@Denver Nuggets

Christian Braun Disappointed after Nuggets Eliminated By Timberwolves

Christian Braun Disappointed after Nuggets Eliminated By Timberwolves

um it’s tough loss um that’s it you know I haven’t you know this feeling is not something you want to feel you know I haven’t felt this feeling in a while um but you know got to come back better we got to get better as a team um it’s it sucks because I think uh we’re the better team they beat us you know they beat us fair and square but um you know I just think we have such a good opportunity to go back to back and you don’t get that opportunity very often um so it hurts but um you know this is what we need to feel us up 20 what happened in that second half um uh I mean they hit some big shots um you know that’s what they do though you know we were we were up uh you know whatever 9 to2 when they come back so we knew we had to uh start better and that’s been clear every single game of the playoffs it’s been clear um every game we talk about it every game talk about before every game um first five minutes first three minutes first three possessions whatever it is you know you have to start better you know you’re up 15 um it’s inexcusable to the game you know when you’re you’re up 15 and a half um think I could helped um more and uh you know we lost to fight for a top three seed until lose three home games in this series how frustrating is that knowing that you guys had the home court advantage and and didn’t come through uh like I said you know they beat us um so you know that is what it is uh you can’t spot a really good team you know that many you know that many games and feels like we started to play a little late in the series kind of arrived a little late um you know you can blame whatever you you want to blame you know guys are tired from last year whatever it is um but I felt we’re the best team in the NBA and I felt that um you don’t get this chance to go back to back you know like we got um you know so that hurts but like I said I think that you know the guys are up with the challenge I think that you know they’re going to respond the right way Michael said he blamed himself he said he apologized to you guys how do you react to that when a player shoulders yeah um obviously he didn’t feel like you know he played up to his standard um but you got understand you know Michael’s a big reason we’re here you know the Lakers series was not easy um and Michael bald out you know so um wasn’t his you know his series offensively um but we understand it’s not it’s not a everybody you know takes blame when you lose and uh you lose as a team you know it’s not a on man thing um so it’s definitely not his fault you know obviously he’s going to take that on his shoulders and um you know say those things and you know he means that uh but it’s not as fault it’s a team you know a team sport um and we got to be feel like you guys needed more of Defense you just defense and I think uh think I could help that uh I think we did a really good job on end in the first half really good I mean you couldn’t have done much better we put oursel you know probably in you know the best position we could have been in uh like I said they did a really good good job responding they got really good players they got really tough guys um tough covers you know they’re a really good team on defense so sound like we lost to a bad team um but I felt in my heart that we were a better team um and we got beat and that happens um you got to respond right away you just mentioned not having felt this feeling in a long time is is there anything that you want to to learn specifically from from this moment and to remember from from the feeling of this no I don’t want everyone to you know feel it again like I said I think that it’s different when you know you think the other team’s better than you or uh you know the other teams outmatch you or they sweep you or they beat you in five you know to lose in a game seven um in a game when you’re up 15 you know in game seven and a half um you’re playing really well on defense you know to lose like that you know that that uh things a little worse um like I said I think that um this is part of the ups and downs of people’s careers and um I know that these guys are um you know tough enough to bounce that from it um got to use it as fuel you know in the off season um yeah I don’t ever want this feeling again like I said I haven’t felt in a while um but you know we’re going to work all summer so we don’t have to do that sorry to look ahead so quickly but um I guess where where would you say you grew most over the course of the season and is there any any spot you identify wanting to improve upon this offseason uh you know there’s a lot of things I want to improve um that’s every offseason will be the same this offseason obviously um have a little more time you know this offseason uh to spend time on those things and uh that’s not what I want but uh it’s the reality of it so um I’ll be back Christian at this point you guys have faced the Timberwolves twice now in the playoffs do do you see this as a rivalry you guys in a in the same division I don’t like them I mean I think that we need more of that in the NBA you know um they’re a really good team they’re really well coached really good players um it’s a match up that you love you know you love to play in you know you don’t want to play you know but really friendly with a bunch of teams you know I think it’s a good rivalry for the NBA and um I would say it is a rivalry you know uh and that’s why this hurts more um I think I felt the same way about the Lakers and that could just be me I don’t know I could be good myself you know hyped up for those things but um yeah I would consider it that um and they you know they beat us this time and you know they their full Squad and um so uh you know definitely going to give them credit and they’re a really good team what would you say Nicole and Jamal gave this season in in this series I mean those guys you know they they give it their all every night um you know starting with Nia you know shows up every day plays every game regular season postseason whatever it is fights hard plays defense um carries us on offense you know he does everything for us um he’s consistent he’s a good person you know so he brings it every day same with Jamal um you know a guy coming off an injury played a really long season last year um got injured again this year um if you saw how many people had calf injuries in postseason this year a lot of them missed time you know Jamal didn’t um so he was playing through a lot Bal out today you know played really well bounce back uh you know from game six and play really well um you know that’s part of it too you know you want to win those games for those guys and um they mean the world to you know to me to the team um and obviously to the city uh you know like I said I think that um we’ll give a little time to rest and we’ll be back you guys got better this season from a win loss stand point from a lot of metrics in the regular season and other teams around the league kind of just caught up at at sort of a fast rate I guess well how do you guys respond to that when it feels like you guys took strides even throughout the season and then go backward the playoffs gu uh I don’t know that we went went backward I think that like I said it’s hard to go back to back it’s not easy it wasn’t going to be easy um the reason why I said it hurts so much I think we’re the better team um you that’s what sucks to me you know I wasn’t really focus on you know what we did we took care of what we didn’t take care of in the regular season um but it was postseason time you know we didn’t get you know the job done like we needed to um and you know it stings like I said um when you think you could have won and you were in such a good position and uh you were doing the right things and playing good defense and you know those things so um just got to get better Christian not every team wins the championship obviously what what are you most proud of this season just you or for the team I mean I’m I’m proud of everybody I’m proud of um you know each player you know obviously I’m very thankful for them I’m very thankful for the coach and staff uh you know it’s everybody in the organization obviously but um you know we didn’t accomplish our goal you know our goal was to win a championship our goal wasn’t you know to win a lot of regular season games and get to the second round you know that’s not what we wanted um put ourself in a great position uh today um in Loston you know so that’s not not the feeling we want um obviously I am proud of the whole team uh and how they fought um what they did but um we came up short and that’s not the feeling we want that’s not the goal um so next year we got to do better one more all right cool j

Christian Braun Press Conference in Locker Room after Denver Nuggets Lose Game 7 to the Minnesota Timberwolves to be Eliminated in Round 2 of the NBA Playoffs.

#nba #denvernuggets #christianbraun


  1. No one on the Nuggets was able to score consistently other than Jokic throughout the playoffs. Murray showed up for the first half in this game at least. Murray and Jokic combined for 69 points, the rest of the team had 21 COMBINED. That is never going to win in the playoffs.

  2. Honestly? For his age and position he did better than Jamal Murray did. Less fumbles, less mistakes, more consistent.

  3. Wolves fan here, this guy was a pain in the ass to play against. I think he’s gonna go crazy for y’all next season

  4. This bro don't give a fuck, just like Jokic doesn't. This team needs an open heart surgery. Trade all of their asses, keep Jokic and build around him. Trade Murray, Porter Jr. (bro is lost) and the rest of supporting cast

  5. Michael Porter Jr making a lot of money for a guy that didn't contribute AT ALL. Aaron Gordon went totally missing. There was a chance for Gordon to go for a contested dunk, with Nuggets down like 4, and he passed instead to (I think) Murray for a corner 3 (which missed).

    Lot of guys got scared of physicality and taking charge. Murray had 1 good half, bad 2nd half. Jokic, absolutely exhausted by the end, and he was useless in the lost ~2-3 minutes. Coach messed up big time not giving him a rest at some point. Although, with how they started the 3rd quarter, with practically no points, you can see how there was no easy answer.

  6. He could easily be our starting SG if he had an offensive game. Crazy as a white guy at his size coming into the league and can’t shoot. Needs to be a night and day difference from in his game offensively. He’s arguably our best defender and has all the athleticism you could ask for.

  7. Braun can work on his shots more in the summer take Michael Porter's spot. That guy is so disappointing, I think he is cooked or just doesn't have that desire anymore.

  8. Michael Porter Jr should have been benched for Christian Braun. But the problem is that AG and Christian Braun are not good offensively

  9. malone please develop the bench more. strawther, braun, watson all have great futures ahead of them, they should had been developed to get some more minutes. we should consider gordon hayward, he would be such an asset

  10. He says they needed more defense, but it was actually the offense that was lacking. Denver's offense was good this year but never hit that peak level like last postseason. Joker's jumper and three ball were noticeably worse, and even his touch around the rim was not quite as good as last year. Combine that with worse shooting splits from Jamal, MPJ and KCP – it is a wrap.

  11. It's inexcusable, as he said. Something's really off for them to lose 3 games at home in this series. Hoping for a better season next year.

  12. Bro just got lost in Game 7 at home and he says he has a better team. Youre not a dynasty team. Bruhh 💀💀

  13. The better team lost a 7 game series(and gave up a 20 pt lead), you wanna get better? Stop being delusional and makin excuses.

  14. doesn't matter what you feel in your heart, the t-wolves were/are the better team, if you stop thinking you were the better team and accept it, you will feel better.

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