@Indiana Pacers

Good to see ESPN called out for that embarrassment of a broadcast.

Good to see ESPN called out for that embarrassment of a broadcast.

by aplindse


  1. With Breen and Doris Burke, I get it. I think JJ lives in Brooklyn so that would kind of make sense too, but with his very close connection to TJ and relatively close connection with Tyrese I thought we might get a little more love from him. Makes me think it’s a narrative thing handed down from above.

  2. its my fault. I thought espn’s coverage of the first 6 games was the wooooorst. I now stand corrected. My bad yall.

  3. DiegoForskinForlan

    It is ESPN. Lol. What do you expect? They long quit focusing on sports.

    Whenever the Lakers, Knicks, Dallas Cowboys, etc lose in the playoffs ESPN always always always puts more focus on them than the team that beat them.

    ESPN is not for true sports fans and has not been for awhile. It is for people who want to see how the athletes are dressed as they enter the stadium and if Taylor Swift has a hangnail or not.

  4. Doris Burke still hasn’t got outta bed. It’s been 2 days now…someone please don’t check on her.

  5. Thesandman21

    Breen at least tries to be impartial as an play by play guy.

    Doris should have been sent back to sideline duty after she spent that game drooling all over Joakim Noah 10 years ago. There are literal high school kids in Indiana that would have done a better job being impartial than that.

  6. bohica1937

    Good, fuck em. I hope they’re kissing the 3rd rail. Bing bong.

  7. slickrickstyles

    Doris even addressed the Knicks as “we” at one point

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