@Miami Heat

Cavs would rather send Donovan Mitchell to Miami Heat? | Five on the Floor

Cavs would rather send Donovan Mitchell to Miami Heat? | Five on the Floor

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play got all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and Pat trust it’s SP have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skolnick you follow me Ethan J skolnick and at five reason Sports I got Alex Toledo you can follow him at tropical blanket or if you’re following Michael Beasley you may find him and we’ve got Greg slander you can follow him at Greg sander so here we are we’re in Donovan Mitchell season we’ve already done one episode I do not know if we will get to 38 I believe that was the Dame Lillard uh C uh count last summer um I think it was I well it may there were other episodes that touched on it I’m just I’m just talking about the ones where he was the all the playbacks topic it don’t even include those or Twitter or anything else or that I well we hadn’t started the Discord yet had we were we still on winow um but we we we did a lot of Dame stuff okay we did a lot of Dame stuff we’re just gonna go where the reports take us like we did not wake up this morning saying we got to do Donovan Mitchell again in fact we actually have a healthy list of topics uh to get us through the next two or three weeks okay it’s going to be about early June where we’re like all right Greg um who’s this guy who played at kraton uh you’re going to get a lot of those kind of episodes but for right now we’re trying to focus on on you know anything we see that’s still in the space news reports Etc so the latest comes from Sam amiko now this is not Sam amk I always make this distinction Sam amk is a national reporter based out in Sacramento I know both of these gentlemen very well okay I’ve worked around both of them over the years amch covers is working at the athletic now covers more of the league as a whole Sam Amo basically covers the Cavs um I met him when he was up when I was up in Cleveland uh during my horrible year of 1415 and I met very nice guy um I know that Heat fans get a little concerned with some of his reports because some of them related to the Heat have not always been on target uh so I’ll just say that at the very beginning we’d love to have Sam on the Pod to talk about this particular one there’s other things he has gotten right though all of us miss at times uh and his latest report essentially is that Dan Gilbert does not want to trade uh Donovan Mitchell and then of course Dan Gilbert the owner of the Cleveland C does not want to trade Donovan Mitchell to the Lakers which I guess everybody is saying to LeBron even though LeBron may not even be there we think he’s going to be there uh and LeBron helped Dan Gilbert win the only Championship he’s ever gonna win uh back in 2016 after coming back there when he never should have come back there so that was the report and then he threw in there and this is a oh wow okay dig leg we got a we got a pod topic uh he said he would prefer to get instead of what the Lakers have to offer they and and would prefer to get that’s him and Kobe Alman by the way I’ve spoken about before their general manager would prefer to get a couple of young stars in the making like Tyler hero and newly minted First Team all rookie selection haime hawas Jr and picks of course this led some to say wow Tyler’s being described as a future star again because last summer he was being described as a throwin to deals so again take that for what it’s worth um but this is what we’re going to be hearing and I’d love to get Sam on the Pod to discuss it because I I without him giving away his sources which we don’t ask people to do and I don’t like when people ask me to do uh it sounds like it’s coming from inside the house like it sounds like like he has knowledge of Cleveland’s uh situation and I don’t I can’t really figure out the leverage angle from the Cavaliers perspective Greg that’s where I come down like what what what would they have to gain by leaking that to him nothing because I think it would take a lot more than just just hakz and hero um I think that that sounds like hey if that’s the Trade sign me up but I think it’s going to cost a lot more than that so when I saw that report to me um I was I’m expecting to pay a lot more my good faith offer up front would be a lot more than Tyler herro and haime hakz so um from my perspective if that’s something that interests Cleveland that’s good that’s a good sign for Miami but we’ve already had guys say Miami and it didn’t work out so well so I don’t want to get too hyped up here no no doubt about that and and the other part of this uh that was part of the report was that Gilbert’s gonna be taking more of a role in basketball operations this summer poor Kobe I I I I so true I’m gonna say I feel like I have to say this on every episode but uh again I I know that Heat fans are going to say well the heat won’t make a deal with Cleveland because of their bad blood I have three I have three examples of of things that have happened between the organiz well well three reasons I believe they would make a deal first is I know Kobe a little bit and Kobe has great respect for the Heat organization as I’ve said that year I spent in Cleveland I spent a lot of time with Kobe because I was looking for a friend out there alone by myself when my child my newborn baby was back in South Florida uh and we happened to be at the same Club a lot because it was the only Club in Cleveland to go to okay inside the inside the the H condo hotel that the only good thing I got out of that year was I got Bleacher Report Turner Sports to pay for that thing for me every time it was really nice actually it looked like a Vegas hotel in Cleveland except without the casino and the pretty people but basically like I would get I would I would I would be at the summit there would be Kobe and we would just like we would just chat each other up and like we got to know each other and I talked to him a lot I remember this season yes during one of the Cavs games uh like when you happened to pass by him he he dapped you up like if you guys have been best friends since you get were were kids like it was like seen him in I don’t think I’ve seen him in eight years so again I that’s I’m just saying like or at least not since he got the big job because at the time he was number four so I’m just gonna say from some personal knowledge of this he has a lot of respect for the heat okay so what about Dan Gilbert well that’s another question but but there have been two tra there have been two trades made since between the two teams okay like I I’ll say this all right at first and I’ve told this story before and Norris has basically confirmed the story there was such had blood at the very beginning and and Griffin was the GM at that time but this wasn’t about David it was about it was about Gilbert that Norris was supposed to be going to Cleveland to join LeBron okay in the ne during the next season and I was told and this has been confirmed by others but I was basically told by Cleveland officials who I got to know uh that every time pat found out that the third team involved in the trade that they had constructed was Cleveland the trade was killed until he basically gave Norris away if you remember that was the Danny gra the whole Danny grer thing he did not want to send he did not want to help LeBron okay LeBron’s not there anymore all right so that’s that’s out so I think some of that’s gone second the Cavs saved the heat franchise because Kobe Alman decided in an off-hand conversation with an ellisburg hey you want Dwayne back and he ended up getting Dwayne for a second round pick that never conveyed which again saved the heat franchise because without him there’s no Jimmy Butler there’s no uh there’s no last dance there’s no good feeling and we’re basically covering the Miami Marlins okay so so we got to credit uh Kobe for that and obviously there’s some kind of Rapport between Kobe and Andy ellisburg that is better than the recort between say Joe Cronin and Andy ellisburg and that’s important okay but the third part of this is they just collaborated on the streu deal correct right so I mean this literally just happened last summer where there was facilitation to get that thing done so forgot about that right so for he fans who are who are uh and Sh that still wearing Panthers jerseys so and and following all of us on Instagram but feels like he wants to come home okay well if you were in Cleveland why wouldn’t you but anyway Alex but I guess my overall thing is like this is not we can set ourselves up for disappointment because there’s been disappointment before and we will we absolutely will okay but I think that there’s a little bit of Hope here that at least the heat are dealing with under the ownership level at least okay a professional basketball association as opposed to what we saw with the Portland Trailblazers last Sumer for sure and I think it’s a good point that you’re making there and like you giving the context it definitely like I think from a starting point makes you feel better about it that and just like what they had to go through last time where a lot of like pettiness was involved and you know it’s it’s hard it’s hard to judge them for doing that now a year later when we’re sitting here talking about examples of the he doing the same thing in Cleveland so I I still like I still don’t have I don’t great feelings about the way that it ended but now it just hit me it’s like oh wait no but in all seriousness um when you’re just comparing it to the Dame situation I think that is a positive for sure but again it comes back to like that report saying Dan gober’s gonna be more involved with basketball operations that makes you feel a little bit nervous because yeah like they gave Dwayne back and that was great that was awesome you can’t you know all of us were surprised by that I I still remember that moment where I was the reaction all that I remember I was in class and it was just completely like just I was in a journalism class funny enough and I uh I just completely like stopped listening and maybe that explains a lot but no um honestly like it’s the Donovan Mitchell thing is just such a larger scale where it’s like yeah they gave you Dwayne back when he was frankly older and just he wasn’t the same player it was just like you know it didn’t work out in Cleveland famously and you know it wasn’t that big of a deal for them but still good still good though like I mean whatever but he was better on the than he was in Cleveland yes he was even that last year I mean he was I mean leading the secondy good there but this Mitchell thing like you got you know Dan Gilbert who’s been so like prideful and filled with ego in the past like this Mitchell thing he was supposed to be this guy to like Usher them into this new era of winning and being relevant without LeBron which I’m sure meant a lot to him if I’m just you know trying to get into his head because we don’t know that for sure but like everybody thought there were going to be this you know I guess uh semi Contender I don’t know because I don’t think anybody expected him to be a Powerhouse or anything but it’s like okay this new era of Cavs basketball Donovan Mitchell is a great player they’ve got all these other young guys like this team is on the up and up and so quickly it’s like oh like have they hit their ceiling and you know like I mentioned on the last episode maybe they convince him to like okay we can reshape this team around you and do all that but again like if if you’re going through the same line of thinking as he’s not going to send them to LeBron and the Lakers why I don’t know that he would also want to send Donovan to an Eastern Conference rival who who he has disliked in the past now maybe he doesn’t really care anymore about that and you know like I like like you mentioned with Kobe Alin like that that helps right maybe he can ease him up there and if he really just like does like Tyler and hakz and you know some of these other pics that that he inevitably would have to give up in that deal I think he can be you know if it’s the best offer I think think he can be convinced to but if it’s like very comparable to other offers maybe it’s like okay cross off the Lakers cross off the heat what else what else do you have well well well the other thing is there there is a thing about trying to recoup your value right so they they got two they got two years Greg out of out of Mitchell um and they got uh what a second round appearance out of it uh first round second round appearance um and they did I got a second round appearance in the year where a lot of guys were hurt on the roster too uh so they did get some value out of it but they also gave up Lord marinan um who became an All-Star and they gave up a ton of picks and so they’ve got to recoup some of that maybe not all of that uh but but here here’s kind of my thought process on it and then after the break we’ll get into sort of reality of of this um is that you could convince your fan base in Cleveland uh about the timeline of this like in other words so let’s you have Moy right you want him to take a bigger role Garland’s role was diminished somewhat doesn’t seem to be happy playing with Mitchell at Le it doesn’t seem like they have personal issues they seem close but uh that you know again ball dominant all the rest of is some talk about how clutch doesn’t really want Garland there anymore if Mitchell is there um but with Garland Moy hero hakz and then even if you move Jared Allen for other pieces and some picks that you recoup you actually still have kind of a nice Chun team like it’s not I mean you you have PE like I mean Tyler is on Mo’s uh Tyler and hakz are about the same age as Moy Garland was in Hero’s draft class now we could talk about fit with Garland and Tyler that’s another question here but I I don’t know you could talk that’s not gonna be a bad team I mean it’s not it’s not gonna be and auro too I mean that’s not that’s not a bad that’s a that’s a pretty decent team I think that’s why I think it’s gonna cost more okay that plus like they could use the picks along with like some of the contracts they’d be getting specifically Tyler um right to to make another move if they wanted to but it’s a good point like it really lines up timeline wise like pretty neatly I mean it lines up better than some of these other teams we’re going to talk about so let let’s get to that after the break because I’ll go to Greg on that first on some of that stuff uh before we do though we want to mention a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network our friends over at Water Cleanup in Florida Michael Robert and his team if you have a leak get it fixed before it gets worse if it gets worse 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their new Arena game in the state of Florida i’ actually say this I’ve been winning more since the game switch than I was before so I don’t know why that is but check it out all right so Greg let’s say this uh let’s say first thing I mean well they could just resign Mitchell we’ve said that before we did a whole podcast about that this go all be for nothing right and then you’re talking about you are you interested in Garland or somebody else but they could they could just resign Mitchell if I mean I mean he wants the extension they’ll give it to him most likely and I I don’t feel it’s the way this is trending based on the chatter right and it doesn’t feel he he’s never said keep me I want to stay here like he he sort of dodges the question um whereas when we reported and we talked about this the other day when we reported that he didn’t really want to play with Jimmy or we heard that from other people he jumped right all over me on that on on a tweet he was very definitive about that uh he has not been definitive about staying in Cleveland so it strikes me that when he wants to be definitive he will be um and so I I’ll just ask this like if he’s gonna go somewhere else like who scares you like who’s the Milwaukee this time it’s a team we haven’t heard of yet that’s what it has to be yeah because that’s inevitably where how this goes and that’s why I’m the Dame summer made me cynical I’m going to have a hard time getting too excited about any of these rumors even when I hear stuff from sources that I know are valid I’m still going to be cynical about the whole process because we saw how that played out but um you do want to start hearing better um and more direct signs to Miami if you can and the fact that Miami was linked in this this is a couple times now Zack low said the heat were lurking for Donovan Mitchell I think that’s who said that and now you get this so you just start adding up these little breadcrumbs right and then we’ll see how it goes this is what you want to be you want to be in the conversation for these Superstars every single summer you may not get them all but at least you’re in the conversation trying to swing and make those these deals and get them done uh Alex who would concern you give me give me one team just out of the blue out of the blue one team shot in the dark one of the New York teams one of the New York teams that’s that’s been the other like situation rumored for him for years Brooklyn has um ways that they can make it happen I don’t know how exciting that would be for him as far as like the team on the court right like I guess they could bring back Nick Nick Claxton this summer and you know him bridges in Claxton uh shock the world I guess no but like that’s been rumored and then this Nick thing right and there was like talk that you know maybe they’re not as um inclined to trade for Mitchell as they were before with Brunson being their new guy maybe that’s a for all we know a byproduct of the way that the season ended for them it’s like you know maybe we could use another guy and just kind of work work around the flaws cuz yeah I think that would be pretty tough if you had to deal with both of those guys but he did just get out of a situation where you know um he’s playing alongside another guard who was expected to be it was expected to be like this amazing backc Court pairing wasn’t always the case um and Brunson is significantly better than Garland not not hating on him so it’s it’s different but you know I don’t know what his thinking is there but for sure like those teams are they have the ability to do that I would be worried about them first and foremost because of maybe his inclination to want to go back home um and I guess from there like I think there’s just going to be a lot of other teams involved so that makes me skeptical in the same way that I am I mean that Leif is where it’s like um you know the teams I have’t mentioned already right like maybe a Houston or Memphis uh somebody brought up New Orleans the other day just like contending teams maybe like for all we know like the the Clippers can get involved somehow I was gonna say that that they’re the one that cons I Denver needs backward scoring I think I don’t know how that happen though but well that yeah right so I mean there there are some teams that that I think would be a challenge but I think teams that are kind of on the cusp uh or around there would would there are two kind of teams that would value Mitchell I I think one is again he’s on the timeline age-wise he’s still 27 going to be 28 years old so I mean he’s entering Prime he has had some injury issues and we’ve talked about the defense a little bit we did that on the on the podcast so I think you’re getting an average Defender with with maybe uh availability concerns going forward potentially I feel like that’s everybody in the NBA at this stage but it is what it is but I I I also think the thing is if you’re looking for a contender honestly he fits better in Miami than anywhere else and that that’s why I don’t want to get ahead of myself because it’s the same was true of Dane and it didn’t end up happening but he is exactly what they need which is they need a guy to carry the scoring during the regular season get Jimmy to the finish line and he still can be a closer in the playoffs like that’s that’s kind of what you’re looking for it is what they Sort of hope Tyler would grow into at this stage it doesn’t look like that’s the projection for Tyler and so this is fast forwarding the whole process if it’s hakz and and hero and some picks yes okay I can’t I’m not going to make more arguments against that you figure out the tax situation the cap situation from there we’ve talked about how hard it is to have three guys like that they have to be the right three guys so if that’s the case makes sense Trey young to me H Brandon Ingram no okay that’s kind of where I’m at with it on that kind of stuff and and but it’s Mitchell I I can make the case for it if you’re keeping yovic out of the deal then yes I’m making the deal because your front Court set then like I mean literally you have bam yic and and Butler like your your front Court is set like as yic improves like that with with what Mitchell’s going to provide to take pressure off Jimmy you’ve made everything better now but question is how does it work with Rosier also I’ve mentioned Rosier has killed Cleveland traditionally over the years he’s from that area maybe he goes back expand the deal maybe you expand the deal maybe Max comes back I mean there are there are things to look at here okay maybe Duncan goes somewhere else there there are there’s optionality with this deal whereas it felt like with the Dame deal it was either you’re going to throw everything out there at him or you’re not going to be able to make a trade and also again Dame had all those years left on his contract Mitchell does not we’ve talked about that on a previous po it does give Mitchell a little bit more leverage here if he’s not planning on resigning somewhere so we’re gonna leave it there we’re gonna leave it there because we got 37 more 36 more of these podcasts do uh get on autograph use the code five somebody please put out something about I don’t know Kevin Durant tomorrow so that one of those aggregation sites could post it out there so we have a topic thank you very much have a good day thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the five Reon Sports Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad

Now there’s a title. Ethan, Greg and Alex discuss the Sam Amico report that Cavaliers owner doesn’t want to send star guard Donovan Mitchell to the Los Angeles Lakers…. and a package from the Miami Heat might be more appealing.

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  1. He sends Mitchell to Miami, it keeps Mitchell not only from helping Lebron in LA, but also keeps Lebron from being able to go back to Miami should they draft Bronny, or otherwise.

  2. Honest opinion if the Heat & Pacers face off they will never ever beat the Heat in a seven game series if & only if they are all fully healthy

  3. We can't extend Jimmy. We're gonna be stuck paying a 37/38 year old 60 million dollars. That would be a disaster. Move him now and get assets to make a move for Mitchell. A core with Bam, Jovich, JJJ, and Spider is younger with higher upside.

  4. Not sending players to teams in Conference is Overrated MILWAUKEE SENT JRUE HOLIDAY TO BOSTON TO THE BIGGEST THREAT IN THE EAST

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