@National Basketball Association

[Steve Popper] Newsday: “All indications are…Brunson’s willing to sign a 4-year, $156 million contract extension…provide 5 more years of certainty in New York, rather than waiting until next summer for a 5-year, $270 million extension”

[Steve Popper] Newsday: “All indications are…Brunson’s willing to sign a 4-year, $156 million contract extension…provide 5 more years of certainty in New York, rather than waiting until next summer for a 5-year, $270 million extension”

by mylanguage


  1. MyChristInBrother

    He shouldn’t do that. Man is a star, deserves to get paid like one

  2. HisExcellency20

    Is it just me or does that seem like a very dumb thing to do?

  3. Thekamcc19

    That’s a crazy good deal for NY if he does. Tom Brady-esque cap freeing contract

  4. syllabic

    my king leaving 120 million dollars on the table cause he loves us so much

  5. tonyjefferson

    Why though? Wouldn’t the smart move be to wait?

  6. Ok-Side-1758

    If Brunson signs this he goes from best contract in the league to…. best contract in the league for a star player.

  7. why not at least get a player option on the 4th year then, making it 4 years of certainty

  8. sportsthatguy

    Maybe this starts a trend of guys taking less to build and retain better squads with the New CBA restrictions coming into play.

    Or maybe, I’ll believe this when I see it

  9. mylanguage

    Saw this on Twitter:

    The first year salary of this extension would be $34.9M, which means Brunson would be (as of now) the 34th-highest paid player in the NBA for the 2025-26 season. He would be earning less than players like:

    Darius Garland

    LaMelo Ball

    Deandre Ayton

    Desmond Bane


  10. I know it seems really dumb to leave over 100 mil on the table but I think Brunson knows that if he allows the Knicks to build and have that financial flexibility around him and they wind up winning he’ll never need to worry about money.

  11. dustinharm

    He’s obviously far better but he’s probably considering the cautionary tale of another undersized guard anticipating a brinks truck.

    Big players at least have the luxury of still being big if they suffer an injury that permanently limits their speed and explosiveness. Short players don’t.

  12. For those of you who are seeing this for the first time, this has been talked about since either January or February.

    The first time it was reported we all sorta chalked it up to gamesmanship but it kept popping up with the sentiment of “the money doesn’t matter, we’re here to win.”

    Looks like he’s going to put his money where his mouth is after all. See you guys at his Jersey retirement lol.

  13. BBallHunter

    That would be an incredible deal for the Knicks.

  14. AmbitiusKillah

    If he does this, retire 11 and build a statue

  15. sixersfan87

    When it’s not your team, “why would you do that? You should def wait and take the max money.”

    When it’s your team, “Hell yeah, take the guaranteed money now and not the most that you could get.”

    If Brunson does this, I hope it inspires other star players who haven’t won a title to do the same.

  16. rugbyman12367

    I don’t hate him taking a team friendly deal of course. But if the Knicks don’t capitalize man I would be sick.

  17. Friendly-Profit-8590

    Big difference between him and players who sign max deals then demand to be traded.

  18. I’d love to see him get 5/$270m, but it doesn’t seem like short guys have a lot of job security in the league so I would also love to see him have bank+security for the next 5 years, even at a discount, and not have to worry about a team implosion or impactful injury.

  19. ObiOneKenobae

    If he does this, Knicks fans will be mailing him one-tenth like it’s the mormon church.

  20. How long is the commute for nba players for NyK? Are they driving 1-2 hrs to the site?

  21. fluffanuttatech

    Anyone saying this is bad, maybe he realized that’s a lot of money and can get sponsors out the ass in nyc. And more than anything, he wants to win and allow his team to build for that

  22. DASreddituser

    Hope he wisens up. I know many players get a media career after playing, but it’s not gauranteed. Make the big bucks while you can.

  23. remarkable_in_argyle

    Hope he doesn’t let that money go to his head. It’s already huge.

  24. PlayBey0nd87

    They’re all in on Winning. That’s a F’ing big move by a Star player to give cap space.

  25. surgeyou123

    That would be pretty dumb to be honest. 

  26. SandyMandy17

    If he does that he is gonna be a top 3 NYC sports icon in the last 25 years

  27. baguettebolbol

    No way he’s leaving that much money on the table lol. His godfather is the president of the team, he’s 100% getting that extra 100 mil somewhere.

  28. That’s a great deal and must love NY. This also gives them money to keep their core or to make some value moves

  29. barktothefuture

    I don’t think he is going to get a 1/$114 after the 4 year is up.

  30. MarduRusher

    Great deal for the Knicks and probably the smart move from Brunson too. Ya he could probably get more by waiting, but this way he protects himself from an unlikely, but not impossible career ending injury next year.

  31. TribalismChief

    I feel like the PA is going to step in here. Leaving that much money on the table. Could be bad for other players

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