@Toronto Raptors

What does Toronto Raptors guard Immanuel Quickley need to improve upon as he secures the bag?

What does Toronto Raptors guard Immanuel Quickley need to improve upon as he secures the bag?

on your Tuesday episode of Locked on Raptors one of the things we know for sure about this summer is that Emanuel quickley is going to get paid how much will that be and what will we have to improve on this summer in order to be worth the enormous bag the Raptors are sure to hand him we get into that on today’s show thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of lock on Raptors part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day it is Tuesday May the 21st and I’m your host sea Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the website that’s not very good at Woodley Sean you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us over on the lockon Raptors Discord server the link is in the description of the podcast it’s a great place to come 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moment more right now new customers get $150 of bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started and we will get started here on an episode talking about Emanuel quickley one of my favorite dudes on this Toronto Raptors team a guy I am extremely excited to watch play basketball in the new season a guy who I miss watching play basketball as of right now and here to talk about the impending contract he’s about to get and what he’s got to work on this summer in the line of episodes that we’ve been doing here over the last couple weeks starting with Scotty Barnes it is our pal thec Jacob big V here to talk about IQ big V how are you pal I’m doing well man we have the IPL playoffs on we have the Cricket World Cup coming we’ve got the Euros coming up like I am peing right now French open’s coming okay big V off to a raw looking start the sports have him peing uh this is very good stuff uh yeah Sports V in his absolute uh like glorious happy Zone and I’m very happy for you buddy it’s a it’s a wonderful thing are you excited about the Oilers are you excited about the the the the Florida Panthers uh on top of everything else H hockey V that’s coming to you soon uh all right let’s uh get rolling here man we’re gonna talk about Emanuel quickly we’re gonna get into the stuff we want to see him improve over the course of the summer much like we did with Scotty Barnes a couple weeks back uh we have more of these episodes to come with Brady dick RJ Barrett etc etc on Down the Line uh throughout the offseason but I guess we should start with the sort of Big Ticket thing with quickly which is the contract he’s a restricted free agent going into this summer uh doesn’t seem at all worth the sort of fear-mongering of offer sheets and some other team poaching him away because the Raptors just traded ogan Ando before him and seem hellbent on keeping him around as they should be of course RFA is the Boogeyman that never actually really comes around to scare you and so uh we’re not really going to talk about the possibility of the Raptors losing quickly if that happens it’s a disaster and everyone should be fired but it’s not going to happen um so let’s talk about just like the contract itself before we get into the stuff that he’s got to work on I guess we should be kind of determining where he’s going to net out contract wise do you think and sort of what he’ll have to then do to match that uh that that dollar value with output because that’s what all this is about apparently uh love talking about sports this way but I guess we just kind of have to um but yeah contract wise big V where do you kind of Envision things here for quickly I think the latest reporting from his time with the Nick Mi was that four four years 120 well sorry four years 100 um no wait four years 20 million a year my bad was the sort of offer that he turned down from the Knicks before this coming season to head into RFA uh wanted to test his you know ability to make more it seems and obviously it seemed like a starting role was something he was after as well um seems like he’s going to get more than that and you know the Raptor obviously in a position where they have to pay him there’s this sort of thing with rfas the league has made it so rfas always kind of get squeezed which sucks for the players and probably shouldn’t exist this way but that’s the reality of the financial climate of the league um so so where do you kind of Envision things here big V like do you think he’s going to get something north of 30 mil a year is it somewhere more close to 25 and is there a level that it kind of gets to where you get a little bit uncomfortable if you’re the Raptors yeah so first off in terms of the reports when that came out that he had turned down that 18 to 20 mil a year range it seemed like he was looking for that 25 mil a year range right um and so I think if it were say a four-year deal worth 100 million I’d be quite happy with that I think he’s definitely worth that kind of money and you are paying for uh in with these contracts with where quickly is at in his career you’re paying for the future as much as you are uh what he is as a player right now and so I think that contract would be completely Fair uh I think you know it comes down to what his value is in the market and that’s where you look at potential threats who could force the Raptors into a tricky situation because he is a restricted free agent so though you have the right to match if it gets to a really crazy number then you really have to think about it now from the Raptor’s perspective they’re probably in a corner where they don’t have much to think about and it’s like you can’t lose the player regardless of what the offer is and so you probably go get the deal done but in terms of threats you’re probably looking at the magic um and what they have with their cap space uh you don’t look at the Sixers because they have Tyrese Maxi um and you’d probably look at the Pistons potentially obviously they’ve got ivy in the back court they’ve got Cade in the back court but you know I don’t think they’ve had the best roster Construction over the years so they might money at him you don’t say and and make a decision from there so I think the the magic are probably the biggest threat in terms of just saying hey here’s the money you would fit our team perfectly in terms of what we need obviously you saw um some of the offensive issues that presented themselves over the course of the regular season and then in the postseason as well uh dur during that seven game series against the Cavs we know their defense is awesome um and so yeah I think that’s what it comes down to you know is there going to be a crazy enough offer from the magic where you start to think okay you know what what territory are we getting ourselves into and that would be sort of you know 30 plus uh in terms of a perear range yeah I mean my sort of thing with RFA is that the incentives for another team to to like not pay Emanuel quickly some ridiculous amount on an offer is the exact same reasons why the Raptors wouldn’t want to do that right like I think you know you can look at all these different teams with cap space but are they using their resources the best if they’re a kind of doing the thing where you tie up your cap space for a full day in the middle of the height of free agency to go and try to pursue a guy it used to be even more punitive it was like three days that your cap space was tied up or seven days I think even way back in the day back in the Chris Duhan Raptors offer sheet days um but you know it’s still is like it hurts you to put out an offer sheet there’s opportunity cost to it um and ultimately you have to sort of throw out a deal and we’ve seen this in the past with guys like Allan crab and Tyler Johnson and you know auto porter all guys the Nets tried to pay a lot of money for good on you Nets really good job you’re doing over there things are going great um but like you have to structure the deal in a way that actually probably hurts you because you’re trying to make it so the other team does not go in match because it hurts them and so so I I just think the Hoops you have to jump through to set up an offer sheet not to mention like getting the player to agree this is not just a thing where you throw an offer sheet and all of a sudden he’s yours like there’s agency to the player here he’s a free agent he can decide no I’m good I’m happy with the sort of uh situation I’m going to have here in Toronto I’m clearly going to be the lead guard I’m clearly going to have a ton of responsibility here I’m all right not you know taking this offer from some other team when the Raptors are going to give me something comparable and so yeah I wouldn’t worry about the RFA thing and frankly I think he’s shown enough that if even some team comes crazy with like a Fred Van vet level overpay quote unquote and it’s like four years 160 40 million a year I think you just accept yeah there’s some risk to this but you just say okay we’ll match and you go forth 40 mil is going to be well below the max going forward um and I think frankly like I’ve said this before I think there’s a real chance Emanuel quickly delivers max level production on his next contract I think he’s going to end up being underpaid for the production he’s going to provide and yes I’m on the higher end of quickly Believers but I think what we’ve seen so far the way he just sort of took to being a higher leverage lead guard after the trade the 6.8 assist to 1.8 turnover ratio the 25- seven per 36 minutes that he put up as the lead guard on a team in a pretty miserable context you know all things can considered I feel pretty good about whatever quickly makes being market value over the course of the life of his next contract and odds are he’s going to be underpaid because odds are that most rfas are going to be underpaid based on how the league system is set up and so um you know I wouldn’t worry I I think you know even if some team comes crazy with a Max you match it I don’t that’s happening because again the reasons to not give him a Max are the same for other teams as they are for the Raptors but um yeah I think he’s earned a lot of money he’s going to be I think worth whatever the Raptors end up paying him and it’s just going to be a matter of the things the subtle improvements he can make to his game that then go and make him worth that in the future because as the player he is right now you know he’s probably not worth 30 million bucks a year maybe close but um you know I think over the course of the next four or five seasons that certainly can become very true with some subtle growth in the areas we are going to talk about next big V we’re going to get into the stuff that we think quickly most has to improve upon this summer we will do that in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by friends 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back at it here withc Jacob from sportset and Raptors in s his glorious substack newsletter go check that out and subscribe it’s a wonderful thing to do um before we continue on here just a reminder locked on sports today 247 is your all day streaming Channel over on YouTube you can go and subscribe and then watch locked on shows all the live long day you don’t have to work you just procrastinate by watching lock on stuff it’s uh you know local shows covering the biggest stories National shows on the biggest stories NBA draft talk playoff talk on both the NHL and NBA sides it’s wonderful go check it out over on lockon sports today 247 all right big V let’s continue and talk about the stuff we want to see Emanuel quickly improve upon this summer um there you know there was a lot of really encouraging sort of beginnings of these improvements I think down the stretch of the season but there’s a lot of stuff to finish off and complete and round out and refine what do you got I will give it to you first what is the number one thing you want to see Emanuel quickly approve over the course of this summer going into the 2024 25 season well uh I think for me it would be the number one at the top of the list would be the point of attack defense I think uh when you look at him as a player I think on the defensive side of the ball I’ve been pretty impressed with what I’ve seen from him as a Team Defender um and I think he communicates well I think he uh especially times where he ends up on the backside of the defense I I think he’s good at anticipating I think he’s good at um helping and so I think those aspects are strong it’s just the point of attack defense where um obviously he doesn’t have a lot of strength to him but I do think he has enough lateral Quicks and speed um to stay in front of people and I think he could do that um to a higher level than he’s done so far uh that would be number one on my list I it’s a great one right it was on my list as well I think if he can just kind of stick with guys through screens at the point of attack stay on their hip like he’s long enough to affect shots like that’s the thing with him right I think he’s a very good shot contester I think his long arms do him a lot of service and as a rotational Defender as a guy making help rotations I think to your point when he’s in the back side of the defense his length is really helpful there and he clearly like knows how defense Works he’s got the smarts to be a good Defender um and look you know if he never Improv proves as a point of attack guy it doesn’t have to be a death nail right we were seeing right now look at guys who are you know leading their their offenses in Conference Finals right now tyres halberton Mike connley is the point of Attack lead defender on obviously like the best defense we’ve ever seen uh there just a horrifying bunch of pterodactyls out there ruining nicoa yach’s life but Mike Conley is someone they’re getting by with he’s not an especially good point of attack Defender Kyrie Irving is making it work although he’s actually just like playing incredible defense right now credit to him um but the point is like the modern NBA Jaylen Brunson on down the line you can get by if your point guard is not like an incredible shutdown Marcus Smart Level Defender but that said you got to have some resistance at that position and I think we saw the value of or or sort of the the negative value of having a point of attack Defender who is so lifeless at the point of attack who gets hung up on screens who loses the play and falls behind and never recovers and gets back to the to the offensive player’s hip we saw with Dennis schruder at the start of this where he just like forgot how to play defense for two months and the Raptor defense fell apart not in small part because of that last season too just to kind of throw some numbers at this quickly 1.09 points per possession allowed as an ISO Defender with the Knicks that was 21st percentile in the league got even worse when he went to Toronto 1.16 points per possession allowed in isolation as a Defender 13th pertile that’s got to be a little closer to average at least I don’t think he’s ever going to be a guy who’s like a top 25% point of attack ISO Defender but if he can be average and not just become like this open wound that teams are going to poke at I think that uh really really helps kind of solidify things at the point of attack for the Raptors so really good oneof to start here big V I’ll go with my first thing here and it’s the floater and this is a weird one because we’ve seen the floater work it just didn’t work with the Toronto Raptors weird outlier for him from short mid-range with Toronto this season just 35% a career low if you look at all the different times in his career all the full seasons half seasons whatever 50% and 51% with the Knicks uh over last season in the first half of this year from floater range has never been down at 35% at the lowest before that was around 40% from floater range and this is the thing that kind of makes him into a three-level scorer right he’s not your traditional guy who’s going to pull up from 18 feet he’s almost too quick he kind of jumps that area of the floor when he’s getting downhill outside of the the little sort of Dian as he had I think down the stretch with that sort of fading Jamal Murray Baseline mid-ranger which is a fun little you know counter he has and I’d like to see that be part of the bag but if that floater starts going at the rate it typically goes in for Emanuel quickly like things get real interesting real fast for him as a lead guard um did you see anything with his floater that like made you like sort of curious as to why it wasn’t going in was there something that was happening sort of in the process of things that was throwing him off um is it just a thing tied to being a higher leverage offensive player within the Raptors than he was with the Knicks like what happened to Quickly’s floater do you think um I think it was probably more so just uh a stretch where he was struggling with it I think he was just in a bad patch I think actually if you look at that period after he came back from sort of some some of that time away from the team he was to hit hit again and that was kind of encouraging um so I honestly would just look at it as something that was a bit of an outlier um and you know new team new circumstances learning the offense all of that and and I think that I would expect him to what was it 50% the last two seasons uh from that range uh with the Knicks so yeah I think dropping all the way down to 35% I would not expect that to continue next season I I don’t have any techn Tech aspects to break down for you I I do just think that it was something that he was struggling with where maybe it was a timing thing understanding you know uh Yak if anything you you point to it’s maybe just like the general lack of chemistry with Scotty in the pick and roll and so maybe getting into situations where he wasn’t all that comfortable um and then you know throwing a shot up from there that’s probably the only thing I would sort of pick at uh but I think I would have to see it um continue into next season to really think that hey like what’s not working here especially because we did kind of see a trend back after he came back yeah I think that’s totally fair like of all the things I have listed here this is probably the thing I’m least worried about coming back around um but it is an important part of his game right like that that is like such an important in between shot we see for Tyrese Maxi right like his touch on those floaters is elite elite elite and you know it makes it so you have a counter you’re walled off at The Rim if the other team has a massive rim protector and for a 63 guy in an NBA that’s only skewing bigger like the floater is a massive weapon go read our pal Joe wol Fun’s magnum opus on the floater from a couple years back uh to get an idea of just how valuable and why people kind of lean on that shot um but yeah if that’s going in for quickly boy oh boy things get real exciting because I do think he kind of becomes a legit true blue three level scorer um because the other thing want to get to is the rim pressure and the scoring at The Rim you know he gets there he scores a lot can he finish or can he get there enough right like he he doesn’t get there quite as often as he should to match the efficiency he’s shown there so we’ll get to that coming up in just one second as my next thing I want to see him improve Rim pressure from Emanuel quickly and so much more coming up to close out the show today’s show is brought to you by prize pick the single best place to go and play daily fantasy sports with more than 3 million members you got to go play it’s all you got to do is pick more or less on two or more player stat and one St stats my goodness and watch the winnings roll in it’s just as daily fantasy 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less it’s that easy closing things out here with big v f Jacob from sportset and Raptors in s talking to manual quickly stuff we want to see him work on this off season to make him worth the ample bag he is about to receive from the Toronto Raptors uh I talked about Rim pressure before the break I’ll get into this now I think improving the frequency with which he can get to the rim using his incredible speed to his Advantage is really high in my list of things I want to see quickly improve because when he gets to the rim seems like he can actually kind of hang and you know I think you know just from the eye test watching this season a lot of sort of clanked shots off the backboard maybe not the Perfect Touch around the rim but overall he shot 70% at the rim with the Raptors 88th percentile in the NBA after the trade uh he’s been above average each of the past two seasons in New York as well uh had a bit of a slump at the start of this season from inclose but for the most part has been an above average Rim score and was a very close to Elite Rim score in the brief you know stretches with with which he was getting to the rim with the Raptors just got there 18% of the time per uh cleaning the glass 27th percentile in the NBA can he kick that up to 25% 30% it’s not going to be RJ Barrett’s 51% because that’s insane but uh can he just tick that up a little bit to sort of blend in with the floater with the pull-up midi that he’s got with the three-point shooting all these different elements and ways he can beat you that is just going to make him this incredibly Dynamic and hard to guard lead guard for this Raptor’s team um and you know I think there’s a lot of different ways they can get there but what do you think about the rim pressure thing and just kind of getting there more often to take advantage of what seems to be some pretty good touch in close yep that’s on my list and I look at us sympatico baby I think that’s a big one I think especially when people make the quickly Maxi comparison I think that’s the one that stands out where Maxi over the course of his career has gotten to the rim over 30% of the time this past season it was 31% and so when you look at 18% for quickly it’s like hey how do we get closer to that 30 number right um and I think that’s where actually maybe this ties in a little bit to some of the floater struggles is one of the things that we saw with quickly as a raptor is just picking up that dribble a bit too early right um and I think again just growing Comfort within the offense it’s hey just recognizing hey keep that dribble alive we saw a bit of nashing again after he came back and so maybe that was something uh that was helping him but uh yeah keeping that dribble alive for him is is such a huge asset because of his ability to shoot um and it’s a damn good handle right like yeah keep that thing going yeah and so uh if he the longer he keeps that dribble alive I think the more opportunities there will be to get to the basket um and you know maybe he can sort of have that short shift where it’s like survey survey okay now I’m up with it right um and I think those two aspects uh whether it’s finishing right at The Rim or survey survey and you know hey now I’ve got the space in front of me um I think those are two big things that can really Elevate him in the painted area yeah on the tyres Maxi point a really really great one won by you uh Maxi shot 63% at The Rim this season again quickly 70% as a raptor uh that’s you know smaller sample obviously just 38 games but it’s a pretty heavy burden he was carrying for that Raptor’s team with not a whole lot of support and notably not a whole lot of yaka purle to set him off rolling downhill with big hellacious screens and I I think playing more with purle that’s like a a pretty easy Avenue I think to making this more of a thing quickly can do they only played 18 games together that seems crazy and they were frankly nine and N in those games not bad you’ll take that that’s uh that’s pretty encouraging stuff as like a backbone play quickly plus purle um we even saw it very early even before the Pascal cakam trade I think of that Kings game for example where they made that you know toward second half comeback a lot of it was just all right we’re going to run quickly Perle pick and roll and Quickly’s going to roll they fly to the rim or uh throw up lobs or or short roll passes to purle and good things are going to happen out of that I think having Perle around with his screen setting ability is going to have a big impact on his Rim frequency um and you know it doesn’t even have to be that he shoots every time he gets there either right he’s such a good kickout passer that just getting those paint touches is going to put the defense into rotation it’s going to bring two to the ball it’s going to cause the sort of Drive kick and you know swing in those sequences that you love to see in Darko ball um and so even if he’s not shooting there all the time simply getting to a paint touch is going to be a thing that is good for the Raptor offense if the ball is in Quickly’s hands um yeah the other thing too is like the fouling the fouls right like he I think he does get fouled like as a you know portion of his percentage portion of his possessions he gets fouled like well above average in terms of you know just frequency you know he only averaged like four and a half free throw attempts that was really ticking up by the end of the season though and I think if he can become like a six seven free throw a game guy like again you’re looking at all these different Avenues to really efficient offense for a guy who also offers you incredible three-point shooting from above the break that is a recipe for a damn good basketball player and one that is absolutely worth the ample amount of money you’re about to go and pay him um so yeah the rim pressure one is great do you have another thing you want to see Emanuel quickly improve upon um I think the last thing I had on here was just the catch and shoot percentage Yeah so post All-Star break he shot 32.7% on catch and shoots and I think for quickly you would say that number is too low he’s too good a shooter I mean is that 41.3% as a pull-up shooter so I think can we talk about how Bonkers that is man it’s nuts he’s so good yeah that has been a sight for Sor eyes but uh yeah when you can shoot that well off the pull-up I think we can expect a bit more off the catch and so uh I think next season you know you you definitely expect him to be at least 36% or better ideally you know for the type of shooter he is you probably want to see 40% or better you you would expect the pull-up number to come down a bit you know you wouldn’t be surprised if that came down to like 37 38 um but it would be amazing if that could Elevate um and you’d certainly want more than 32.7% that he was post All-Star break yeah for sure I think that’s also a bit of a purle thing as well right like purle was not there much after the start break and so many of the good looks quickle was getting early on in his time with the Raptors was you know those little pin Downs that that purle would set for him those little sort of multi-g guy actions around the elbow where okay he’s springing free on the wing and all of a sudden there’s an easy look for him Scotty Barnes too right like Scotty and quickle did not establish great pick and roll chemistry but I do think you know Scotty posting up and spraying it crosscourt pass to quickly was something we saw quite a bit and it’s something that made me feel all sorts of tingly inside it was very exciting um and I think you know not having the two best passers on the team essentially the two most important guys the best screener on the team not there certainly affected the quality of the catch and shoot looks that quickly was getting and so you’d hope that playing with a healthier team with a little bit more time to sort of you know grow in gel together will just kind of make those looks a lot more sort of in Rhythm and wide open as they were quite often when he was playing with both of those guys because of the stuff they like to run within their offense but that’s a really good one catch and shoot threes man uh you know this team team needs him and quickly is one of the guys who can offer him in the most abundance in in volume and I I think at full health he just the the way you can use him both on and off the ball I think is really exciting man I think there’s just so many possibilities with the packages you can roll out with him um and you know I guess my last thing and we talked about this with Scotty Barnes as well but the connection with Scotty Barnes I think is something that needs to be massaged I don’t have any issues or concerns like I think it will over time I think they’ll figure it out I think it’s a bit a trickier fit because you have yaka purle there who you know you kind of want naturally to be involved in a lot of your screening actions and so figuring out ways to use purle or you know find other plac players to slot in P’s position and then use that you know backbone Play Scotty and IQ I mean that is going to be a play that is a source of buckets for this Raptor’s team for hopefully the next five years at least and um I think how they go about sort of massaging that Scotty IQ fit and sort of working them in around purle and his lack of shooting is going to be a fascinating thing a pretty big challenge for the front office but I think they can make it work because purle can do some stuff right like he’s yes he’s not a spacer at all but he’s a fantastic screener he’s someone who’s really good in the dunker spot with those little push shots there are ways to make this thing work and maybe it’s not perfect harmony but it can absolutely be functional enough to help you be like an above average offense which I think this team is certainly going to have to be next season if they want to be competitive um any parting shots on Emanuel quickly other than uh God I can’t wait to watch this dude again yeah I mean that’s all I was going to say man post All-Star break his numbers were 21. 2.7.8 assists 5.7 rebounds 1.2 steals 38.5% from three that’s a heck of a player and in a garbage context it needs to be noted like a garbage context yeah so give him the money let’s see him back in a Raptor’s uniform and let’s get back to some winning ways the quickly propaganda has only just begun there will be lots of this going forward lots of most improved player predictions and proclamations and all sorts of fun stuff with him I I am uh again every dayers of this podcast no I am extremely high on quickly I pinpointed him last June as some of the Raptors to trade for and uh look am I patting myself on the back for calling that trade and sort of positing many many fake trades that nearly resembled what the Raptors ended up doing uh yeah I am because that was awesome and I’m very happy I did that uh and you’re all welcome for for speaking it into the world we’ll leave it there though big V anything you want to promote for the good people out there um I I will be doing less promoting now because I am about to go away to uh work with the Canadian cricket team during the T20 World Cup and so hell yeah man everything is going to go on the back burner uh including my appearances on this show but uh miss you buddy forward to catching up in about three weeks yeah man uh have the best time covering the World Cup if uh if anything ridiculous happens with your Toronto Raptors I might get you to dial in from the road um as you’re covering the Cricket World Cup no I won’t do that to you I’m not I’m not a ghoul I’ll give you your space but uh no man we’re really happy for you and uh best select team candidate the World Cup of course and we will see you in a few weeks my friend everyone still in the meantime go check out big V’s work elsewhere Raptors and seven uh sportset all the backdated stuff even there’s not new stuff coming up there’s plenty of stuff in the catalog for you to go read and catch up on the works of one big V we will be back again I do have um the West finals preview up Ona so you can go check that out excellent go check that out that series is going to be either a banger or the wolves are going to win in four I can’t decide how that one’s going to go the wolves are kind of terrifying but we will leave it there thank you so much for tuning in to the show we will be back again on Wednesday hopefully with our pal Katy hindle along we’ll figure out what to talk about when we figure it out but uh yeah we got that coming up Jamar Hines makes his Tri Triumph return to the show this week as well we might play a game of what’s more likely with him um and uh yeah keep this thing rolling draft stuff to come as well go check out last weeks draft stuff and WNBA talk and all sorts of good stuff thanks for hanging out and and putting up with the longer than usual Hiatus during the long weekend and an extra day of no shows on Friday um but we will be back and covering every every single day here going forward so thanks so much for rocking with us we will talk to you again on Wednesday with another episode episode of Locked on Raptors thanks for hanging bye-bye

In Episode 1640, Sean Woodley is joined by Vivek Jacob (Raptors in 7, Sportsnet) to chat about Toronto Raptors guard Immanuel Quickley, his restricted free agency, and the things he needs to improve upon this summer in order to live up to the ample bag he is about to receive. Off the top, Sean and Vivek chat about Quickley’s impending new contract, what he might earn on an annual basis, and why there probably shouldn’t be much worry about losing him in restricted free agency. Next, they chat about Quickley’s need to improve as a point of attack defender, and the need for him to rediscover the elite floater he flashed as a member of the Knicks. Lastly, they chat about Quickley needing to get to the rim more frequently, and knock down his catch-and-shoot threes at a higher clip — two things that should be aided by playing more games alongside Jakob Poeltl.

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1 Comment

  1. the only thing really I’d say I’d like to see him improve is his strength. being able to physically handle the ball and finish thru contact will unlock so much for him and the Raptors.

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