@New York Knicks

Knicks Fans Celebrate Chokers!

Knicks Fans Celebrate Chokers!

because I mean this from the bottom of my heart as a Die Hard fan I share my condolences to the other Die Hard fans it’s never easy when a season ends the Nick season ended yesterday I think most of us are still surprised that it ended yesterday I also want to make something very very clear to you Tiki barara because this is still our first year together when a team loses and has their season end I believe there is a grace period before I mock before I troll I’ve always been open and honest about my dislike for the New York Knicks and some of their fans today is not that day okay out of respect I mean that I’m not joking will there be a day this week in which I mock you of course but it’s not today so what I’m about to tell you is not mocking it is not trolling it is me being honest because the one thing I’ve tried to do since the moment I walked into this door many years ago is yeah I’m a fan of certain teams and when I talk about the other teams in town I try to put myself in your shoes okay I try to act like this is how I would feel if this is my team what I do not understand from a lot of Nick fans today is how you’re okay I don’t understand that I don’t understand the thank yous I don’t understand the tears I don’t understand the chance I don’t understand these standing ovations that were given out yesterday and maybe that says more about me that I am broken as a sports fan but when my team loses it doesn’t doesn’t matter how it doesn’t matter why when they lose and the season ends I do not sit there and act like well we accomplished a lot and that was a lot of fun I don’t understand that and I’m not saying it to troll you I’m not saying it to be a bad guy I’m saying it because I’m genuine as a sports fan cuz here are the facts the facts are the New York Knicks got eliminated in the second round of the post season the same place they got eliminated one year ago facts the facts are they had a lead in game three with a 20 series lead and they blew it facts the facts are they got blown out in the game seven at home facts and here are the other facts yes the Knicks were ravaged by injuries I don’t deny that if the Knicks were healthy do they win this series probably and let me say this from experience God doesn’t make me feel better it never did and it never will so what I don’t understand about my fellow New Yorkers is what happened to you why are we celebrating why are we happy why are we smiling why are we saying thank you do I have to be the voice of reason I’d be pissed I’d be angry and I’d be devastated that my season ended so let me try to put it into into perspective for you I think the Nick fan is rationalizing I think the Nick fan is relooking at what the expectation should have been I’m not talking about pre playoffs or before the Julius Randall injury I’m talking about given all of the things that have gone wrong with this team how strongly they played and how they got to a game seven in round two and ultimately they got to a buzs saw the buz the Pacers were buz saw in game seven I mean they started 22 or 25 whatever that percentage is it’s a lot they finished with 67% shooting from the field for the first half it was like 70 76 or or whatever it was it they just could not be stopped I think the injuries make you realize that this this Hope was hopeless and so you’re rationalizing that hope into that hopelessness and you’re actually feel feeling grateful for where you got now should they be a little bit upset because they had the series in in a sense of course but they also look at this team and say all right we got Jaylen Brunson coming back hopefully resign OG uh Dante dant chinzo was a star Alec Burks who’s probably G to be a bench guy but he can come off and fill it up when he needs to next year Julius Randle will be that guy hopefully resign isah harste hartstein right you look at the team Duce is still here you look at the team and say next year year given Health we have a great chance of being right back here and so I think the the thank yous and the the Feelgood comes from looking at the floor you’re not looking at the ceiling you’re looking at the floor and right now the Nicks floor feels higher than it’s ever felt TIY there’s a lot of what you said I don’t disagree with I guess for me when my team season ends in a seventh game in my own building in a series where I led 2 in a series where I led 32 I cannot and what you just did by the way very healthy I can’t mentally get to that place that quickly it’s a rationalization especially and it’s funny because watching this game seven it almost started it started happening in the first quarter you started saying yeah they just don’t got it that’s that’s a good years I don’t understand that though TI that’s the thing I don’t get that and and listen I’m open-minded Nick fans if you want to call up today and say you’re the problem Evan you’re just broken and you have this weird view of sports That’s not healthy fine maybe it’s me but I don’t understand being happy today but I also think it’s denial like it’s part denial you’re just denying that we we really had a shot and so you’re denying that point and saying okay but the future is going to be great the future is fine by the way I am not leaning on the next future so you’re denying what just happened right you’re just you’re dismissing it you’re pushing it off as fast as you can because it’s not healthy to like the hypothetical that’s it that’s it see you just hit on this again this is me speaking and I’ve lived it you know I’ve lived it I don’t like what FS what ifs are the worst part of sports they’re the worst bro I’d rather lose the New York Knicks and your fans and Nick fans have the most gigantic what if known to man what if OG didn’t get hurt do we win this series maybe you do what maybe you do what if Jaylen didn’t fracture his hand down 12 late third quarter do you come back cuz Jaylen gives you this incredible fourth quarter performance maybe you do it’s all what if what if Julius Randle never got hurt what if Bo bonovich didn’t get hurt what if what if what if I effing hate wha ifs I’d rather lose not have the wh if game and if I’m a Nick fan what I have is the most gigantic what if hanging over me and so to sit here on a we’re not even 24 hours removed from the game and we’re given platitudes thank you this is fun I had a blast what happened to us if it was one what if if it was one thing what if Jaylen Brunson just hadn’t broken his hand everything else is fine you’d be like ah Dam Jaylen got that’s like you’d almost start to blame him for getting hurt but the problem is you just rallied you just rolled off like six of them okay there’s six wh ifs does that make it easier no but when there’s six wh ifs which means there’s six things that went wrong it’s almost the opposite of Fate right it’s the well it may actually is still fate but in a negative way it just how could you overcome all of those you know how the in game three and I have I not said this before about game threes with a two lead you better not take your foot off the gas I know it from experience Ranger fans know it from experience we all know it from experience they had a ninepoint lead in the fourth quarter of game three they had a game seven at Square Garden now Nick fans if you’re just tuning in oh Evan’s a I’m not being a hater I get why you lost that loss though would kill me as a fan I would not be mentally healthy enough within 24 hours to call up a radio station or talking to a microphone or go outside on the streets of New York City and cheer and give Ovations like I can’t do that I’ll never forget I had a buddy of mine lifelong friend he’s from San Diego California and our running joke would be you’ll appreciate this Yankee fans I would always mock you losers gave the Padres a standing ovation when you lost game four the 98 World Series what a bunch of losers we would never do that in New York City and he tried to explain it well it was an amazing story we got to the World Series second time in franchise history and I’m like dude you cheered after you lost and so last night or yesterday afternoon mad for the season okay I can’t get there I’m just telling you I’ve never done it and trust me you want to find examples in my fandom I’ve never walked away from a season thinking chali that was a fun run you know when I get there I get there weeks later I’ll admit that I may get there a month later maybe the Nick fan is just a more advanced fan than you net fans is that what we’re saying it’s not Nets it’s Jets it’s all of it okay well Jets and Nets they L CL from together they’re all a bunch of losers but my point is I think the Nick fan is is so optimistic about this team going forward and so they again this is part denial it’s denying everything that you’re saying it is just washing it as fast as possible and saying our future is going to be great yeah let me tell something about Futures can I tell something about Futures and don’t worry I won’t use the Nets since no one cares I’ll use the Mets in 2006 their entire rotation at least a part of it was riddled by injuries eluk pulled a freaking quad before the postseason started Pedro Martinez never pitched they lost a game seven at home and oh well look at the look at the future look at the roster and I learned lesson back then you don’t know the future you can be as optimistic as you want you never know if you’re going to get back same with 2015 same with 2009 and 2010 with the Jets same with 2020 and 2021 with the New York Islanders you don’t know so I get what you’re saying about the future and we’ll get into the Nick future we’ll break down exactly what I think they should do and you think they should do and all of us think they should do as this show rolls on but what has really taken me aback is how New Yorkers in general and Nick fans in general have accepted this losing yeah I don’t think it’s accepting this losing I think it’s understanding the losing accepting and understanding are two very different things there is nothing that the the Nicks that were healthy could have done to stem the tide that Pascal cakam and Ty Tyrese halberton were throwing down or even McConnell like all these they couldn’t miss they literally couldn’t miss for stretches of this game and I give Rick car they fought and by the way they fought the Knicks fought this thing was this thing was running they were getting run away from and they got it back down to seven got they got it to seven mid third quarter and look I give Rick Carly a lot of credit his strategy was run Nicks make a shot run yes run him rampant and they did it how many times last night or yesterday afternoon at Madison Square Garden did the Knicks make a basket whether it was a big three or a big layup in which you’re like clapping and excited and within 5 Seconds Indiana answered yes because they ran right back up the court Ed their speed they use their Dynamic offensive abilities that they’ve had all season long and they ran the Knicks rampid I get it I get why they won yep I just don’t know how we could accept it so easily well I think you look at this the realities the team that was on the court at the end of the game when it mattered fourth quarter Etc after Jaylen Brunson breaks his hand not one of those guys started this season I understand not one and so in your mind you’re just you’re rationalizing yes you’re denying but you’re rationalizing how the hell could we expect to win when not one of our starters from game one of of 2020 Four Season or three actually three four season is healthy no I get that but here’s the problem all of that is true I’m not denying what injuries did to this Knicks team we all know that Josh Hart played Josh Hart wasn’t Josh Hart we all know that no business be on Oobi tried to pull a Willis Reed he sort of did it with those first two crazy shots but he couldn’t move on defense we all get it Jaylen Brunson fractured his hand I get all of that but the New York Knicks went as exactly as far as they went last year I know and for the second straight year they lost in the second round as a favorite as a favorite so you can mix in all of the things that contributed to the loss again I’m not arguing with you but the reality is the scrappy little Underdog like people like to portray them as was a two seed and lost in the same round they lost a year earlier and I said something at the beginning of the year about the Giants and about the Knicks and I’ll say it about any team I root for if they were actually good enough to be a playoff team the previous year it is impossible to me to get to the exact same spot and consider that a success you have to go further I hear what you’re saying and then didn’t go further and and you throw the statistics in there the the seeding in there they were the two seed by two games okay they could have easily been the fifth seed I mean that’s how tight it was in the East and yeah give them credit for fighting getting the two seed setting up in Theory the favorable matchup uh in the first round and then ultimately in the second round against thean Pacers that it turned out not to be but I think there’s a rationalization that’s going on here that makes you dismiss what just happened and instead reset to what’s going to happen a year from now that’s why the Nick fan is appreciative of this journey even though it ended I think prematurely but again you can’t fight circumstance you can’t fight all the plethora of inj that’s what makes it worse no it doesn’t cuz I think it gives you the excuse the last thing that the last thing that’s I think the hardest thing to accept the last thing you want to accept is saying that team is better than me the anap paces are better than me cuz I think the Nick fan is saying they’re not we just weren’t fully healthy we weren’t fully baked to be able to compete against them they were I know Tyrese had the hamstring but he’s he didn’t look it he didn’t show it so it’s it’s you’re rationalizing you’re denying but you’re also being grateful for what’s about to come okay I don’t subscribe to the thought that because we get to make excuses whether it’s to our friends or it’s via text message or it’s on Sports Talk Radio that doesn’t make me feel better and you know but some people it does okay I I don’t understand that like if anything it makes it worse I and I said this to you before they lost game seven I said this to you 4 days ago and I said it based on the life experiences of of a basketball team that lost a game seven at home that had every injury excuse in the world I couldn’t sleep that night I couldn’t sleep for a week and it’s not because I knew the future was Bleak I didn’t know what the future was but I had the question of what if and what ifs are the worst I would rather lose to a team that just beat me than have to say well what if this guy was but when there are like 10 WH ifs it gets hard to like say we’re gonna be successful anyways but what if what if what if what if this guy didn’t happen this didn’t get hurt this guy didn’t this didn’t this didn’t occur Julius Randall blah blah blah what if what if what if what if what if eventually you run out of what if because there’s just not enough guys and you start saying how how the hell we even winning how are we even here and so you’re thankful just to be there because of all those what ifs I think that’s my under that’s my belief on what the Nick fan is thinking right now well I’ve got good news Nick fans I believe that the enemy of your enemy is your friend and I believe today many Nick fans agree with me I think you guys have been silenced by the thank yous you’ve been silenced by the this was great you’ve been silenced by the cheering after the game you’ve been silenced but I know the in New Yorker I am you I know how you feel and I know that you’re pissed today as you should the season ended prematurely let’s talk about it next 877 33766 66 plus the moments in game seven where you knew where you knew the outcome we’ll get to it coming up live from the Town Fair Tire Studios powered by Town Fair Tire nobody beats Town Fair Tire nobody

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  1. Evan! You do know That no team would've been able too overcome all the injuries and still make too game 7 2nd Round. Especially the NETS!! FACTS!!!!!

  2. We have been a shit show of a team for the last 24 years. This season was awesome, like watching a movie. That's why we feel gratitude, this team gave us something nobody in 24 years could give us. And on top of that, we can look at the next season saying, it is going to be great.
    Of course next season can be a disaster. But we have hope, before we had nothing.

  3. It says youā€™re a jerk Evan !!! Anyone who loves hoops spoke of how the Knicks had a lot of heart and grit!! Knicks fans ainā€™t happy we are giving props

  4. We took our foot off the gas in game 3, or their coach complaining for 2 straight games, just like Philly's coach did, completely changed the officiating in the series. Anyone who could watch games 1 and 2, and then 3 and not notice the difference in officiating is in denial. At the end of the day, yes, we lost. Injuries is apart of the beast, we just appreciate how our team didn't quit. That's why we're proud and happy what our team did… What really gets me upset is ESPN and Indy sharing all these memes, celebrating Indy's win, as if they completed some big goal. They struggled to beat a Bucks team with no Giannis and Dame, and they struggled to beat a Knicks team with a bunch of role players starting… Good try tho Evan

  5. I guess we Knick fans just appreciate what they did this season. Am i bummed ? Damn right. Pissed and calling them chokers ? Hell no.

  6. We donā€™t mind because the knicks have sucked for so long and thereā€™s finally a team we like and they gave all their effort

  7. Celts fan, I think the Knicks had a great season and I felt bad watching your guys drop like flies.

    Also sorry about Pierce stomping on Brunsons jersey. I donā€™t stand by that bullshit!

  8. Y'all tired of the Pacers beating the Knicks? Because as a Pacers fan I love it. Hope we see you again next May.

  9. Everything wrong with the retarded media summed up in a video, well done Evan. Hyperbole, unreleastic expectations, grandstanding…gross. These Knicks played their hearts out , OG on one leg, Jalen with a broken hand and a screwed up foot, Josh Hart with strained abdominal muscle, MichelI Robnison out, can go on and on…. what else can a fan ask for ???? I really, really despise the media.

  10. You are broke evan….we played with 3 starters mostly out for months. They ran out of gas. They worked hard, they truly cared for the fans and there coach. Your comment Evan is so off.

  11. We appreciate this team for their never say its over attitude. You can give thanks and still not be exorbitant

  12. They didn't choke they followed the script these games are set up they went as far as the script was to allow them. Stop acting like you don't know that's why I don't like sports anymore and I never liked the Knicks anyway at the Patrick Ewing retire

  13. They were the underdog according to Vegas, especially when you have 3 starters not available. Tiki, how do you put up with this guy?

  14. Brunson was healthy to start the series against a team that couldn't guard him. He was broken physically by the end of round 2. Not the NBA Finals, the conference semifinals. Point is, if they continue to ride him as hard as they do, he will break down again. The Knicks have to find ways to take some of the offensive load off of him.

  15. The reason Knick fans are happy right now is because we see a 3 to 4 year window to legitimately compete for an NBA championship coming up. Their roster is good enough to win the whole darn thing when healthy. 26-5 with Brunson and OG in the lineup??

  16. If was a tough pill to swallow, but we start over next year healthy with a very good squad, and then get to discover what will go wrong next year for us like always. 51 and counting

  17. Evan, some of us remember the Mets' 1985 season, winning 98 games and going home, getting a standing ovation when they were eliminated.

  18. Evan you been real this whole postseason and i respect that but the reason we not mad and saying Thank you yes itā€™s disappointing but up 2-0 OG goes down win game 5 Hart goes down in Game 6 and game 7 yes came out bad but cut it to 6 and Brunson breaks his hand out so u look back and realize Brunson and our bench took this team to 50 wins and took this team to game 7 of 2nd rd that was amazing now with that said we healthy next year and this happens now we pissed

  19. Evan doesnt get that there are other reasons people watch sports than just the team winning a championship so we can rub it in peopleā€™s faces like he would.
    He doesnt get that we want a team that we can root for unlike the nets with kevin durant. It was a great season and there is hope for the future. Why wouldnt we be happy about the knicks?

  20. I'm just curious do ya'll think traveling to Tarrytown for practice is not a little bit exhausting for the players…

  21. This guy Evan has been such a loser rooting for the Mets Jets Nets and Islanders he can't appreciate when a team loses what the circumstances were. Aaron Rodgers got injured his very first series and the Jets season was over. Edwin Diaz got injured in the WBC and the Mets season was over. Durant Kyrie and Harden left the Nets high and dry. The Islanders haven't won a Stanley Cup since the '80s. He's been beaten down by his team's losing he can't understand what the Knicks actually achieved. We Knick fans know if not for the injuries we could've gone to the NBA Finals but to get as far as they did even in losing game 7 we can feel proud they never quit and gave all they had to give. It just wasn't enough. A loser like Evan will never comprehend that.

  22. Even. You have to look at it in totality, they overcame so much this season, I am disappointed how it finished. But they gave it their all!!!!!!

  23. What heā€™s not getting is that when you leave it all out on the floor despite all the adversity, itā€™s all you can ask for. Asking this team to beat a team that was shooting 67% from the field without anyone else to defend without Hart being healthy, is unrealistic. Yet they STILL gave it their best. Guys didnā€™t rest they went out there. Youā€™d have to be an asshole to be pissed off

  24. The whole ā€œwhat ifā€ issue is stupid too. What if are acts of god. We canā€™t control that. If god forbid a team plane crashes, are you gonna be pissed the team canā€™t show up?

  25. This dude is a Nets fan? The NJ nets or BK nets? Lol cuz I donā€™t respect BK nets fans cuz they are former Knick fans. Shut up

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