing up and I feel like that was honorable I I have no issue now usually I do when the Dallas Cowboys players came out and said that they were fatiguing and that’s why they got beat down by the Packers I said hold on now everybody play the same amount of games hold on now everybody calm down but I don’t know if this was an excuse this was an explanation then there’s a F line Packers wasn’t in the playoffs the year before though two extra gam you’re right you’re right you’re right it’s it’s an explanation for me because explanation he’s just offering a fact that clarifies a situ as to why something occurred the Nuggets played 48 days longer than the t- Wolves last year what’s that a month and a half nuggets played 13 more games longer 13 more games than the t- wvs did last year when I’m watching the game they were dog tired JIS played 47 minutes what you want them to do it’s only one more extra minute he could have played they were dog tired Jamal Murray left everything out on the court I don’t think it’s an excuse because he was saying look they won they’re the better team give it to him but he was at least gonna offer us an explanation as to why his cats was dog tired joic gave everything he had Murray gave everything he had Braun G Brown gave everything he had so I just think they was clarifying bro they played 48 more game 48 more days so let’s just say we played one-on-one basketball and I said AO beat me because I was fatigued that’s giving you credit the other team credit but that’s not what happened that’s what he’s saying we fatigued but that’s not what happened though like they didn’t play one-on-one basketball I know but they played a game of basketball you saying r five dudes or whatever dudes our team was fatigued and that’s the reason why we came out of this game Los if they both ended their Seasons at the same time last year and then they both showed up to play a game and then lost that that would be a crazy thing to say so so so if that’s the case right let me ask question just because I’m trying to figure this out so when teams don’t go to the playoffs every year and other teams go to playoffs every year they should be more fresh and better than the team that goes to the playoffs cuz they’re playing more games you get what I’m saying it should be if a team never goes to the playoffs as soon as they’re done they’re relaxing in Cancun and this other team goes to playoffs every single year so that should mean that the team that has the less mileage right should win should win if the only difference is fatigue come on man I think so wait can we look real quick before I let y go so let’s look at the numbers here right yes sir I just had this little breakdown I just thinking about it fatigue right so is it a fatigue that the Timberwolves had more fast break points effort cool so okay what about the turnovers is it fatigue that they had more turnovers I go I won’t I won’t make that a fatigue stat okay is it fatigue that the temporals had six more steals that equal points is that fatigue I won’t make that a fatigue stat I could keep so so should I go rebound Su is it fatigue that they had more rebound all of those could be linked to fatigue I think I don’t think it’s an excuse I think I think first of all I think in post in post game uh press conferences there is no right answer like there’s no like secret thing they got like secretly they’re all being scammed and they can’t focus like there’s no there’s no answer for why you lost you lost the game seven the team is better so unless he’s just going to sit there for 20 minutes and say the other team was better the other team was better the other team was better there’s going to be some level of an explanation I don’t love it because it seems like they weren’t trying or it seems like that’s an excuse but yic played almost every minute of the game they don’t they they weren’t because they were playing the Timberwolves who have Nas Reed who have Rudy goar and who have Carl Anthony towns who can lean on joic for the entirety of the series whether they’re winning or losing those are massive bodies on him three at a time rotating fresh because they all have that body type on yic like these are these are explanations excuses and explanations there’s a very fine line which is probably why we are disagreeing about this but to me like I just said that the the defending champions for the last five seasons have lost before getting back to the to the Western Conference or Eastern Conference Finals you’re playing more games and we got very spoiled and very confused because we watch LeBron do this with teams year after year after year we watched The Warriors do this year after year after year and so now we expect expect every good team every team that wins the championship to be able to just go right back there you have more wear and tear this is a this is a a very aggressive team they clear they clearly wore them down and I think if you look at the story of the game that makes sense they they blew a 20 point lead like they blew a 20o lead at home in game seven y both said that yish played almost every the whole time right did he look fatigue in the fourth quarter yes he absolutely did he missed all he made a push but he had what did he how many he was two for 10 overall on on three point shot he’s shooting three points because he he’s exhausted from going down in the paint but the ones that he did make though was that leate he’s a star of the game we if we say fatigue right when I watched the game Jas was holding his J at the end think about how there was a significant difference in energy expenditure from joic and Nas Reed I believe Nas Reed was the difference in the fourth quarter now we all have our own sets of eyballs and we all interpret the game differently but when I saw Nas Reed in the quarter I was like the amount of energy that this dude has and the amount of energy that Murray and joic have is not the same Murray saw joic missed that uh it was a two-pointer or a three-pointer after Ant-Man hit that Trey Ball to go up by 10 and Murray was just likeo I’m done like I saw it and I was like bro you can’t tap but he tapped and I I’ve said it before fatigue makes a coward of a song now to Shady and James’s Point as a former pro athlete to me I’m not trying to hear it like I’m not trying to hear hear it I’m not trying to hear any of it but if somebody who now sits at the desk and offers some new on I’m like yo I do think the reason they lost that game is because they lost their legs and the reason they lost their legs is because they ran out of juice we are talking about teams that have multiple championships that done been in the playoffs year after year after year after year after year they make deep runs into the playoffs we talking about fa teue y’all boys got one Championship we talking about y’all like y’all got five of them that was y’all first time ever going last year with yage and him and his team you talking about fatigue but then let me ask you hold on real quick one thing I know about playing at the highest level you take on your coach’s personality sir this is not the first time this been said so that’s probably why they play like that and why they lost like that because this is how they coach thinking you talking about fatigued and you went to one CH you played two more series than than one team last year like like what we talking about when you watched because let’s personalize a forall do that yes when y’all watch the game did they not look tired forget this game though let’s just go back to the last three games they won we wern’t talking fatigue we was talking they the best team in basketball look at Joker he’s dominant R yeah R should come off the bench he barbecue chicken all that was down there then you lose game seven now you tired then but why did but then I’ll ask y’all y’all are basketball Minds yall are football mins yall professional athlete Minds then why did they lose it’s not they didn’t lose because Ant-Man crazy I feel like the Champs got relaxed and the timber wolves was playing like like wolves they got hungry they didn’t another thing I don’t like we talking like the timers play great that game they did not agre fourth quarter came they played defense locking up you getting stripped at half court don’t have nothing to do with fatigue does it you can you can dribble the ball backwards I mean I’m being serious here so when you talk about fatigue is like weird but not only that I think it’s the respect factor for the timber wolves they ain’t been bums year long it came down to the very last game of the season is the thunder going to win is the Nuggets going to win is the Wolves going to win who going to get the number one seed like they are good basketball team they outplayed y’all but that but I think y’all are saying the same thing James if uh if a round if somebody de me up on the football field I’m not fatigued that’s not my excuse they lose though why did they lose cuz they played better the second half they got out played in clutch moments they made the bigger plays hold on hold on they had a 20 points lead that ain’t nothing in basketball no more that’s 20 points is nothing in basketball it’s the biggest comeback in game seven history it obviously means something it’s never happened before if I sit here and tell you all the all they had a whole big thing how no no lead is safe no more right that’s why they had a whole thing with the fouls am I making this up they said we got to calm these fouls down because the the the point frases don’t matter no more dudes be down 30 40 points and still winning this is happening this year so what I’m saying is and in basketball terms like you up 20 points like that ain’t that ain’t that much but but not only that though you was down 100 to the Lakers 37 different times and you came back to win all them I but what I’m saying is people are coming back in the NBA now y’all y’all making up excuses talking about never happened before what confuses me hearing it from you two on the far end is very simple Shady I’ve seen you get caught slipping in practice before right maybe somebody tackled you maybe somebody back then we used to thud thud is you don’t tackle Shady to the ground just go chest to chest I’ve seen that happen before I’ve seen you get covered before by somebody who wouldn’t normally cover you hey what happened well Shady just finished a 70 yard touch down to the crib in practice Chip Kelly made him run back and go NASCAR NASCAR meant Hurry Up Tempo so he just got tackled for loss he got fatigu James Jones if you get locked up by the six round quarterback who has no business locking you up but you just finished running two back-to-back nine routes you’re better than him but he locked you up because you were tired I think there’s enough Nuance that we can offer in watching this game saying the nuggets were better at home than a 6 for 24 an Timber so you personalizing it I like I like that so are we going to talk two things I want to talk about right we talking about athletes and all that confidence is one is that real yes sir momentum real yeah yes I believe so okay so if you watch the game like we all did you seen the momentum switch it shipped it so quick you see dudes making bad uh passes head down H confused the moments hot this is game seven which most of these teams haven’t been in so let’s just personaliz it for real though so we talking about ball okay you playing against a team that’s hungry I think that the nuggets are a better team right and the better I do think the the Wolves were a better team last night but overall I think the nugg are a better team you see a team that’s hungry though I think the timber wolves are more hungrier team agree that since the playoffs started that’s one part the second part is the confidence thing if you watch way Ant-Man and boys talk you ever play in a game and you lose right and then you come out there so vocal like we can beat this team be like how the hell he saying that confidence cuz I know we can beat y’all and they did that they showed confidence and the last part is the momentum when you playing lock up defense from from inbound to inbound and the other dude don’t want to drill the ball up the court I watch Jamal Murray decline that now you take it Antman his shirt yelling screaming after he having what 13 points he even scoring so when you ask me about if it’s all fatigue I can’t see that because I seen one team I’m super hungry and they showed it but but not only that so why don’t we just say that about every team that makes a deep run into the playoffs tired Boston usually but I’m just saying if the Boston Celtics L to the to the to the Pacers let’s just say oh y’ been to the Conference Finals y’all played a lot of basketball Tire we can have the Nuance of what actually happened in the game and what we watched with our eyeballs we can have the Nuance of yic playing almost every single minute of the game the fact that he played 40.2 minutes per game in the playoffs a career high this season 34.6 tying his career high in minutes and in this particular match up they have Nas Reed Rudy goar and Carl Anthony towns with big bodies leaning on him because that is how the timber wolves are constructed and normally this fatigue manifests itself in injuries not necessarily everyone is healthy everyone’s available but normally someone gets hurt and then we can point to it and say okay well they’ve played this many extra extra games year after year after year that’s how it tends to happen but be and Jamal Murray was banged up but because he was out there playing we can look at this and say okay everyone was available they shouldn’t be tired nobody likes to say tired but we can watch this game watch this matchup against the Timberwolves team and say that perhaps fatigue whether is it an excuse or not played a role in them not having the same amount of rebounds and then blowing a 20-point lead and then playing sloppy basketball and yok at shooting these extra threes and missing all of them the fatigue is a perfectly good explanation it doesn’t sound good excuse okay well I I don’t think I think that the Timberwolves and Nuggets are a very close team I think they’re very very close that’s why it went to a game seven in this series because they are a close team there has to be a reason because people can argue in wolves fans will argue and Nuggets fan will will argue who the better team is I think the Timberwolves are the better team because they won in a game seven I will always say that but I think they’re very close so there has to be a reason it was that the Nuggets didn’t care in game seven no I I I hear it I hear I understand it because we we just you don’t like hearing fatigue that’s why I I feel shady I feel James like that it does sound like an excuse cuz being tired is never don’t let anything without a heartbeat beat you they on basketball court too though they running up and down the basketball court too this ain’t this ain’t like an example you saying where Shady scor a 70 yard touchdown and then the next linebacker come off the bench and he just shoot for fresh like these boys is on the basketball court running down the basketball court with you you’ve been dominating the series I have a question for both of you all and then we’ll go to break sorry two yeah you go ahead first so all these other teams that we see do dynasties right are they are they freaking fatigued great question was Michael B was Michael Jordan in the balls are they fatigued so because that couples with my question in the last six years we haven’t seen it in 2019 the Raptors won a chip and then they didn’t get past the second round in 2020 I believe the Lakers won the chip they didn’t get past the second round and 2021 I believe uh the Bucks won the chip then they didn’t get past the second round 2022 I believe the Warriors won the chip then they didn’t get past second round 2023 I believe the Nuggets won the chip then they didn’t get past the second round so I would ask you shady I would ask you James Jones why hav it in the last half decade I believe there’s more parody now in basketball than ever there is not a 2017 Warrior with Kevin Durant Klay Thompson Draymond Green and Steph Curry I think there’s more par now than ever I do believe that fatigue is starting to make some of the difference all well I’ll say this I mean you going to the Warriors um now fatigue can trigger injuries right I mean but when them guys got hurt they got hurt early in the season correct KD in the playoffs but no but the next year with oh the the 2022 Warriors yeah so I mean before the fatigue can even sit in they got hurt early I just have a hard time with understanding that yo I get the fatigue thing that’s part of playing a sport that’s why we have these paying all these trainers so much money to to take care of the players to to get them in shape all that stuff and my thing is like all these groups of D we done seen in basketball they were better yeah I that’s what I would say what do you mean meaning the Gap they are not a dynasty forget what Mike Malone says I don’t have to live my life based off what Mike Malone says they were not a dynasty they won a championship and then everyone flipped out okay so they they are not a dynasty those teams that you’re talking about the reason that we hold them in that extra regard over there is because they were better because the fatigue did not affect them because they so they were so they were better so the fatigue didn’t matter is that what you’re saying yes the talent gap between I believe the talent gap between the Warriors and the talent gap between the Cavs in 2018 or in 2017 was more significant than the talent gap between the Nuggets between the team I me well the Warriors for what so 3-1 lead that braon came back from the Warriors was tired fatig they were fatigued though I’m asking you I think there war were a better team there’s other new D I mean Warriors fans would suggest Draymond Green susp I think there’s other Nuance but I think I just think there there’s something to not having seen you know what James you’re tripping dog and I’m I mean we haven’t had aamp they’re these pro athletes right they’re fatigued no no way they could win this this this playoff serious because they were tired I I genuinely I don’t think y are tripping with all that being said I don’t think y are tripping I think that excuse explanation that the tomato tomato and this is the thing too if you would have told me that the nuggets have been in even if they just won one and they’ve been back to two finals and it’s like dang three years in a row they done been in final that’s something different y’all won one what’s the excuse for the last six teams cuz the same thing happened to all of those teams after all of those everyone said that they were going to go on to win multiple championships and they all never got past the second round for the last six years in a row that’s why I’m saying a lot of them teams players moved on too now now we talking like that this day and age they all moving around but not only that get a team that beat you some credit you ain’t got to have all this he did by saying they beat us hey man derell Rivas man he had a good game covering me but my leg was hurt yeah you [Applause] was that he should just only say they just were better than us they were better than us for 20 minutes he should just keep saying they were better than us and not give any kind of explanation cuz next question I’m do did that this what I’m going do though and I’m going show up tomorrow I’m going to text all my NBA superstars that I know and I know a lot of them right I’m G start with Fox I’m G start with Paul Pierce first and then we going go to CHR we go all down the list and we GNA ask since cuz I don’t want to trip right I hate tripping on TV I hate to do that and I want to ask y’all man do you think the Nuggets was just so tired and fatigued how do you cuz y play I didn’t play hoops right I know a little bit so I’m going ask though how do you feel about teams that go far deep in the playoffs winning Championship the next year losing because are they fatigued and tired we gonna find out subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

The Denver Nuggets lost to the Minnesota Timberwolves after leading by 15 at the half. Nuggets HC Michael Malone said that the “guys are gassed, they’re dead tired.” Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, James Jones, and LeSean McCoy ask if it’s fair for the Nuggets to blame fatigue for the loss.

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Nuggets lose Game 7, is there an issue with blaming fatigue for the loss? | NBA | SPEAK



  1. Football in basketball fatigue is not equally the same. Shaddy you play 1 side of the ball and not every play. Way less games.

  2. They lost because of the others. They needed one person to score more than 7 points.

  3. Where was that energy when the Heat and Lakers had a bad season after the short turn around after the bubble finals? I can’t believe they are going so hard defending fatigue after one finals run.

  4. You wanna talk fatigue…fine. But keep it in the context of THIS year & THIS game. Don't bring last season into this season as if y'all didnt get 4 mths of vacay. Joker already on record saying he didn't touch a basketball all summer while he was in Serbia. Just stop. Smh

  5. Y'all killin me with this! They were fatigued for game 7 in the 2nd round, what was the plan for the WCF? I'm glad they lost then, because based on this logic, they we're going to get dog walked by Dallas. Any excuse is good enough if you are willing to use it.

  6. If you watch the nuggets team this season, you will see that the ring got to them. No way they were tired, they were just over confident. They played the whole season with that ring of power😂🤣.

  7. No one made these excuses for the Lakers and Heat in 2021 after they had the shortest offseason in American professional sports history. They had like 72 days off before the next season started after playing in the 2020 finals and they played a compressed season with multiple back to backs and 3 games in 4 nights.

  8. They still on Nuggets nuts even after they lost lol. Give the Wolves credit, they worned down because the defense worn them down not because the Nuggets played more games. Lol

  9. The Knicks just played the most minutes of any group. Even with all the injuries they didn’t get these excuses this is wild

  10. Meh, I have mixed feelings. What I really wanna know, is how many minutes did the T wolves players play as individuals. If you tell me (just by way of example) that every T wolves player played 20-30 because of subs, and Nuggets best 5 played 35-45 mins each– then yeah, I might give it to yall the Nuggets were fatigued while the Twolves players were fresher. I don't consider that an excuse, I consider it an explanation. Now, should you find a way to win despite that? Yeah, that's what you get paid for– but i'll listen. If both teams best 5 played similar minutes– they gotta endure/manage the fatique the same way ya'll do. At that point it's an excuse. I think the diff in playing time (in this game spec, not that year to year stuff) gotta be significant.

  11. Thats the worst excuse. Minnesota MADE them tired. Ant locked up murray. Jokic getying hammered by 3 bigs.

  12. I don’t like the word excuse. It just means I don’t care for your reason. Which I’d that’s the case just don’t ask and form ya own opinion. There’s good reasons and bad reasons, whether you choose to accept the reason is on you

  13. Josh hart played like 2 and half games straight without coming out. They out here making excuses for the nuggets

  14. Jokic said they were a better team.
    Flat out. Why couldn’t the coach “just say” that Joy!? 🤣🤣🤣

  15. The Nuggets as a team weren't fatigued, the starters were. Physical fatigue comes down to playing starters too many minutes, and not having fun. If the season becomes a grind, the team will be fatigued mentally. Both of those are on the coaches first, and then the team leaders as to mental fatigue.

  16. I remember when Bron was by himself on the Cavs in 2018 in game 7 against the Celtics and Al Horford saying how fresh he looked in the 4th, and their team looking gassed as Bron went on to beat them to go to his 8th straight finals. Stop making soft excuses

  17. I’ve never in my entire life heard anyone say a one time champ playing more games is a valid excuse when I’ve seen so many teams be consistently great and make deep playoff runs

  18. I didn’t hear anything about fatigue when the Nuggets won 3 straight. I heard “they counted us out” and “heart of a champion” also, they should’ve had plenty of rest when they sat out the entire fourth quarter because they got blown out by 50 and had an extra day, but you wanna talk about fatigue and not the fact this team had back-to-back historically bad performances to close out the series? Let that be LeBron and honestly anyone else because I remember these clowns talking about the Wolves season being a failure if they lost to the champs but y’all wanna blame fatigue for them losing? Question: would yall have had a segment about the altitude factor in Denver had the Nuggets not choked and let the Wolves win? No. You wouldn’t have.

  19. Raptors- lost Kawhi the next season
    Lakers- plagued with injuries the next season
    Bucks- Middleton got injured
    Warriors- Poole got paid and punched in the face
    Nuggets- lost all their bench depth

    Those are the reasons no champion has made deep playoff runs the following season. I did this off the dome and this is supposed to yalls profession. You don’t even know your job well enough to bring up the fact Kawhi was one and done on the Raptors

  20. Soooo Joy and Acho are saying the Nuggets were badly coached. Because we know Josh Hart can play 48mins and produce down the stretch but Nuggets coach should know that Joker can't do that and should have known and got him rest!!!!

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